"Yo! Gabriel, long time no see!"

Gabriel raised her head, and complained weakly to him.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you... I just saw you yesterday, and there are chatterers in LA."

Accustomed to her appearance of cultivating to the point of madness, He Quanming didn't care, walked up to her and rubbed the messy and smooth long golden hair: "Your golden lion head is still decadent and fluffy, what a waste! Good hair quality..."

Facing He Quanming's head-touching killing, Gabriel neither stretched his hand out of his pocket, nor had any intention of resisting, but just raised his eyelids and gave He Quanming a look, with a murderous look in his lazy voice.

"What about your hair is none of your business!... Let me tell you in advance, I am sleepy and hungry, I will have a bad temper, and talking too much will waste my energy. So for the sake of the two of us, you have Let’s talk about everything, I’m going back to hibernate as soon as possible.”

"It's only summer now, what are you talking about... Also, why are you always hungry? Is there no money for food due to tuition again?" Looking at Gabriel speechlessly, He Quanming asked with a little reproach.

She curled her lips and turned her head away from He Quanming's expression: "No, it's just that I didn't bring enough money. I just finished buying drinks and found that I couldn't even buy the cheapest udon..."

Regardless of whether her reason is true or not, He Quanming took out his wallet helplessly while talking - he didn't want to watch his friend starve and do nothing: "Really, always doing this will damage your body." Ah... only this time, let me invite you!"

Gabriel quickly stretched out her hand to stop him: "It's okay, I'll invite you if I have nothing to do, even if I have no morals, I will be embarrassed!"

"It turns out that you still have self-consciousness... Then I will borrow it from you, and you can pay it back whenever you want. Anyway, I just don't want to see you hungry, so don't take it too seriously."

"It's not necessary, borrowing money from friends is a very troublesome thing..." Gabriel sighed, always feeling that her friends were all overzealous guys...

Akira Izumi asked strangely: "Are you afraid of hurting your feelings? No, our friendship will not be corroded by Hideyo Noguchi (the great man on the [-]-yen bill) and Yukichi Fukuzawa (on the [-]-yen bill)." !"

"Have Murasaki Shikibu (he is [-] yuan) and Higuchi Ichiyo ([-] yuan) been ignored by you..." Ignoring Kawazumi's raised thumb and teeth flashing, she blushed and scratched her cheek, " Well, the main reason is that if you borrow it, you will be too embarrassed not to return it... If it is a stranger, you will be able to renege on the debt."

He Quanming was stunned in admiration: "...As expected of Gabriel, you can say the despicable declaration of robbery without changing your face. Sure enough, integrity has been eaten by you as emergency food?"

Gabriel raised her eyebrows: "Will you hit you?"

"Well, let's not talk about this for now... Seeing that you are very hungry, and you don't want me to treat guests and borrow money, this thing is just right for you!" A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Izumi took out the gift that Kato Megumi gave him from his pocket. Canteen discount coupons.

His intuition told him that it was time to exchange things again!

"This, this is... the legendary canteen discount coupon?!" Looking at the item in Izumi Ming's hands, Gabriel widened her eyes in disbelief, and unconsciously took her hands out of her coat, her white and tiny fingers Trembling slightly.

"...in the legend?" He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth. He really didn't expect Gabriel to react so strongly to this discount coupon, as if he saw a special item that wanted to pay for it.

"Yes! This is an ultra-rare item that can be discounted by [-]% no matter what it appears in the cafeteria!" Gabriel stared straight at the item in his hand with inexplicable enthusiasm. Discount volume.

Hearing this, He Quanming stroked his chin and thought for a while.

"So...if Gabriel appears in the cafeteria, can I buy it with a [-]% discount?"

He widened his eyes in shock and said, "——it's really a super rare item, hey!"

"For the sake of you taking out such a precious thing, I will forcefully not beat you to the Milky Way." Without raising her head, Gabriel looked at the discount book with bright eyes and said dangerous words.

"Did you skip the solar system directly!?"

"...By the way, where did you get this thing? I heard that the meal rolls in the cafeteria are only controlled by a few aunties who hold the power of the cafeteria. No matter how many people want to flatter and flatter them. Do you have a connection?" Gabriel wondered.

"No, I didn't know it was such a blockbuster thing before you said it... It's just that some things happened and changed." He Quanming summed up what happened before, too lazy to repeat it.

Gabriel, who had returned to a lazy state, put her hands in her pockets, bent her spine to save effort, and said insincere praise: "Hey...then you are really lucky, after all, I have never seen the real thing, just I've only heard of it."

He Quanming patted his chest seriously, and said proudly: "Hmph, I don't even look at the face of a European, how dark is it like you, an African who only knows how to spend money!"

"...Have you learned any strange skills like Satania recently? For example, do you want to be beaten to hell by me?" Gabriel said with a gloomy smile. A dangerous voice asked him.

"No, it's just my innate skill. And Gabriel is so cute when she's angry! Unknowingly... Hehe!" Tilting his head, He Quanming stuck out his tongue playfully, and hit his head with a small fist a bit.

Gabriel made a disgusted expression: "Whoa...why are you pretending to be cute!"

Then he sighed, and took the canteen discount coupon that He Quanming handed out with a smile: "...forget it, since it is your kindness, then I will accept it with great gratitude? With my current assets, I will accept it. After [-]% off, you should be able to eat a bowl of udon..."

"Is it so difficult to overcome? Hey... And didn't I say, come to me when you are hungry? I can cook my unique dishes for you?"

Although it's just various types of omurice.

Gabriel nodded without sincerity: "Yes, yes, I will think of you when I am really hungry enough to eat dirt!"

"You guys are really rude..."

"Both each other—ah!" Gabriel put the discount roll into the jacket, as if thinking of something, took out a can of drink from the other pocket, "As a thank you, this can is for you .”

He Quanming took it suspiciously: "...juice?"

On the pink aluminum foil packaging, it says "Viscous thick peach juice!" 600% original juice concentrate! "Tag of.

...Is this thing really drinkable?How do you feel that it exudes the smell of drinking it?

Gabriel nodded, with a strange sense of pride on her face: "Well, I was "very lucky" to draw a lottery from a vending machine. I wanted to fill my stomach with two cans, but now I have yours. Help me with meal rolls, I’ll give you the extra cans!”

Akira Izumi, who didn't know why, could only say thank you: "Oh! Thank you, then I will not be polite!"

"Then shall I go to the cafeteria first? Seriously, I'm so hungry that I'm going back to the heaven..." With a downcast face, Gabriel rubbed her belly, as if there was a loud grunt coming from it.

"It should be said that he was promoted to a genius..." Saying goodbye to Gabriel speechlessly.Seeing her receding back, He Quanming shrugged and continued on the way to the toilet.

"After using the pendant to exchange for the meal roll, did the meal roll exchange for juice? Who wants this can of juice next, and what will I exchange for it..."

Throwing away the can of inexplicably dangerous-looking juice, He Quanming smiled expectantly.

Chapter 59 Hurt each other!

(One chapter was late yesterday, so I will update two today! The specific time should not exceed zero!)

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