"No! I just think it's very interesting!" Tilting his head slightly, Chang Muyao looked at him with a smile, his fingers brushed the hair that fell from his ears, and the light sweat glistened with the white light of his skin, "I always think ...Staying with Izumi-kun, many interesting things will happen!"

"...Okay, as long as you think it's interesting." Sighing, seeing that inexplicably happy smile, he didn't have the intention of pouring cold water on him, so he sat side by side with her in the corner, quietly enjoying the evening breeze. The cool wind comes to cool down the hot body after exercise.

"...I'm so thirsty." Muttering, He Quanming looked through his schoolbag to see if there was anything to quench his thirst, but saw a bottle of drink that he threw in his schoolbag while fleeing.

"Thick and thick peach juice! 600% original juice concentrate! 』

That's all there is to drink.

...Do you want a drink?

No, it should be said - is this drinkable?

Although he feels that he will go to see Ma Si after drinking it, and he will ruin his achievements as a straw rich man, but now he is really thirsty, like a traveler in the desert seeing an oasis, even if that It may be a mirage, and it will chase water desperately.

"... Forget it, drink it!" He licked his dry lips, took out the can of pink packaged drink from his school bag, inserted it into the straw and was about to drink it...

"That's great... and bring drinks~" Chang Muyao beside him looked at him with sparkling eyes, and his tone was coquettish.

"...Do you want a drink?" After thinking for a while, He Quanming handed her the juice, his calm eyes showing no emotion.

——Before drinking, let her try the poison...

"Really!? Aren't you thirsty too?" Surprisingly, he took the peach juice with the straw inserted.Chang Muyao really didn't expect that Quan Ming would treat her so obediently just by being coquettish.

So is this guy a character who is afraid of soft but not hard?In this case, she will know how to tease him in the future... There is still a thankful smile on the surface, but she has a foxy smile in her heart.

"It's okay, just leave some for me to quench my thirst. After all, if I hadn't pulled you, you wouldn't have come here." With a gentle smile, He Quanming stretched out his hand and made a gesture of "please". Under the expression, it is the mentality of watching a drama, ready to see what will happen after Chang Muyao drinks that inexplicable can of juice.

"It's okay, it's okay! If I was arrested by the police for questioning, I would be very troublesome, and I was the first to provoke the incident, and you were still implicated by me... I apologize first!" Sticking out his tongue embarrassingly , she leaned the straw to her lips, and blinked playfully, "Then, I will accept this can of juice with a smile! I don't have the habit of indirect kissing with boys, and I will give you a new can of drink to make up for it later!"

After finishing speaking, she sucked on the straw vigorously, as if she was going to drink the whole can before Izumi opened his mouth wide in surprise and stretched out his hand to grab the drink. The mouth was so hard that even the obvious depression could be seen on the fair cheeks. .

Then, something like jelly flowed into her mouth.

...isn't it juice?

Looking down at the package, Chang Muyao was sure that what she was drinking was fruit juice, not something so thick as jelly.

The so-called concentrated juice...is that what you mean?How strange...

However, at the moment when the jelly flowed into her throat along the suction force, and the extremely strong smell erupted in it, she finally understood what is the real 600% concentrated juice.

Chang Muyao's face suddenly changed.

"...Woo, woo woo woo woo woo—!"

Seeing Tsuneki Yao who dropped the drink directly and kept patting his chest with a blue face, as if he wanted to pat out the solid liquid that had flowed into the throat, Kazumi couldn't help staring at Mingming who had already rolled down on the ground with horrified eyes. At her feet, there was still juice that didn't spill any liquid.

...It's so risky, it's right to let her try the poison first!

Thank you Chang Muyao, I will send you a dozen of these drinks at this time next year!

Chang Muyao, who was painfully trying to spit out the drink with a terrible taste in his throat, turned to Izumi with his blurred eyes, only to find that the guy cast a look of pity and gloating at her, and suddenly turned evil Emboldened, he patted his chest with one hand to induce vomiting, scooped up the juice on the ground with the other hand, and flew towards Izumi who was beside him with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Hey! Wait—" He Quanming, who was caught off guard, was directly pressed down by Chang Muyao, with his back against the wall and there was no way out. Pressing on his shoulder, using that inexplicable force to make him unable to move.

He Quanming, who was driven to nowhere, could only twitch the corners of his mouth, watching Chang Muyao's face getting closer and closer.

...Oops, this guy seems to be fighting me to the death!

"Chang, Chang Mu? Calm down, what do you want to do? You have something to say! You and I, men and women can't kiss indiscriminately. Our relationship hasn't progressed to that point, so we can't do that! My The first kiss can only be reserved for the future wife, if you make a mistake now, you will be wrong for the rest of your life..."

"Stop... nonsense... talk!" Even though there was still something stuck in her throat, and there was still that strange taste in her mouth that made her want to die, Chang Muyao still squeezed the words out of her throat fiercely, With an unstoppable momentum, he bent down and pressed towards him.

"Yami fell!" Izumi, who closed his eyes and wailed miserably, was about to enjoy... No, when he was about to lose his first kiss, what he felt was not the soft lips and the juice that might be poured in, but A thin, long and slightly elastic thing was roughly stuffed into his mouth.

...Help, help her? !

"Damn!" He opened his eyes in horror, fortunately, it wasn't the horrible scene in his mind, but Chang Muyao stuffing the juice straw into his mouth.

What a ghost!

In an instant, the fearful eyes turned into another type of horror.

"do not……!"

Chang Muyao smiled evilly, as if saying to him "It's too late~", the white fingers tightened hard, and after the juice package made a puffing sound, more jelly-like juice was squeezed out of it to fill it. It filled Izumi's mouth, and then slid into his throat along with the terrified inhalation.

After doing this, Chang Muyao turned over weakly and fell beside him, looked up at Izumi who was covering his throat and staring at her with eyes that had no regrets in his life, and showed a refreshing smile.

Then with a blue face, he slowly closed his eyes.


Chapter 60 Straw Rich Man (End)

Walking out of the convenience store with blank eyes, He Quanming and Chang Muyao each held a bottle of mineral water in their hands. They opened the water bottles at the same rhythm and poured them up until the whole bottle of water was poured into their stomachs. They regained their composure and looked at each other.

"...What happened just now?" He Quanming asked first.

"Well, I always feel as if I have experienced something unbearable to recall...but I really can't remember it." Shaking his body, Chang Muyao shook his head as if to shake off the creepy feeling when recalling the past Didn't talk much.

"It's fine if you can't remember... Then, why do I always feel that my taste buds have been destroyed?"

"I feel the same..." She couldn't help covering her mouth, showing a distressed expression, "When you say that, I also feel like vomiting... I just poured a whole bottle of water."

"...that blank memory, what happened to the two of us?" He Quanming sighed deeply as he squeezed the mineral water bottle in his hand.

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