"Don't ask, just ignore it like this..."

Walking side by side silently on the way back to the city, He Quanming looked at the peaceful and beautiful face of the girl next to him under the setting sun. He didn't know if he was afraid of embarrassment or wanted to chat to ease the atmosphere. Suddenly, he wanted to say something What impulse, can't help racking my brains to think about the topic.

Afterwards, he had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a topic that he could talk about—couldn't he talk to her about the straw rich man incident that happened in the morning?With her personality, it must be very interesting!

So, he blurted out the words that came to his mind.

"Let me tell you, I have a bottle of weird peach juice that's—poof!"


Upon hearing a certain word, Chang Muyao reflexively covered his mouth and retched.

Akira Izumi couldn't help but feel nauseous in the middle of the conversation, feeling a certain taste revived in his mouth again.

"Please, don't remind me of that incident, okay..." Staring at him weakly, Chang Mu's dazzling eyes implied fear of the past, and he was also slightly shy.

It seems that she is ashamed of putting me in the corner... This guy always shows a pure and innocent side unexpectedly, which is completely inconsistent with the appearance of the knife (SAO) lake (Xiang) Jiang (Gan).

But then again...

"So you still remember... the thing about force-feeding me juice..." Hequan Mingxu glared at her.

"...You, don't you remember it too! The real culprit for letting me drink that kind of thing is you! If you hadn't taken out that can of drink, all this wouldn't have happened!" Just like the second disease of the black history, Chang Muyao suddenly pointed at him angrily.

"I didn't drink it before, how would I know it would be so scary! If you didn't ask me for it, I drank it myself, how could this happen! You should have to blame yourself!"

"Stop lying! When I drank it, you obviously showed a gloating expression, and you clearly knew what would happen if you drank it!"

"I didn't know what would happen until you drank it! Otherwise, why would I take it out and drink it myself!"

"You are inducing a crime!"

"Do you speak Japanese? It doesn't make sense at all!"

Chang Muyao stomped his feet irritably: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm going home!"

He Quanming clasped his hands and replied disdainfully: "Go home, go home! I'm going back too!"

"You ruthless man!" Chang Muyao was furious.

"You vexatious woman!" He Quanming was even angrier.

The two shook their heads at the same time: "Hmph! ""

Taking big strides, the two people walking towards the station glanced at each other again, and spoke in unison.

""Why are you following me? ""

They answered in unison: "My house is going here!" ""

They coincidentally stared at each other: "Then I'll go another way!" ""

Let's scold each other loudly.

""Don't learn how to speak from me! ""

Although I have long been used to this kind of daily confrontation, it is the first time that I have vented my emotions to each other so heartily on the street at this time. The unhappiness and depression in my heart dissipated with the words of the wind, and they couldn't help laughing together again stand up.

He Quanming let out a long sigh of relief, and walked to Chang Muyao's side as if nothing had happened: "Huh... Don't be late on Sunday."

"Hmph... Needless to say, I'm not someone who is not punctual!" Proudly raising his head, Chang Muyao and He Quanming set foot on the road to the station again calmly.

Shallowly chatting about the "date" on Sunday, unknowingly, the dim yellow sun gradually dimmed, and the afterglow radiated its last light in the western sky.

They said goodbye to each other in front of the station.

"Then see you next time. Hurry up and go home at this late hour. Don't stay on the road. Be careful to be targeted again."

"Thank you for your concern, but Izumi-kun is the only one who will regard me as a target?" With a playful smile, Chang Muyao reached into the big plastic bag he had been carrying, and took out something, "By the way, this is for you!"

He Quanming reached out to take it, and it was a brown teddy bear puppet: "...is this?"

Sure enough... Will there be something to exchange in the end?

"Just look at it, little bear puppet!" Chang Muyao looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

He Quanming was speechless for a while: "Nonsense, of course I know it's a stuffed bear... I want to ask why you gave me this? Do I look like someone who likes stuffed bears?"

Chang Muyao smiled indifferently: "I just caught it in the game center! I already have duplicates, so I'll give you the extra as today's thank you gift."

"Thank you? Is there anything I can thank you for? It should be said that I can't see that you want to thank me at all!" Tilting his head in doubt, thinking about it carefully, He Quanming found that there was nothing but using juice to trick her. Besides, he didn't do anything worthy of gratitude?

And she wouldn't be thanked for pitting her with juice, would she?Is she a shaker?

"What do you mean by that gaze!" Facing the strange gaze cast by Izumi Ming, Chang Muyao blushed in embarrassment, and grabbed the bear puppet in his arms with both hands, "Stop talking! I say thank you It's just a thank you gift, don't pay me back!"

"Hey, since you gave it to me, it's mine, so there's no reason to give it back to you!" Hurrying to protect the puppet and stepping back, He Quanming held it in his arms like a baby.

Although he doesn't like the little bear puppet, it doesn't mean his sister doesn't like it!As soon as Fang saw this puppet, he had an intuition in his heart telling him that this was something to give to Sagiri!Sagiri should like it.

Seeing that he is such a precious puppet she gave, Chang Muyao nodded in satisfaction: "Then put it away obediently! If you lose it, I will tell everyone that you have abandoned it all the time?"

"Who did I abandon from beginning to end?" With the corners of his mouth twitching, He Quanming looked at MD Akuya.

"Little bear puppet! Otherwise, who else is there?" A familiar smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Chang Muyao blinked, her little feet wrapped in small leather shoes turned around, and while the hem of her skirt was flying, she turned her back to He Quanming, waving Waving, without saying a word of farewell, he walked in the direction of going home.

...Really, this guy is always unpredictable.

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