...well, wrong guess.Cross out the second one.

"...It's good to eat it. Let's find a place to hang out first! The crepe shop will only open in the afternoon, and we can eat it at that time. Let's go first..."

After thinking about it, the third item of the notebook has many dating places written on it. Judging from the current time, it should be about the same to go to a movie, right?Then follow the plan in item [-] of the notebook to choose what movie to watch...

With that in mind, he proposed.

"Just go to the movies—"

But was interrupted by Chang Muyao.

"By the way! I want to take you to a place first!"


△▲Separation line where the sky clears instantly▲△

Looking up at the signboard of "Kitasenju Game Center" in front of him, he raised his eyebrows, and Akira Izumi couldn't help asking the question knowingly.

"This is... the game center?"

Chang Muyao nodded, with inexplicable pride and excitement on his face: "That's right, it's the one I often come to! The owner of this store is very well-connected, and the game consoles are all the latest models, which can be exchanged." There are also many kinds of prizes; the most important thing is that many steel sogar masters will come here to play, you can open your eyes and learn their skills..."

Seeing Chang Mu's high-spirited talk, listening to it, He Quanming couldn't help sighing inwardly - he usually looks like he's full of enthusiasm, but I didn't expect this guy to like playing games so much...

It's just that the dating notebook doesn't say how to date a girl who likes to go to the game center... Do you have to have a pickpocket and a hedgehog first?

Forget it, anyway, the things written in this notebook have not been used once until now - said to be early and met Toki who was also early, said to have breakfast with the other party but the other party had already had breakfast, said to go to the cinema In the end, Chang Mu directly brought him to the game center...

It's useless to talk about war on paper, it seems that I still have to adapt to the situation!

No longer relying on "Dating Notebook", He Quanming plans to create the most perfect date in his own way from now on!

Seeing his sudden change of expression, Chang Muyao stopped to talk about the facilities in the game center, and asked in a slightly disturbed tone.

"What, don't you like Game Center?"

Seeing her look as if she was afraid of him turning his head away, He Quanming shook his head a little funny, raised his thumb, and flashed a smile.

"Of course not, it's better to say that it's exactly what I want! I just want to thank you for not letting me go shopping until I die!"

After all, he has heard that [-]% of women and men use men as handbags and cash machines when they go out. I can't stop walking down the street...

Hearing this answer, Chang Muyao suddenly laughed happily, his eyes bent into crescents.

"Hmph, let's talk about that next time. Today's main purpose is to play games! Recently, there has been a pair of very good steel sogar players. My original partner can't keep up, so I want to see if you can play with me. The combination defeated them... By the way, are you good at playing games?"

Seeing that Chang Muyao dared to question him, He Quanming raised his glasses, and a deep light flashed through the lens.

He laughed disdainfully.

"... Tsk, ignorant mortals! I once put my name on all the machines in a game center except boxing machines! People who know me in the world call me the "God of Games" what! "

——Although it happened in the previous life, this incident is absolutely true. He really spent a day and a lot of money in a newly opened game center, using all the game machines except the boxing machine. The name "God of Games" was written on it.

Very boring.

Chang Muyao looked at him suspiciously: "Did you lie to me? Are you really that good?"

"Hehe, don't worry, strength will prove everything! Let me familiarize myself with that game, and I will bring you the victory!" Raising his head proudly, he strode into the game center and looked back at Chang who was still standing there. Mu Yao.

"What? Why don't you introduce how to play the game called Steel Sogar?"

Looking at his passionate and eager smile, Chang Muyao was stunned for a moment, then he smiled like a flower, his brown ponytail fluttered, and he raised his fist towards He Quanming.

"Okay—! Then let's start the special training!"

Chapter 63 Date with Yao Changmu (Part [-])

"... Steel Sogar is an online arcade game that combines machine combat, fighting, shooting and cultivation. You need to apply for an account card before you can start playing--I borrowed it from my previous partner..." I got one, so you can use it for now, and apply for a new one later.”

Handed a thin card to Izumi.When talking about this game, Chang Muyao's face is full of seriousness, which is a little different from her usual, with a special sense of beauty.

After receiving the card, He Quanming, who was sitting in front of the arcade machine, looked up at her side face. In the dim space, the dim light from the screen hit her fair and firm skin like a piece of finely carved jade.

Seeing that Akira Hequan was staring at her with a strange gaze, Chang Muyao couldn't help but blushed, and pretended to be stern and said: "Look, what are you looking at! Now is the time for special training, don't be distracted!"

"...It's nothing, it's just that you seem to really like this game." Shrugging, He Quanming turned his head back to the arcade screen, and inserted the account card into the machine according to the explanation Chao Chang Muyao just explained.

"Well, I don't really like it very much..." Chang Muyao smiled embarrassedly, leaning on the arcade machine, his slender legs wrapped in jeans crossed and side by side, "But I have often come to the game center since I was in junior high school. I’ve played it, I should say it’s become a habit... Ahh, I really miss those days~”

"Anyone will miss the past, but no one can go back to the past." Pushing his glasses and talking nonsense, He Quanming looked forward deeply, "...so don't miss it for now, do you want to teach me this? How to play? I feel like I'm about to be beaten to death by the computer."

Breaking away from the memory, Chang Muyao looked at the screen. This guy did not know when he turned on the computer practice mode, and he was swaying the joystick to avoid being rubbed by the computer body on the ground, but he had already been hit by a bullet. If you shoot red blood, you will lose to the simplest computer.

"Idiot - you can still lose if you practice with the computer, even if you are a novice, you are not that good!" She hurriedly leaned over and pressed her hand on the console to help He Quanming control the body to move and counterattack. On the back of Ming's hand, he simply and quickly solved the clumsy computer body.

"How is it? Did you remember the operation just now?" Heaved a sigh of relief, and finally avoided having an extra record of failing computer exercises on his friend's account. Chang Muyao looked at He Quanming's face, but found that he was just dumbfounded. Staring blankly at the screen, he was so lost in thought that he didn't know what he was thinking. Through the light from the screen, he could still see that his ears were a little red.

——As a virgin, Izumi Akira was the first time to be so close to the opposite sex.The girl's fragrance surrounds the surroundings, strands of hair hanging down gently scratch his cheeks, every breath can feel the heat that seems to ignite the body, and the delicate voice occupies all the memories in his mind like a [-]D stereo body, the smell of hormones seems to take him to the forbidden Garden of Eden...

What's more, the soft and firm twin peaks behind him made him want to shrug his shoulders and feel the seductive touch carefully, but he didn't dare to do so because of his demeanor and morality; he could only Empty your mind, fly your consciousness to the distant Utopia, and force yourself to enter the state of a sage.

...Well, fortunately he was sitting, and the lights in the game room were very dim, otherwise his Italian cannon would have appeared in front of Chang Mu.

Seeing his appearance, Chang Muyao also seemed to understand something, and moved his chest away from his back with a reddish face, but did not distance himself from him, instead he still held the joystick and his hand The slender hands tightened, and the front body leaned on him, as if wanting to hug him from behind, close to his ear, and exhaled softly.

"...Izumi-kun, H!"

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