Even in jeans, Chang Muyao still jumped on the dancing machine like a butterfly wearing flowers. His exquisite face and good figure attracted the attention of many audiences. He won FULL COMBO again and got a lot of applause.

On the side, Izumi Ming, who had already become an audience because of a broken foot, clapped his hands the loudest, making Chang Muyao blushed a little embarrassedly. After saluting and thanking the surroundings, he pulled He Quanming and ran away.

The fourth battle, boxing machine.

After the challenge, He Quanming knelt beside him with a gray body, and Chang Muyao patted him on the shoulder with a wry smile.

"...This boxing machine must be broken, why is my score lower than yours..."

"Not just lower than me, you are lower than most people..."

So Izumi became even more depressed.

In the first battle of the boxing machine, the halberd was crushed.

The fifth battle, a racing game.

The two old drivers showed their drag racing skills like no one else, and they refused to give in to each other on the road. One used the deformed ditch running method, and the other used fuel to corner. They couldn't stop them for [-] consecutive hairpin turns. They ran to the end The third player can't even see their car's taillights and it's game over.

It is said that after this, someone sent a letter of war to them, saying something like "I will wait for you on Qiuming Mountain".


After spending a lot of game currency, while getting a generous exchange ticket, their combination's name was also included in many lists.

By the way, as long as you can get a certain score in the games here, you can get exchange tickets. If you enter the list, you will get more. The more exchange tickets you can go to the counter to exchange for better products.

Because Chang Muyao fell in love with a certain product, they worked harder on the list, increasing their scores steadily.

Therefore, on this day, on most of the game consoles in the Kitasenju Game Center, a row of names appeared at the top of the leaderboard.



"Who is that U.M.R... the score is unbelievably high, and it can't be surpassed at all!" Holding the drink he exchanged in his hand, Chang Muyao complained while drinking.

She's still pissed off about not getting all the No. [-]s.Because except for two-player games, most of the game consoles that can be played by a single player are ranked first by that U. M. R is occupied, no matter how hard they try, they can't surpass the scores that humans can't score, they can only be second.

"Well, the masters are among the folks, it's not bad for us amateurs to reach this level!" Consoling without sincerity, He Quanming tossed the few game coins left, thinking about which game to play next .

At this time, Chang Muyao suddenly ran towards a game console, the resentment he had just dissipated, and he waved to him with an excited smile on his face.

"—and play this next!"


He Quanming was a little speechless.Sure enough, a man and a woman went to the game center to play Metropolis to take pictures...

What a trick.

"You can't play the big head stickers, right? There is no way for us to score points and get exchange tickets."

"This is commemoration! Do you understand commemoration! Don't keep thinking about score and leaderboards, it's so boring!" Chang Muyao put his waist on his waist and lectured him confidently.

"The craziest person on the list just now is obviously you, okay..." He Quanming wanted to say something, but Chang Muyao pulled him into the curtain of the photo sticker machine without any hesitation.

The two squeezed into the small space of the machine, and their bodies were inevitably pressed against each other. Feeling the smell of sweat from the girl's game, as well as the silky and wonderfully warm skin, He Quanming quickly tightened his body, While Chang Muyao was still adjusting the machine, he silently recited the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" ten times before calming down.

"Come on, come on, the photo is about to start, take a pose—what's the matter? Look solemn." The machine started counting down, and Chang Muyao looked back at He Quanming, but found that he seemed to be thinking about something Like major events in life, his serious face seemed to be faintly shining with Buddha's light.

"...It's nothing, I'm just thinking of a better pose."

"It's good to compare it! Also, when the flash is on, don't squint your eyes."

"Wait, let me think about what kind of JOJO stand I want to pose! If the space is so small, I shouldn't be able to use Qiqiao's pose..."

"Oh, it's too late, come here!" The countdown sound of the machine was coming to an end, Chang Muyao saw that He Quanming was still at a loss thinking about what pose to pose, so he quickly grabbed his arm.

"Hey! Wait—"

Before he had time to react, He Quanming was just pulled towards her by Chang Muyao, and he couldn't help but fall towards her, watching her close her eyes and press her pink lips to his side face...


After the flashes, Chang Muyao chose the special effects of the heart frame and pink bubbles, making them look like a couple of dogs and men in love in the photo.

Touched the side face that didn't feel any soft touch, and then looked at him who was stunned by the photo sticker that kissed the cheek, and Izumi stared weakly at Chang Mu, who was smiling like a little fox stealing a chicken Yao.

"Hee hee, how about it, this is called misplaced shooting!"

"A kiss on the cheek has to be misaligned, you really took a lot of trouble..."

With his hands behind his back, Chang Muyao looked at his toes pretending to be shy, and said coquettishly.

"Oh, do Izumi-kun want me to really kiss you? They will be shy~"

"I'll be shy too..."

Chang Muyao suddenly raised his head in astonishment: "How could that happen!? Is the word shy in the dictionary of Izumi-kun who is as thick-skinned as a city wall? Stop joking, you bastard! That's not the Izumi-kun I know what!"

He Quanming squeezed his fist: "...I think it is necessary for you to get to know me again."

Chang Muyao turned his head and smiled as if nothing had happened, walked to He Quanming's side and patted him on the shoulder naturally, and then walked to the machine platform of Gunsogar.

"Let's go! At this time, there should be more people at Steel Sogar, and the chances of them coming are very high. Izumi-kun is ready to fight!"

"...Before you say such passionate words, put down the photo sticker in your hand."

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