In a certain coffee shop, the two ordered a cup of coffee each, sat down and chatted, and took a break while passing the time.

He Quanming lazily stirred the dark brown liquid in the cup.He has been working in the store for nearly a month, and he also knows the quality of coffee. Now, as long as he smells it, he knows that this cup of coffee is definitely not comparable to any kind of coffee in "Angel Coffee", let alone The store manager proudly blended the coffee.

So in order not to waste every drop of this cup of coffee, he added about five spoons of sugar to it, and was stirring it to melt it, chatting casually in his mouth.

"By the way, Chang Mu, are you and Gabriel still chatting?"

Taking a sip of coffee, Chang Muyao gently shook his head: "Gabriel sauce... very few. After all, the distance between the classrooms is a bit far, and it feels difficult to get close to Gabriel sauce like that. It was just a greeting when we met."

That kind of Gabriel would be hard to get close to...?Is it a relationship where normal people would be afraid of the smell of laziness?

Thinking back to that lazy and cute gamer, Akira Izumi couldn't see anything about Gabriel that people wouldn't dare to get close to.

"Well... even though her personality has changed so much, Gabriel is still the same Gabriel. The real her hasn't changed, huh? Talk to her more when you have time, you will definitely like her now! "

For the reason of wanting to improve the relationship between friends, Akira Izumi tried to persuade him.

"Hmm...Although I still prefer her before, she is gentle, cute, and soft enough to make people want to hold her in my arms...hehehe." After nodding reluctantly, Chang Muyao suddenly Showing a smile like an uncle, holding his cheeks and smiling very badly.

He Quanming stopped stirring the coffee speechlessly: "Hey, hey, when did you have the attributes of a slut... The human design is broken?"

Chang Muyao waved his hand nonchalantly: "I've written a lot of things you don't know! Don't worry about such small things~"

"Okay, let's not talk about this - I just saw Jia Weitian today and thought, how are you and Araki-senpai?"

"...Who?" Chang Mu tilted his head in doubt.

"Araki-senpai! That third-year senior who you and your friends have been following behind.""

After listening to He Quanming's description, Chang Muyao suddenly realized and nodded.

"Senior Araki? How long ago did that happen... Actually, I have nothing to do with him, it's just that Yugui Hui and the others always follow behind Senior Araki, and I can only follow together..."

After a pause, the familiar expression of the little devil reappeared on her face: "Oh, oh, what, is Hequan-kun jealous? Are you jealous?"

He Quanming stared at her with lifeless fish eyes, "How many times do you want to play the same routine... Okay, okay, can I be jealous? Seeing the gentle, cute, pretty, generous and sunny Chang Mu If Miss likes others, I will be very jealous, okay?"

Unexpectedly, He Quanming's teasing words were more than frank, as if he had hit something on Chang Muyao, which made her feel embarrassed.

"Uh... Well, thank you so much..."

"...You're welcome." The more he got to know Chang Muyao, the more He Quanming felt that her thoughts were difficult to guess, so he changed the subject, "By the way, the book you picked up in the bookstore..."

"Wow ah ah ah - please forget that! Please, this is my life's request!"

Seeing her screaming suddenly, clasping her hands together and bowing her head to beg him sincerely, He Quanming almost fell back in fright with her chair and her body.

"Hey, don't be so excited..."

She raised her misty eyes, and bit her lower lip pitifully, as if her whole face was shining with pleading light, He Quanming couldn't bear it anymore and covered her eyes, "Okay, okay, don't look at me like that! I just forget—OK, the memory is cleared!"

Resignedly knocking on his head, he used this joking way to ensure that he would not ask this question again.

Chang Muyao laughed again, it was obvious that she was pretending to cry just now: "Hehe, Izumi-kun is really gentle~"

"Let's not brag about the commercial households, shall we..."

"Jingle bell~"

At this time, Chang Muyao's cell phone rang suddenly, and when she saw the name on the caller ID, her expression changed obviously, but she pretended to be calm and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Dad, what's the matter?"

Then, amidst the faint roar coming from the other end of the phone, her complexion turned ugly for a moment, and her eyes could not help turning to Izumi Akira who was looking at her with a little worry.

"...Wait, why do you know, Dad?! What... No, that's not the case! You misunderstood, okay-ok, okay, I'll explain...I'll go back now..."

Sighing deeply, she hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? Has something happened at home?"

Chang Muyao shook his head, closed his eyes to prevent his complex eyes from revealing his thoughts: "No, it's nothing, it's not something that needs Izumi-kun's concern... It's just that I have to go home now."

"Okay... then crepes, I'll treat you to eat next time." He Quanming didn't dare to ask any more questions, packed up his things with a regretful expression, paid the bill, and walked out of the shop with her

Standing outside the door, Chang Muyao said goodbye to him with a slight smile: "Well, thank you! I'm really sorry, I have to leave halfway... then shall I go first?"

"Ah, be careful on the road! Today's date, I am very happy!" Seeing Chang Muyao's obviously uninspired smile, He Quanming gave her a hard smile, showing his big white teeth, holding his thumb up, and smiled a flash come out.

Chang Muyao was taken aback, and his smile finally became more energetic: "...well, me too!"

Just standing there watching her pretty back gradually drifting away, He Quanming touched his pocket, took a deep breath, and made up his mind to shout out loud.

"——Chang Mu, wait!"

When Chang Muyao turned around in doubt, He Quanming had already run to her side: "What's wrong?"

Taking out the trinkets in his pocket that were intended to be given to Chang Muyao, but hesitant because he was afraid of being misunderstood by her, He Quanming resisted the burning shyness in his heart, lowered his head and stretched out his hand, and handed the trinkets to her: " This thing is for you, I exchanged it with the remaining exchange coupons... I think it suits you very well."

It was a steel Sogal scrunchie.

When He Quanming saw it at the exchange center, he thought it was very suitable for Chang Muyao at first glance, but after secretly replacing it, he wondered if she would think it was right if he gave Chang Muyao such personal accessories. She is interesting or something, which then changes the relationship between the two.

He didn't want to have a girlfriend now, and he didn't want a few of his friends to hold grudges against him like this. He Quanming's heart was always at war between heaven and man, wondering, thinking, and confused.

Until Chang Muyao walked away from him, a premonition suddenly rose in his heart that if he didn't send it now, he would never have a chance to send it in the future. When there was no time for him to hesitate, he gritted his teeth and decided to ignore it. Give her everything!

——Rather than regret not doing it in the future, it is better to regret doing it now!

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