
After closing the door, Sagiri walked to the bed, quietly looking at the dozens of dolls surrounding the bed.

Dolls of different sizes and all kinds of dolls covered the edge of her bed like a curtain, and almost half of the whole bed was occupied by these dolls; she put the bear doll in her hand on In the center of the group of dolls, let it lean against its own pillow.

Looking around from the slightly old puppets around to the newly acquired bear in the middle, Sagiri grinned, showing a silly but innocent and lovely smile.

"The twenty-fifth...hehe!"


"Ding dong!"

A message came from the phone, and Akira Izumi, who was watching TV to pass the time after dinner, picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from Sagiri.

[Sender: Sister.Sagiri]

【Title: Just Drawn】

[Content: "Picture"]

Click on the picture to see that a boy with black frame glasses is holding the puppet in both hands, and stretches out his hand with a slight smile, as if he wants to give the puppet to everyone in front of the screen, with infinite tenderness in his eyes, The surrounding colors are also rendered with a halo of warm colors, and people can't help but raise the corners of their mouths when they see it, and want to say thank you to him who handed over the puppet.

"Really, this little girl..."

After saving the photo and changing it to the desktop, He Quanming shook his head and laughed, looking up at the dim light.

...What I wanted to say has been conveyed.

"The drawing...is really good."

You are welcome.

Because I -- in the end, I traded for something more precious than mansions and fields.

Chapter 61 Date with Yao Changmu (Part [-])

Sunday, nine o'clock in the morning, Kita Senju Station.

Even if it is a holiday, there are still people coming and going at the station in the morning. The bustling crowd brings a little heat to the weather at the end of September. Although some shops have not yet opened, many couples and student parties have already attracted many couples and students to gather and hang out in the urban area.

Wearing casual clothes and carrying a carry-on bag, He Quanming strolled along the street, walking leisurely, seemingly enjoying the bustling scene, but when passing by a couple who looked at each other affectionately, he couldn't help secretly Give them a middle finger.

"...so tired early in the morning, don't you understand the truth that Xiu Enai is divided quickly!"

Then when he turned his head, he saw another pair of men and women kissing passionately in broad daylight, and he couldn't help but compare two middle fingers at once.

"...The lovers will eventually become brothers and sisters, you go to the German orthopedics department to continue making out!"

Suppressing the burning torch in his heart, in order not to let the blood of lovers become the fuel of the fire, Akira Izumi, a senior member of the FFF regiment, deliberately refused to look at those scenes of immorality, walked quickly into a bookstore, and prepared to pass the time by reading a book. Come down for close to an hour of free time.

——That's right, the time they agreed on was ten o'clock in the morning, and he came first at nine o'clock.

Of course it wasn't because he couldn't wait... Well, to be honest, he was looking forward to today's date - but that wasn't the main reason why he came early.

What made him decide to come at this time was the notebook he put in his carry-on bag.

""DATE ​​NOTE"—that is, the dating notebook, is a S-level prop that Akira Izumi compiled and sorted all the dating information he found on the Internet, and wrote it by himself.The appearance looks very ordinary, and the content is indeed not very good, but it implies that single dogs are full of expectations for dating.When holding this prop, the resentment towards the couple will be strengthened a hundred times. 』

"Where did the enigmatic words come from, and you even forcibly explained them to me..." Speechlessly, He Quanming recalled carefully the first entry in the notebook he had written all night.

"First of all, when dating a girl, it is fundamental not to be late. Only by arriving early can the other party have a good impression of you; especially in order not to let the girl arrive earlier than you, you must be ten minutes earlier than the other party will be late When it comes to one hour, please decide the specific time yourself, but it is best not to be too early, otherwise it will make girls feel pressured. 』

(Note: The author is a single dog who has never dated, so if there is any mistake about dating, please let me know, I will bark...no, I will keep it in mind and improve myself.)

Since he really didn't know when to arrive, he just came an hour earlier. Anyway, he didn't have much now, but he had a lot of time, so there would be no loss if he waited a little longer.

Looking at the time, it was ten past nine, he was going to read a book in the bookstore for [-] minutes, and then go to the park in front of the station to meet Chang Muyao.

So He Quanming randomly found a bookshelf, and took out a book with a magazine-like cover but thicker than ordinary magazines; if the content was not too boring, he was going to use this book to pass the time.

He glanced at the cover title before flipping through it.Look at the thickness of the current affairs news magazine...

"Thirty Ways to Dating Success~You Are Tomorrow's Dating Master~"

"—You bastard wrote it again!"

How many magazines of this kind did the publishing house let that guy write!

Unable to resist roaring in the store, he hurriedly lowered his head and apologized to the blaming gazes projected from around him, then stared at the magazine, instead of stuffing it back directly, he was struggling whether to open it to read.

If you open it to read it, he may be so angry with the content that he roars in the quiet bookstore again, and his happy mood will be ruined all day; Want to know the specific content of those thirty methods.

After the tug-of-war in his heart lasted for a while, he decided to open it and take a look.

After all, it's just to pass the time, and you won't lose anything if you look at it. If the content is still irritating, just put it back before the mood gets bad.

With this thought in mind, he opened the inside pages, found the main points to be seen directly from the catalog, skimmed over the meaningless illustrations, and simply focused on "Thirty Ways to Dating Successfully (Male Edition)" ".

"First point? How to give the other party a good first impression. 』

Huh... The title looks quite normal, shouldn't it be written casually like the manipulator last time, right?

Maybe there is really a reference value——With anticipation rising in his heart, He Quanming looked down.

"Narrator: Take her home. 』

That's too straightforward! Hey!

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