With a relaxed smile, Izumi Mingchao's slender back shouted.

"Chang Mu, be careful on the road!"

She turned her head at a forty-five degree angle, looked back and smiled: "Well, you too, be careful on the road!"


Holding the teddy bear in one hand, He Quanming pushed open the door.

"I am back……"

No one responded.The lights in the living room and the kitchen are all dark, except for the faint light coming through the crack of the door of the Shawu room on the second floor, the house is completely dark.

"Why, Zong Ya hasn't come back yet?" He muttered, and after he turned on the light in the corridor to brighten the room, he heard the sound of knocking on the floor from upstairs.

"Dong dong!"

"Twice... I remember it means 'I'm starving to death!'?" Recalling the floor language that Zongya once taught him, Izumi shouted upstairs, "Sagiri, wait for me a moment Let's go! I'll cook right away!"

He didn't get a reply, and there was no sound of knocking on the floor. The house was silent again. He Quanming shrugged and didn't care. He threw his schoolbag on the sofa and went to cook.

Maybe he used to be a little dissatisfied with Sagiri's way of knocking on the floor instead of communicating, but now that the bond between brother and sister has deepened, he finds this simple way of communication quite interesting, and he can't help but let Zong Ya teach The idea of ​​teaching him floor language.

"Maybe in the future I can poke a pole into the ceiling instead of communicating..." He opened the stove with a smile, and Quanming cracked four eggs, and began to make dinner for two.

——Cream clam omelet rice making——

Arriving in front of the Sagiri door with the omelette rice for dinner, Akira Hequan put the dinner plate aside, leaned against the crack of the door with the bear puppet in his hand, and knocked on the door.

"Sagiri, dinner is ready! Open the door."

The sound of footsteps could be heard, and not long after, the door was quietly opened, and Sagiri poked her head out to look outside.

"Thank you bro——ah!"

Immediately, I was frightened by the furry bear face that appeared in front of my eyes.

"Dangdang, this is a special little gift, the teddy bear I caught from the game center!" After shaking the bear puppet, Kazumi's face appeared behind the puppet, looking at Sagiri with a smile.

Sagiri patted her chest to calm down her frightened emotions, then pursed her lips and glared at him.

"Really...a gift is a gift, why are you scaring me all of a sudden..."

"This is a surprise! A surprise!"

Sagiri looked at him disdainfully with her mouth curled up: "Childish!"

"I was scolded by my sister again...but why do I feel so happy..." Akira Izumi couldn't help laughing with tears streaming down his face.

Having gotten used to her brother always being dishonest in front of her, Sagiri decisively put him on the PLAY, and reached out to take the bear puppet from He Quanming's hand: "This is teddy bear...why did you suddenly give me a gift again? It's for celebration what?"

Akira Hequan smiled casually: "There is no reason, it's just that this little bear looks so good with the cute Sagiri, and when I got it, I wanted to give it to you!"

Hearing this, Sagiri sighed exaggeratedly, and glared at Izumi angrily with two blushes on her face.

"Ha——Really! I've always wanted to say that my brother is simply a public enemy of women!"

"Why are you scolding me all of a sudden?!" Because of being too shocked, He Quanming's tone couldn't help being distorted.

Obviously I kindly gave you the puppet but said I was a public enemy of women? !Are you trying to say that I am promiscuous and flirtatious everywhere?

How can there be!This is a big misunderstanding!I'm just a little nicer, closer, and more talkative to my friends and family, and I'm not the same dude who splits several legs at the same time!

I just want to be happy with everyone!Can a person who opens a harem for everyone's happiness be called a female public enemy?

And I'm still single now, I haven't opened a harem at all!

Seeing Izumi's unbelievable look at her with sad and angry eyes, Sagiri immediately turned her head and sneered at him: "Hmph, I won't tell you!...Okay, I'll take the things in, and you can eat yours It's time to eat!"

Hearing Sagiri's eviction order unceremoniously issued to him, He Quanming wailed unwillingly: "Eh? Why are you driving me away in such a hurry? Brother is very sad, obviously I can have a good chat with you in the room of……"

"Today, I have something to do today! It's not convenient for my brother to be here, I want to chat, next time!"

"Live broadcast?" Only then did he realize that Shawu was wearing earphones with a voice changer on her head, but the voice changer was not turned on, so the earphones only had the effect of amplifying the volume.

Looking inside, Sagiri's laptop screen was also on, and the angle was adjusted to a place where no one would see the decoration of the room during the live broadcast.

"...Well, that's right! It's a live broadcast, that's right! It's just a live broadcast!" Sagiri turned around to block Izumi's eyes from looking at the room, with cold sweat on her forehead, showing an obviously suspicious smile.

Although she looked like she was hiding something, He Quanming didn't go to spy on her sister's secret hobby, and waved her hand to change the topic: "Okay then... remember to eat before the live broadcast, don't eat like last time I will start the live broadcast in the middle of the meal; after I finish eating, I will put it at the door, and I will come up and collect it later.”

Sagiri breathed a sigh of relief, and her attitude was not so tense: "I know, I know! Brother, you are just like an old lady!"

Even if the youthful and beautiful boy was called an old lady, He Quanming didn't care, and smiled: "Because I have already agreed with your mother that I will take care of you for her for the rest of my life, so if I really want to say that I am an old lady it's okay!"

After a moment of silence, Sagiri smiled and nodded: "...Well, I know that!"

Gently touching her long white hair, He Quanming turned and went downstairs: "Okay, I won't say much about the nasty words, I'm going downstairs!"

"Goodbye, brother." Even though she was treated like a child again, Sagiri didn't feel angry, she just smiled softly and watched He Quanming leave, with a look of dependence that was as plain as water but as deep as the sea.

However, before leaving her sight completely, He Quanming turned his head and added with a smile.

"Live...Come on! Teacher Eromanga!"

"—I've said it all, I don't know anyone with that name!"

The calm sea became rough again.

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