After school, He Quanming, who didn't have a part-time job, came to the urban area and wandered aimlessly. The reason why he didn't go home directly as usual today was because he wanted to see what he could get in exchange for the super-concentrated peach juice in his hand. thing.

Although he also doubted that anyone would want this cheap and strange juice, but as the saying goes, there are a thousand taste buds in a thousand people!Maybe there are people with unique vision and unique taste, maybe they just like this kind of novel taste?

And judging from the development in the morning, he knew all the people he had exchanged with. After a little analysis, he suddenly had a bold guess in his heart-if life is a novel with him as the protagonist, then he Now it is obvious that a certain branch line is being carried out, and the people who will communicate with him in this branch line are all the main supporting characters who have appeared in the story!

After all, things like time travel have happened, so it is possible that he is the protagonist of a novel, right?

Even if he is not the main character, he may still be an important supporting character, otherwise, this series of coincidences would not happen inexplicably.

Having come to this conclusion, he began to count those people who left a deep impression on him after time travel—Zongya, Sagiri, Satania, Gabriel, Kato Megumi, the store manager, Chang Muyao, Kotori Yu Goose, Vinet, Rafael...

These were his close friends or family members.After eliminating Zongya, Satania, Gabriel, Kato Megumi, Vinette, and Rafael who have already exchanged things with him, and leaving aside the store manager and Sagiri who are staying in the store and at home and will not come out, In the end, only Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan and Chang Muyao may coincidentally appear in front of him in response to the development of the plot, and exchange this can of drink with him.

"And judging from the degree of favorability, the only one who is most likely to appear here at this time is that guy..." Muttering to himself, He Quanming was already prepared in his heart, so even if suddenly A voice stopped him, and he didn't feel frightened or surprised at all.

"Izumi-kun? What a coincidence, I met you here."

The vigorous girlish voice is not obvious on the bustling and noisy street, but the familiar and charming voice makes Izumi unable to ignore it; turning around, Chang Muyao, who is still tied with a side ponytail, raised his hand to him Say hello.

As the dusk gradually rises, the afternoon sun is dyed with a light sunset color, which is reflected on the girl's brown hair, which has a kind of smudged haze; the slender figure and a beautiful school uniform show the girl's youthful youth, A vibrant smile hangs on his face, but a pair of bright blue pupils appear sly.

Chang Muyao approached him with a schoolbag in one hand and a large plastic bag in the other, making fun of him habitually.

"Don't go home after school and don't go to work, do you come to the city center alone? What a standard single dog would do... No, if it was Izumi-kun, wouldn't it be looking for the next crime? object?"

"Don't underestimate the single dog! Which single dog will run out and be hurt by the couple? Do you shake M?" He refuted Chang Muyao righteously, He Quanming raised his glasses, and suddenly evoked a dangerous smile , "...and if you really want to find a criminal target, isn't there a suitable target here? Thank you for your reminder, little friend Chang Muyao!"

"...What, what do you want to do to me?!" Chang Muyao folded his arms pretending to be afraid, and took a step back slightly. The plastic bag and schoolbag in his hand blocked her chest like a shield.

"What do you want to do...? Guess, guess! It's easy to guess what a dissatisfied male high school student will do to a delicate JK, isn't it?"

Seeing that she acted like a female high school student being molested by bad actors, He Quanming's actor instinct was also stimulated, and he immediately disregarded the strange gazes cast by passers-by, and was very happy to talk to her on the streets of the city. play.

The corners of his mouth are crooked, his gums are half-exposed, his eyes hidden behind the lenses reveal an evil light, his hands and fingers are twisting dishonestly in the air, and his bright red tongue licks his lips from time to time. demeanor.

"No, don't come over! I'll call you if you come over again!" Chang Muyao seemed to have really integrated into the play, his expression was even more frightened, and his slender body trembled slightly.

"Don't be afraid! I won't do anything to you? I just want you...hehehe..." He Quanming approached Chang Muyao step by step with a wretched laugh in his mouth, and Chang Mu also stepped towards him retreating.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean?! Don't tell me, do you want to treat me—"

"Hey hey hey! I don't understand if you don't tell me! What is it? Tell me? Maybe I won't do it if you tell me?"

"You, you pervert! You want someone to tell you that kind of thing!"

"It's just tickling! Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Hateful! That kind of perverted thing... huh? What did you say?" Chang Muyao, who broke away from the scene, put his hands on his hips and looked at him with an unhappy expression, "Hey, don't change the lines casually, okay?" Good! A good script has been ruined by you!"

"Where did the script and lines come from? Hey..." He squinted and complained, putting away his disgusting look, He Quanming pointed to the surroundings, "...and look around, I think if you don't stop, we will There might be big trouble."

"Eh?" Chang Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, looked away from Izumi Ming, and looked around, only to see people around him stop and point at them at some point, and some even took out their mobile phones to call Phone, looking at them with serious eyes.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, Chang Muyao pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a forced smile: "Then, what... we should not be so eye-catching, right?"

An old man next to him who saw the whole thing from the beginning to the end kindly answered the question instead of He Quanming: "I think it's better for you to run quickly? It seems that someone has already called the police."

"Report, call the police?!" Chang Muyao opened his mouth wide.

Is it that exaggerated?The two of them just played around on the street and someone called the police?

Is it because there are too many singles here who are unhappy with them, or are they too good at acting?It's too weird to call the police without asking anything!

When she was stunned, Hequan clearly saw that the crowd had a faint tendency to surround them—mainly him—, and at the moment when he felt bad, he grabbed Chang Muyao's hand and went straight to him. Drill next to the alley.

"Wait, wait! What are you doing all of a sudden..."

"I can't wait! I will be the one who suffers if I wait any longer!"

"Why, why..." As soon as he finished asking this sentence, Chang Muyao heard someone shouting around him.

"Catch that pervert who harassed girls in the street! He's going to take that girl to a place where no one is around, hehehe!"

"——Hey, you Italian gun! Can't you tell that we know each other! Are your eyes and ears blind at the same time!" When dragging Chang Muyao to run, He Quanming still didn't forget to turn around and choke .

It's just that no one paid attention to him at all.Although some people still think that they are just performing, the roar of passers-by just now has attracted some enthusiastic audiences who don't know the truth. Seeing Toneki Yao who was grabbed by Akira Izumi, there was eager excitement in his eyes. Gearing up to be a hero to save the beauty.

Regarding this, Akira Hequan can only say that it is all his fault that he is so good at acting and that Toki is so beautiful that they now have to shuttle in the alleys to avoid a group of enthusiastic soy sauce gangs.

"...Unfortunately!" Yangtian sighed, and suddenly grasped the hand holding Chang Muyao, leading her around a corner of the alley.


In a small alley.

"Hoo, should be all right here..."

Pressing against the wall, He Quanming took a few breaths, his chest heaved like a bellows, sweat dripped down his cheeks, leaving a few water stains.

"...It should be all right! After all, they have made a big circle, and they won't chase any more." Shrugging, Chang Muyao put down the plastic bag and schoolbag in his hand, rubbed his wrist— —In the alley chase just now, although she was not as desperate as He Quanming was when she was dragged away, the heavy plastic bag brought her a lot of burden. A little sore.

"Don't these people have eyes... People who don't know the truth eat melons and eat jujube pills." Panting almost, he muttered with resentment in his mouth, and Quanming slid directly against the wall and sat down , closed his eyes and relaxed his body.

Feeling that Chang Muyao also sat down beside him, he couldn't help turning his head to look.

"...What are you laughing at?" He Quanming was a little speechless.

It's not funny, is it?For him, while being chased by a group of people, he also has to face the pressure of possibly being surrounded by the police, but he is so terrified that his legs are still shaking!

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