He opened his mouth and almost roared again, He Quanming quickly stabilized his mood, biting his lower lip tightly to prevent his vocal cords from losing control.

"Do you think it's too straightforward?Hehe, I just want to say that by taking her home to look at the decorations in your room, let her know your personality and habits from life, where did you think? 』

But, damn it... what this guy said makes sense, and it's really me who thinks wrong.

"Little Pervert~"

I owe a beating!

"Second point? How to decide the location of the first date. 』

Whoops...that's pretty important!

Although he just wanted to eat discounted crepes with Changmu at first, but it is impossible for the two of them to go back to their respective houses after eating the crepes, right?Then there's no need to make an appointment on the holiday morning, why not go to eat together after school one afternoon?

Because the time and place are decided by Chang Mu Yao, so Izumi speculates that Chang Mu also has the idea of ​​hanging out with him, judging from her attitude, it is not an exaggeration to call it a date—— He was dating a girl for the first time, so he naturally wanted to perfect his first dating experience as much as possible, so he worked so hard to find information and write a date notebook.

In the search information, the location of the first date is naturally mentioned emphatically, and the importance is only ranked after the shaping of the first impression.

It seems that no matter how unscrupulous it is, this magazine is still a little tricky...

"Narrator: Take her home. 』

Come again!

Let me see how you can make this up!

"Turn off the light, lock the door, and put on a quilt...Hey!Hey!Hey! 』

I don’t even edit it. Hey!How did this book pass the review!Is the Cultural Bureau blind? !

"Otherwise, what do you think you can do?Pure chat?Tch, no wonder you are still a virgin. 』

I want you to take care of it!If you really have to do what you say, it will be over!

"By the way, I'm also a virgin...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Cry fart!

"Woo... the third point.How to choose what to wear for a date. 』

Don't bring crying into the title!

『Explanation: Find a way to get her to ask you "Do you like to wear a maid outfit or a nurse outfit?"』

The object is reversed!Why am I the one to wear it!

『By the way, I like to wear maid outfits. 』

Salute to the women's clothing boss! ...No, I don't want to know such inexplicable things!

"Wanna see? 』


"Don't forget it...the fourth point? How to wear a maid outfit. 』

Don't ask and answer me in the title!Are you a superpower!

And the title is wrong!Who wants to discuss with you how to wear a maid outfit!

"Ah, the title is wrong... Forget it, no one noticed anyway. 』

What about proofreading!You shouldn't be the only one in the whole publishing house!

『Explanation: What are you going to explain? I don’t know how to wear a maid outfit. 』

Stop lying!

『And why are you talking about maid outfits all of a sudden?Isn't it about explaining how to date successfully? 』

Ask your head to go!

"Point five? After all, is anyone really dating you?" 』

It's none of your business!Please get back to the topic, please!

『Explanation: Friends, dating with left and right hands is very empty, isn't it?How about a bottle of Vita lemon tea first? 』

No, get out!

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hiccup~"

Are you already drinking? !

"Sixth point? Actually, I don't know how to date at all. 』

Already knew.

『Explanation: Now that you know it, you still watch it. Are you sick? (laugh"

The one who is sick is you idiot ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——

How did this TM write thirty kinds! ?

Roaring to the sky silently, covered by angry complaints, He Quanming completely ignored the strange eyes of passers-by looking at him, gritted his teeth and closed the book, and took strides to take the book to checkout .

Of course, it's not that he wants to take it back to read, but that after buying this book, he will tear it up and play with it when he is in a bad mood. It will definitely be a good way to relieve stress!

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