There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and when he walked quickly past a corner of a bookshelf, a figure suddenly appeared in front of He Quanming's eyes, holding the book and walking forward with his head bowed; one person had no time to react, and one person did not notice it at all. , The two just collided with each other just like that.

Fortunately, they didn't collide while running, it was just because He Quanming's forward momentum was a little stronger, causing the figure to stagger backwards after hitting his chest, although He Quanming grabbed her hand in time to prevent her from falling. She fell, but the books in both hands accidentally fell to the ground.

"Ah, pain, pain... who ran in the bookstore! You won't say sorry if you bump into someone!" He suddenly pulled back the hand that was held by Izumi, and the girl's dissatisfied voice sounded, and the white hand rubbed The head hit Izumi Akira's chest, and the brown hair was brushed away, and at the same time there was a burst of fragrance.

Didn't hear a reply, the girl who lowered her head to pick up her dropped book suddenly raised her eyes in displeasure, her brown side ponytail swayed slightly, she straightened up, looked coldly at the person who bumped into her, but A pair of familiar black-rimmed glasses came into view.

"You..." The girl opened her mouth slightly and stared at him in astonishment.

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression was very strange - he didn't expect to see her at this time.

...It's clear that we have an appointment to meet at ten o'clock, why did you show up here at only nine or ten o'clock?

——Chang Muyao, did he arrive an hour earlier like him?

The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds as if stunned, and then couldn't help but move their eyes to the surroundings. They all blushed and racked their brains to find a topic to solve the stiff atmosphere; but when they inadvertently lowered their heads, they saw Books knocking themselves and each other to the ground.

"Thirty Ways to Dating Success~You Are Tomorrow's Dating Master~"

"Magic☆Merry-chan's Charm Lecture ~Teaching You How to Fascinate Thousands of People~"

Raising their heads, the two looked at each other again, but at this time there were inexplicable and complicated meanings in their eyes.


Chapter 62 Date with Yao Changmu

The atmosphere of silence trapped the two in a small corner of the bookstore. They looked at each other, feeling like they wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

In the end, the thick-skinned Akira Izumi opened his mouth and started the topic first.

He suppressed the shame that rose in his heart, just like meeting a friend who said he had a date on Christmas day but showed up alone in an Internet cafe. This feeling of accidentally revealing the secret of the other party made him a little difficult to speak.

Therefore, he planned to use greetings to ease the atmosphere first.

Clearing his throat, He Quanming pulled up the corners of his mouth, showing a smile as if nothing happened.

"Hey! Good morning Changmu, the weather is really nice today!"

boom!With a bang, there was a sudden thunder outside, and then it began to rain heavily.

"..." He Quanming opened his mouth wide, staring dumbfoundedly at the pedestrians who were driven by the rain and running around with their heads in their arms, and he felt like shit in his heart.

God, did you do it on purpose?You must have done it on purpose, right? !Don't make trouble for me here just because you're single, cannibalism is bad!

"Ahaha, it's pretty good..." Chang Muyao scratched his cheek and forced a smile.

This was obviously a perfunctory answer, so that Akira Hequan didn't know how to reply, so he could only continue to smile dryly, racking his brains to restart the topic.

There was cold sweat dripping out of nervousness on his back. He looked around and found the air conditioner in the corner, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Well, the air conditioner in the bookstore is quite you want them to turn it down a bit?"

Beep!With a bang, the air conditioner suddenly stopped working, and the air in the bookstore suddenly became dull, and the temperature also gradually increased. The humid and hot weather outside the door seemed to occupy the space between the two of them.


He has a saying that he wants to say right now.

"Yeah, it's quite strong..." Resisting the urge to laugh out loud, Chang Muyao was about to ridicule Kawazumi to overcome the awkward atmosphere when his eyes accidentally glanced at the two books on the ground, and suddenly His cheeks flushed slightly, and he closed his mouth again and did not speak.

He Quanming twitched his eyes - don't you look like a shy little girl now!What about the usual old Si Ji?How about a little devil who likes to tease people?Take out the courage you usually quarrel with me!

Forget it, the critical moment still depends on me...

Calmly picking up the book he dropped on the ground, He Quanming opened the inside pages and said to Chang Muyao in an exaggerated tone.

"Hi! Let me tell you, this magazine is really amazing! It's amazing! I just picked a book from the shelf and wanted to read it, but I didn't expect to see this kind of thing! I almost didn't get mad at him... ..."

Seeing He Quanming's appearance, Chang Muyao, who understood what he was doing, also came over cooperatively, kicked away the book he had dropped at his feet quietly, and looked at the magazine.

"A magazine that will make you want to die... Let me see, let me see..."

Then a sip of water came out, and she laughed out loud.

"Pfft—what is this! Hahahaha! It's just a joke, hahahahaha!"

Seeing her laughing without exaggeration at all, He Quanming was quite speechless, doubting whether her smile was normal.

...I was almost pissed off by the content, but you actually find it funny?Are we reading the same magazine?

However, in order to continue the topic, he could only continue following Chang Muyao's words.

"It's an idiot, right? Last time I read a book that taught others how to punish people, it was also edited by the same person. Reading that book is simply a way to punish people!"

"Really, even though it's an idiot, it's so funny! I really want to read that book~"

"I'll show you next time!"

They tacitly ignored the embarrassing atmosphere just now, and avoided the topic of the agreed time. They seemed to be chatting happily.

"By the way, have you had breakfast yet?" He Quanming suddenly asked halfway through the conversation.

The second article recorded in the "Dating Notebook" says - "If you are about to go out in the morning, then first ask the woman if she has had breakfast. While expressing your concern, it can also be used as the beginning of the date." She went to share breakfast; the recommended breakfast shop is as follows:...』

Now is a good time!Although she usually eats breakfast before going out, if she, like Izumiaki, will deliberately skip breakfast because she wants to share breakfast with the other party——

"Huh? I ate it."

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