"He, Izumi-san? Why are you here?" Vinette looked at him in astonishment, with an expression of lingering fear on his face.

"Hey! Good morning, student Vinet." He greeted with a smile, and Akira Kazumi seemed to have completely lost the anger provoked by the magazine just now, and chatted with Vinet calmly.

For some reason, he always felt that there was a gentle and bright temperament around Vinette. As long as he talked to her or stayed by her side, no matter how much anger he had before, he would not be able to raise his anger, and he would unconsciously calm down.

"Good morning...Really, please don't make any noise behind her back, Izumi-san... I was shocked!" Witness patted her chest lightly, and Wei Nette gave him a slightly reproachful look. But he didn't mean to be angry.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to call you first when you thought about things so seriously, I will remember next time!"

"That's fine..."

They chatted familiarly, and looked very warm, but in fact, the friendship with Quanming and Vinette can only be regarded as ordinary, at least not as familiar with Gabriel or Satania to make jokes; I belong to the kind of person who is very gentle to everyone and is willing to take the initiative to make friends. A pair like Kami and Izumi (limited to beautiful girls) are naturally familiar, and they can chat without any barriers after a long time. Little harmless jokes.

"Student Izumi, why did you come to the garbage dump? Are you here to take out the garbage?" Wei Nette asked curiously after glancing at what Hequan Ming was holding.

"Yeah, I want to throw away some rubbish as soon as possible, and I feel bad if I keep it in my hands." He smiled indifferently, and He Quanming asked her, "What about you? Are you here to be a student on duty? "

"Yeah..." After answering this obvious question, Vinette smiled wryly, "It's just that the garbage bag is too heavy, and the opening of this garbage collection box is so high, now I'm wondering how to throw it in..."

He Quanming suddenly asked suspiciously: "Where are the other two people? Usually, two people have to throw it together to get in. Just in case, our school still stipulates that there must be three students on duty! Why are you alone?"

"The remaining two...just happen to be Xiao Jia and Satania..." She slumped her shoulders, showing a weak smile as if she had given up on something.

"……forget it."

Patting her on the shoulder pityingly, He Quanming suddenly grabbed the garbage bag.

"Eh? Izumi-san, what are you going to do?" Seeing him put down the things in his hands and try to lift up the heavy garbage bag with both arms, Vinet asked quickly.

"You'll know it when you see it, and throw it in for you!"

"No need! After all, it's our class's garbage, how dare I bother you..." Wei Nette, who was a little embarrassed, wanted to snatch the garbage bag, but was stopped by Izumi.

"It won't be troublesome! After all, it's rare to have a chance to show off, so let me be cool!" Showing his big white teeth, He Quanming smiled brightly, "Boys are such stupid creatures!"

"Eh..." After a moment of embarrassment, Vinette saw He Quanming's firm look, and gradually stopped reaching for the garbage bag. He Quanming took this opportunity to lift the garbage bag vigorously with both hands, and stood firm. As soon as the waist and abdomen are turned, it is necessary to throw it into the one-person-high input port.

"Look at me! Hey, whoo—huh?"

Good weight.

Really heavy.

...can't bring it up.

The handsome smile on his face froze, he had already blushed so hard, but the garbage bag only floated about five centimeters in the air, and as he let go of his hands weakly, the garbage bag fell to the ground lightly, Stir up light dust.

It was like mocking him, a failed pretender.

…Students of class A, did you put the dead body in the garbage bag?Why is it so heavy!

I thought it was just that Vinette was too weak to lift it, but I didn't expect this thing to be really heavy!

"That, that..." Seeing Akira Izumi's back was stained with deep gray, Vinette, who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, twitched her lips and comforted him kindly, "Student Izumi, there seems to be something missing here." I bought some watering things, so the weight is so exaggerated... It took me a long time to drag it down from the second floor! It's normal that you can't lift it..."

"But at least you can lift it up..." Turning around, He Quanming's sweaty expression was a little broken.

"Then, that might be because you just finished breakfast! It's normal to not be able to use your strength..." With cold sweat on his forehead, Vinet racked his brains to find excuses for Akira Izumi.

However, even though she was so considerate of her friends, Akira Izumi, who fell into a state of depression and inferiority complex, did not receive her tenderness.

"But at least you can lift it up..."

"But, maybe it's because I have more strength today! You see, the state, adrenaline, etc. will all affect...

"But at least you can lift it up..."

"...But you just can't lift it up, don't be so depressed! Everyone has areas they are not good at. Look, your grades should be better than mine, right?"

"But at least you can lift it up..."

"...Satania is also very strong! Don't we often see her as a fool? So it doesn't matter whether you can lift it or not..."

"But at least you can lift it up..."

"..." Vinette's brows twitched, her complexion became darker and darker, the veins on her forehead twitched slightly, she managed to maintain her smile, and said softly, "If it's really impossible, let's lift it together! Two people can always find a way..."

"But at least you can lift it up..."


There seemed to be the sound of something breaking in the air.

Once again interrupted by Akira Izumi's resentful answer, Vinet finally couldn't help it anymore, as if the black air all over her body burst out in an instant, and the double horns on her head faintly emerged.

The shadow of her bangs covered her eyes, and she stepped up to He Quanming's side. Before he could react to his loveless eyes, she grabbed the garbage bag with one hand, as if holding cotton He lifted it off the ground lightly, raised his hand lightly, and saw the garbage bag fly high into the sky with a whooping sound, and then turned into a black shadow and fell down when it blocked the sun, hitting the garbage collection box with a loud noise.

"Hmph!" Clapping her hands with ease, Vinette's bold purple pupils stared at Akira Izumi, who was stupefied with his mouth wide open, with a dangerous smile on his lips, "Then, student Izumi... what else do you want?" Did you say that?"

Izumi shook his head sharply.

"Very good!" Before the shadow on his face faded, Vinet took out a small object from his pocket and threw it at He Quanming; feeling the great pressure from her, He Quanming rushed forward, I'm afraid that once that little thing falls on the ground, it won't be the garbage bag that will be thrown into the air, but him.

"This is a thank you gift for your kindness in helping me. It is a mobile phone strap I got during volunteer activities. Although you didn't help anything, but because of your kindness, let me thank you first !" Wenette, who entered a strange state, changed her whole personality, holding her hands and condescendingly staring at Izumi who was in a flying posture.

"Then I'll go first, and Izumi should hurry into the classroom too."

"...Oh, oh! Thanks..."

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