
The body shook from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. Instantly stimulated, Izumi jumped off the chair and shrank away from Chang Muyao's control.

...This guy, where is the point of shyness!Obviously, she would blush because of some trivial things, but now she can even do such provocative things, where is the shame?

Bending forward slightly, Kazumi Ming didn't care about the heat on his face, he stared at him with wide eyes and grinning, shouting like a girl from a good family who had just been bullied.

"What are you doing all of a sudden! Men and women don't know each other!"

"Oh, oh, what are you doing with such a big reaction? It's just a whisper, is there any need to make such a fuss?" Smiling maliciously, Chang Muyao fanned his cheeks with his hands, like a personable Like a young master, he smiled at Izumi Ming, "What? Are you shy? It turns out that Izumi-kun is so innocent that he can't even stand this little stimulation?"

...Damn it, it's a man who can't bear to hear this!

He Quanming couldn't help laughing angrily, adjusted his trousers quickly - thanks again for the dim lights in the game hall - and walked towards Chang Muyao with his head up and chest out.

"Want to know if I can stand it? Come on, do it again! Let's see who can't stand it first this time!" Sitting back on the chair domineeringly, he straightened his waist and looked directly at Chang Muyao who was full of smiles, "Who Who are you to be stupid? Force! Quanming and I are real men who walk straight and sit upright, and we are not afraid of being charmed by a witch like you! If you want to whisper anything, just come, if I bend down, I will lose!"

Facing Izumi who was furious in order to protect his dignity, this time Chang Muyao distanced himself from him, crossed his hands, and said coolly beside him.

"Hey... yeah? But I don't want to know if you're a real guy, I just want to know if you can play Steel Sogar well... so can we start training soon?"

This kind of attitude of pulling the dick and leaving makes He Quanming grit his teeth and almost wants to take a picture of the game console and tell her that I don’t play this shit game anymore—but when I think about it carefully, it’s because he overreacted from the beginning to the end , Not thick-skinned enough to allow Chang Mu to take advantage of him to tease him.

If he was more mature, calmer, and more like Uncle Shibo, he would be able to enjoy the touch of his back more... No, he would be able to tease Toneki in turn, making her hide her face and run away in embarrassment!

What's more, Chang Mu didn't do anything excessive, and he was the one who was paid the benefits. It would be too rude to turn his face and leave at this time... He can't do something like this to hurt a girl's heart just to protect his own face things.

So in order to maintain his noble character, He Quanming made up his mind to ignore this matter, and instead focused on Gunsogar.

——Hmph, wait until I have a thicker skin and come to settle accounts with you!Now use this game to impress you!

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you want to start training? Don't blame me for my poor skills if you lose by then!"

Chang Muyao was stunned for a moment, she thought that He Quanming would be angry because of being molested like this, but she didn't expect...

Smiling slightly, she trotted to He Quanming's side, clung unscrupulously to his arm, and began to explain the game skills in detail.

And Quanming, who was studying hard, no longer cared about the touch of skin-to-skin contact, and focused all his attention on the arcade in front of him, addicted to the game, unable to extricate himself.


Two hours later.

Chang Muyao put his hand down from the joystick, stood up, and clapped his hands to Izumi who had just finished duel with her on the opposite machine.

"You guys are really good at playing games! You can reach this level after only two hours of practice, maybe you can really beat them!"

After a pause, she didn't hear He Quanming's answer, she went around the arcade and walked to him with some doubts, but saw him biting his nails and concentrating on thinking about something.

"...When the enemy shoots, use oblique angles to circle around to avoid counterattacks. When in close combat, pay attention to blocking and look for opportunities to poke his eyes. A one-hit kill is the fastest way to end the game..."

...It seems that he really has the outcome in mind.

Smiling in relief, Chang Muyao patted He Quanming's shoulder to bring him back to his senses.

"Okay, okay, what you have done is good enough, the rest depends on our tacit understanding and improvisation! Now go over there and relax!"

Although she smiled and pointed at the various game consoles next to her, Hequanming waved her hand without even looking at it.

"Go on your own! I want to study tactics, and I still have some immature skills, so I can't beat a real master! For my glory, I can't let go of a second, how can I have time to play with that kind of kid? The game! Steel Thorgar is my life..."


Chang Muyao twitched the corner of his mouth.I didn't expect that this guy didn't care about winning or losing, but he had already played Steel Sogar to the point of obsession!

To be reasonable, a beautiful girl asked you to play a game with her. Not only did you refuse to agree, but you also acted like you wanted to be with Steel Sogar forever. No wonder you are single until now!A normal girl would definitely say "Stinky otaku!", then turn around and leave.

But Chang Muyao is not a normal girl.

Seeing Fudo and Quanming, Chang Muyao directly and forcefully pulled out his account card, and dragged him to other game places.

He Quanming finally got out of the enchanted state when he was far away from Gunsogar.

"—Okay! Let's engrave our names on the leaderboards of all the machines!" He raised his fist passionately, and He Quanming smiled excitedly. The ambition of Pa Game Center.

"Oh!" Also raising his hands high, Chang Muyao led Quan Ming to the center of the game area like a wild horse running wild.

First battle, shooter.

He Quanming showed extraordinary shooting ability, with a gun in each hand and a chocolate cigarette in his mouth. With the sound of "It's noon!", the zombie on the screen fell down.

Then he became sore and weak due to excessive force on the arm, and Chang Mu played all the subsequent levels.

Second battle, fighting game.

The two showed an extraordinary tacit understanding, and successfully challenged the nightmare computer under joint efforts, scoring quite high scores.

Among them, Izumi Akira also won praise from the audience because of his hidden nirvana.

The third battle, music game.

Chang Muyao turned into a big touch, like Avalokitesvara, won the fantasy difficulty FULL COMBO.

Although she asked He Quanming to help her massage her arm with a bitter face, our righteous and pure He Quan children are naturally shameful...


The fourth battle, dancing game.

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