"Eh? Why?!"

"Giving half to me! After printing so many copies, you still want to take them all?"

"Ahaha, I just forgot!"

He readily divided half of the photo in his hand to Izumi Akira, and Chang Muyao, who continued to walk forward, had a deep and invisible sigh in his eyes for some reason.

Chapter 64 Showdown

Returning to the machine area of ​​Gelsogar, near noon, the crowds in the game room are gradually increasing, especially the number of people in Gelsogar is the densest, some people are sitting and playing, some are watching the game, and some are explaining Then, there was a sound of exclamation from time to time.

Chang Muyao led He Quanming to the machine with the most crowds. After passing through the crowd, he saw a man and a woman starting a doubles match on their seats. They skillfully manipulated the machine, with the woman as the main attacker and the man as the assistant. The passerby opponent hangs up and hits.

It didn't take long for the battle to be over.The loser wailed, while the winning male and female combination gave a high five and laughed happily.

After watching the entire match, Izumi couldn't help but admire Chang Muyao: "Oh, is this the very powerful combination you mentioned? It's really strong, and the cooperation is also very tacit. No wonder you lost last time... ..."

Then he took a closer look, and found that the boy sitting on the chair and smiling at the long-haired girl seemed to have seen it before, with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

wait, this guy is...

"Kami Tian Masaichi?"

Sensing someone calling his name, Jia Weitian turned his head reflexively, and when he saw Akira Izumi who was looking at him with strange eyes, he opened his mouth in astonishment: "Ming, Ming?! Why are you here? And you are still Did you come with Toneki-san?"

The girl with black shoulder-length hair sitting next to him looked at Chang Muyao, showing a meaningful smile: "Oh? Yao, after losing to us last time, have you brought a new partner to challenge? Are you so unhappy?"

Raising his eyebrows, Chang Muyao raised the corners of his mouth not to be outdone, and his tone was sharp and aggressive.

"Yes, sister Tou. It's fine to lose to you, but losing to Kami Tian-kun really hurts me! This time I will let you taste the feeling of defeat, wash your neck and wait!"

The girl known as senior sister Tou smiled indifferently: "Then I will wait and see... The rules are the same as before, there is no limit to the battle, and the winner will be determined in one round, okay?"

"Of course!"

While the two girls were confronting each other, the two boys were also whispering to each other.

"Jia Weitian, I didn't expect you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to betray the revolution!"

Holding Jiawei Tian Zhengyi's shoulder, Izumi smiled maliciously.

"W-what revolution?" Jia Weitian tilted his head in bewilderment.

"That is to say, you actually found a senior sister to be your girlfriend! It's not a bad idea! If you are weak, you should find someone who is older and stronger than you."

Glancing at the girl who was confronting Chang Muyao, without attracting the attention of the two, he blushed and waved his hands to deny: "No! I don't have that kind of relationship with Miyako-senpai! Also, don't say I'm weak!"

Seeing Akira Izumi's obvious disbelief, Jiawei Tian Zhengyi hardened his breath, instead, he tapped Akira Izumi on the chest, and teased him: "... Then what do you say about Akira? It is time to announce the reconciliation in a fair manner. Has Mr. Chang Mu dated? Come to the game center for a date on Sunday, the evidence is conclusive, so you can’t deny it anymore, right?”

He Quanming spread his hands indifferently: "Look at what you said, I don't want to deny anything. Although we are dating, we really have no relationship."

"You're still dating when you're not dating?!" Jia Weitian Zhengyi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"...It's nothing." Retracting his envious and contemptuous eyes like looking at scum, Kami Tian Zhengyi quietly glanced at Tone Muyao who was aggressively confronting Gongmae Touyu, and asked Hequanming in a low voice: "Yes Oh... Akira, do you know about Miyamae-senpai and Toneki-san?"

"I don't know, it's also the first time I've seen the Miyamae-senpai you mentioned." He Quanming shook his head, and looked at Miyamae Toru, who calmly responded to Chang Muyao's provocation—the shoulder-length black long hair. Hair, mature and gorgeous facial features, and a slender and plump figure, like Yau Chang Mu, it is hard to think that she is a beautiful girl who will appear in the game center.

Speaking of which, Chang Muyao knew both of them, and he seemed to have a close relationship with that Gongqian senior... It seems that there is something wrong with playing games for revenge.

Seeing Akira Izumi looking at Toru Miyamae with strange eyes, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart, Kami Tianzheng quickly blocked his sight, and lectured him righteously like guarding against a thief.

"Ming, you already have Toneki-san, and you might even have an affair with Kato-san, don't try to think about Miyamae-senpai again! You can't be such a scumbag, just let Miyamae-senpai go!"

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, his face darkened, and he suddenly wanted to dent Jiaweitian's face with a thousand-two-hundred-one-forbidden gesture.The impulse of a childish girl.

"...You idiot, what the hell are you thinking about? Also, is this a provocation? Is it a provocation? You dare to call me a scum, Jia Weitian, have you been itchy recently and want to practice with me?"

For Jia Weitian's false accusation, Izumi expressed his anger and wanted to defend his pure and noble personality!

"Hey!" Even if I don't know the level of Izumi's combat power, but looking at his murderous look, Jia Weitian, who has a bad personality, can't help but shrink back, wanting to open his body and apologize; It's Gongqian-senpai, if she gives in to Izumiaki here, that innocent and naive senior will fall into the hands of scumbags, and she can only cry in her harem alone in the empty boudoir every day...

Thinking of that scene, Jia Weitian held back the steps that wanted to back away, gritted his teeth and still stood in front of Izumi: "...I, I just hope that you can restrain yourself a little bit! You already have so many beautiful girls by your side Surrounded by it, I’m not missing Miyamae-senpai! And, besides, let’s not discuss how many boats you’re on—Miyamae-senpai is really not suitable for you!”

Without attracting the attention of the girls behind, Jia Weitian closed his eyes and desperately said these words, hoping to impress the lust and desire of the scum in front of him, and pick Miyamae-senpai from his prey .

"..." So you think of me as a playboy who is always interested in sex?Fuck, your brain-capturing ability is good!I almost thought my surname was Ito or Sawakoshi, which made me look like the evil forces.

Regarding Jia Weitian self-servingly defining him as a scumbag, Izumi Ming was both angry and funny—annoyed because this guy probably regarded him as a human-shaped self-propelled cannon in his heart, and laughed because he didn’t expect to be able to see it again. Going to Jiaweitian to fight for love...

Although he is the one being fought.

But for the sake of him being strong once in a while, He Quanming didn't intend to be angry with him.

Sighing, he waved his hands helplessly: "...Let's not say that I don't have any boat at all, I have no idea about your senior sister in front of the palace, okay? It's because you think too much and misunderstand... In other words , What do you take me for? A bulldozer that you want to push when you see people?"

"——Yes, is that so... that's really great..." Without answering his question, Jia Weitian breathed a sigh of relief, his tense spirit relaxed, and he slumped back on the chair in exhaustion, and patted him thankfully. chest, and then her face turned red again, "No, I've already said that I'm not like that to Miyamae-senpai... just, even if I have a little bit...but Miyamae-senpai..."

At this time, a clear voice came from behind him.

"What's the matter, Masaichi-kun? Do I have any questions?" Miyazaki Toru patted Jiawei Tian Masaichi's shoulder from behind, with a puzzled look on his face.

Chang Muyao was also standing beside He Quanming at this time, and it seemed that the two had finished their conversation.

"Miya, Miyamae-senpai!? Nothing happened!"

Ignoring Jia Weitian whose face started to turn red again, Izumi turned his head and asked Chang Muyao: "The combination you are talking about is Jia Weitian and that senior sister in front of the palace, right? So they are all acquaintances?"

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