Looking at Wei Nette who turned away after smiling sweetly, He Quanming blankly held the small pendant in his hand, opened and closed his mouth, his heart was so complicated that he didn't know what to say.

—I might have met a fake Vinet.

Pursing his lips, he put the small pendant in his pocket. At the same time, he put away his disturbed mood from being frightened. He looked left and right to see if there was no one there. He got up and walked towards the same path that led to the classroom in a different direction from Vinette. walk quickly.

...It's definitely not because of cowardice!Just because this road is faster to his classroom!

He sorted out the garbage and magazines and threw them away, and Akira Izumi sighed.

"... Forget it, don't pay too much attention to it, just take it as a hallucination... At least I traded the magazine for a mobile phone strap, this wave is not bad..."

And as the figures of the two left, the remote garbage dump returned to tranquility again.

Chapter 58 Straw Rich... What a size!When am I going to end this paragraph!

When the get out of class was over at noon, He Quanming had nothing to do, so he took out the bear charm that Vinette gave him and looked at it.

This is an ordinary acrylic mobile phone charm, shaped like a brown bear that can call "MofuMofu"; although it looks cute, it doesn't really fit Izumi's aesthetics I really want to hang it on my phone as a decoration.

At this time, Kato Megumi's voice came from the side.

"...Ming Jun, what is that pendant?"

Bright and calm almond eyes stared straight at the pendant in Hequanming's hand. Although she couldn't see any emotion from her pretty face as usual, it was obvious that she was interested in this pendant. .

"This? It was given to me as a thank you gift after I did a favor to Vinette in the morning." He Quanming falsified the history without changing his face, and asked strangely, "Why, have you seen this thing?"

"Well, this mobile phone strap is a game prize made in the image of their mascot "Mo Taijun" in an amusement park that has closed down. Because too few people go to that amusement park to play, this strap is given to Production was stopped after a few out, and almost nothing was released on the market, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a masterpiece.”

"...You really understand."

"Well... After all, I really like this, and I used to have one on my phone." She took out her pink phone, but there was no charm on it, "It's just that it fell on the road and was caught Passing cars were torn apart..."

Seeing that she rarely showed an obvious disappointed expression, as if she really liked the charm that will never leave her forever, He Quanming thought about it, took her mobile phone when she didn't realize it, and took it cleanly. The bear charm is hung up.

"No, although it's not the one you were before, it's better than nothing!"

Faced with Izumi Akira's sudden action, Kato Megumi was neither moved nor unhappy, but showed a strange expression.

"...I want to say thank you, but it was given to you by Vinette, right? Can you just give it to me?"

He Quanming waved his hand in a so-called way: "It shouldn't matter, I'll just talk to Vinette later! After all, it can only collect dust if I put it here, it's better to give it to someone who really needs it... "

After finishing speaking, He Quanming pretended to be moved and wiped away his tears: "In this way, it can also be happy for its existence value..."

I have long been used to this guy's jumping off from time to time, Kato Megumi nodded with a calm expression: "Okay, then I will accept it thankfully."

"Well, that's good, you don't have to be polite between friends!"

Kato Megumi pondered for a while, picked up his schoolbag: "...by the way, I also have something to give you—well, this is it."

She took out a small note from her schoolbag and handed it to He Quanming, who took a look, and it said "Only for the student cafeteria!"Super discounts for meal coupons! ".

"This is... the meal roll from the cafeteria?"

"Accurately speaking, it's a voucher. It seems that it can be discounted."

This is the first time I've seen this thing. When will the student cafeteria have discount coupons?Don't you use the meal ticket machine to buy meals?

"Where did you get this? From the school?"

Kato Hui shook his head and said, "No, it was given to me by the canteen aunt. When I went to the canteen to eat yesterday, the canteen aunt accidentally ignored the meal roll I handed over and gave me my curry rice as the next order The super spicy mapo tofu, so in order to compensate us, she gave me and the girl who ordered mapo tofu a canteen discount coupon, and when the time comes, go directly to the dining counter to order and bring it to her, and she will give us a discount. "

After she finished speaking, she thought about it, and added: "It doesn't matter if we don't have to go in person, as long as anyone holds this ticket, they can get a discount."

Talking about his tragic experience of being ignored with an innocuous face, Kato Megumi has almost forgotten Kato Megumi's ability to have a low sense of existence-after all, talking to Kato Megumi every day, and he will never forget it inadvertently when he is used to it she.

"Well... Although I want to comfort you a little bit, I think you might not care about it at all, so forget it... However, this meal roll is different from my pendant, so you can use it, right?"

"It's okay, after all, I don't often go to the student cafeteria to eat."

I eat bento every day to save money, and I don't often go to the cafeteria to eat... Except for the time I went with Gabriel and the others, I haven't been there.

But it was rare for Kato to give him something, and he had no reason to refuse, so let's treat it as a courtesy!

Putting the meal roll in his pocket, He Quanming paused as if thinking of something, and asked Kato Megumi: "By the way, if someone wants to exchange this meal roll with me, can I change it?"

Kato Megumi tilted his head puzzled: "...It's okay, after all, it's already yours... But, why do you have the feeling that someone wants to change this meal roll?"

"Cough!" Cleared his throat, He Quanming put on an inscrutable expression, and began to talk about his own experience, "It has to be since I woke up in the morning—no, or since I met Satania when I went to school Let's talk about it then..."

After telling the story about the straw rich man and his own guess, Megumi Kato nodded with interest after listening, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey...so that's the case, it's really a coincidence...it's quite exciting to get something in exchange in the end."

"Yeah, although it shouldn't be possible to exchange for a house and a field like the straw rich man, but if this development continues, maybe we can exchange for something good!"

Seeing Akira Izumi clenched his fist excitedly like a child, Megumi Kato narrowed his eyes and smiled softly.

"Well, the result is out, please be sure to tell me, Mingjun."

"Of course! I can't stand not sharing such an interesting thing with you!"


During the lunch break, He Quanming was walking in the corridor on the way to the toilet, and saw Gabriel who was staggering forward with her pink coat pocket in her pocket.

He immediately raised his hand in greeting.

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