Seeing that Chang Muyao's smile froze on his face and gradually turned black, He Quanming withdrew his boastful expression and asked a little nervously.

"Ha - it's nothing, idiot!" Chang Muyao let out a long sigh, waved his hands helplessly, and stared at him with all kinds of resentment.

"Why are you scolding me all of a sudden..."

"Just say it's nothing! Then, where is the restaurant you mentioned, if it doesn't taste good, I can't forgive you!"

Resisting the urge to slap He Quanming's innocent face, Chang Muyao asked him impatiently with his arms akimbo.

This guy's face-changing speed is really fast...

"Don't worry, I just checked secretly. The dishes and reviews of this family restaurant are very good. Although some people left a message saying to be careful with their waiters, they didn't see any bad reviews on service attitude. It should just be Alarmist talk, right?"

Show Chang Muyao the discussion about that restaurant on the mobile phone, and only when she nodded, He Quanming breathed a sigh of relief.

Asking a girl to eat at a family restaurant turns out to be such an upsetting thing...

"That's good...Lead the way, Izumi! The goal is to fill your stomach!" Pointing at the distance of the bustling street, Chang Muyao smiled again, and the energetic voice made Izumi's expression happy.

"Oh! Let's go—but Toneki, you mean the opposite direction? We're going here."

"……lead the way!"


Entering a family restaurant called "Wagnaria", after the smiling blond girl waiter took them to the seats, Tone Mu Yao asked Izumi with a complicated expression.

"...Why do the waiters here carry Japanese swords?"

He twitched the corners of his mouth, with cold sweat on his forehead: "Uh... Maybe it's a decoration? You see, everyone else looks like they're used to it, so let's not make a fuss."

A girl's scream suddenly came from the kitchen of the restaurant, and then a figure slammed into the wall in a spiral manner, becoming an unattractive hanging picture on the wall.

Apart from being complicated, Chang Muyao's expression was more frightened: "...Why would someone be beaten out? Is there a workplace dispute?"

He Quanming hurriedly comforted her, with more cold sweat on his forehead: "Well... Maybe this is a performance? Look, the other employees are naturally doing the aftermath. It should be a show of performing miracles with great strength. ?”

"Yes, is it..." Although he was dubious, Chang Muyao sat back when he saw the blond chef coming out of the kitchen calmly dragging him back, and he didn't hear any quarrel. After confirming the seat, we anxiously waited for the meal to arrive.

Not long after, a girl who looked like a primary school student, wearing a waiter's uniform, brought their meals over, bowed politely, and then ran to help other employees with the aftermath.

Chang Muyao asked another puzzled question: "...Why are there children working as waiters?"

He Quanming, who was almost too lazy to explain, said with a dry smile: "Haha... Maybe it's the store manager's child? You see, she is so skilled in her movements, she should have been helping in the store since she was a child."

After finally finishing their meal peacefully, when they were checking out, the two saw a scene where a boy wearing glasses kept hitting the head of the purple-haired girl with a knife.

"Ya Ma Da! Why did you break the plate again! Why did you miscalculate the money again! Why did you tell the last customer a lie like "the service fee of Ya Ma Da is [-] yuan"! Tell me! Tell me!"

"Then, the service fee for flax can be changed to [-] yuan..."

"It's not that kind of problem!" Chao Dali raised his hand.

While walking out of the door of the restaurant, Chang Muyao looked at the scene with strange eyes, and asked the last question lightly.

"Hey... why are there so many weirdos in this store?"

He Quanming covered his face helplessly and sighed.

"...Don't ask, I want to know too."


"Look for a place to rest first, and wait until afternoon tea time to eat crepes!"

After eating and drinking, He Quanming thought about how to plan his itinerary before afternoon tea. His records included movie theaters, comic houses, coffee shops, parks and other places, and it was difficult for him to choose any one.

But at this time, Chang Muyao pointed to a place and suggested to him seemingly innocently.

"If you want to rest...does that place look good?"

"Where?" Akira Izumi took a closer look, and found that at the end pointed by Yao's slender fingers, there was a building that looked exquisite and gorgeous, and there was a signboard with flashing LED lights hanging on the wall.

——The unrivaled secret room of love and Chinese medicine.Love hotel.

He Quanming twitched the corner of his mouth, wanting to slap Chang Muyao who was covering his mouth and snickering.

You clearly know that I am a pure man, but you always use this kind of oblique way to seduce me!How shameless!

There is a way to come directly!

Thinking of this in his heart, He Quanming's face was filled with the righteousness of a scholar: "Hmph! Poor monk, the Dharma is deep now, and he sees through the world of mortals. Even if you are a witch, I will definitely not shake my Buddha's heart!"

"Really... Then why did you go that way?" Chang Muyao looked at him teasingly, with two touches of tenderness appearing on his face.

He Quanming was startled suddenly, and looked down at his footsteps, only to find that he was unconsciously walking towards the love hotel, and quickly stood up straight, beating his chest in disappointment.

...My Buddha's heart, how could you be broken so easily!Anyway, be more reserved!I'm not that kind of casual man, don't let her misunderstand me!

I just get up casually and I'm not human!

"...It seems that Pindao's cultivation is still in its infancy, and the benefactor is laughing at me, Amen." Putting his hands together, He Quanming saluted Chang Muyao apologetically.

" will be beaten to death by many religious fanatics sooner or later." Rolling her eyes, she turned around and walked in other directions on her own, and smiled happily when He Quanming couldn't see it.

... so happy!

Chapter 66 Date with Yao Changmu (End-Second Half)

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