"Gahahahahaha—stupid reptiles! How about trying this trick of my uncle!"

Crazy laughter echoed sharply in the wind, He Quanming's figure turned into a bolt of lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he forced himself into Emperor Zhongyan standing in the air.

Then the black blade swung down vigorously, and a violent spiritual pressure erupted suddenly, as if the black knife light that was about to cut the whole world in half pierced through the space, and ruled the world with a majestic and unstoppable momentum!

"The last crescent moon rushes to the sky!"

Sound is cut off, space is cut off, time is cut off.

As if all the things and concepts in this world were divided into two by the slender black blade at this moment, Emperor Yan's eyes widened, and hundreds of magic circles were erected in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"

A violent explosion sounded at the moment when the two touched, and the sky-covering smoke covered the visible range; He Quanming took off the bull ghost mask that was shattered in two due to excessive force, and looked at it leisurely. inside the smoke.

"Is this the solution..."

Then, a fist burning with flames appeared in front of his eyes.

"——I knew that as long as I said that, it must not be resolved yet!"

Laughing, He Quanming disappeared in place again, leaving Emperor Yan Yan who was covered in black smoke and swung his fist into the air. The flames and fists that burned the air seemed to shatter the space, and countless crackling sounds came from the air. sounded.

He Quanming stood on the ground with his hands folded, looked up at the expressionless Emperor Yan Yan, and explained kindly.

"——This is Shirai Kuroko's ability, teleportation."

Then, when Emperor Yandi attacked without saying a word, he moved behind him in an instant, and a circle of piano wire appeared in his hand at some point, wrapping around Emperor Yandi in the form of a middle-aged man, and then the dazzling Thunder flashed.


"——This is Li Shunsheng, that is, Hei's ability to discharge."

This kind of weak electric current seems to be of no use to Emperor Yan, but he seized the opportunity, grabbed the piano wire and pulled it towards him, while He Quanming, who hadn't let go of the piano wire, could not help being pulled over , punched hard.

Seeing the fist that was close at hand, as if it would die if touched, He Quanming smiled calmly.


The clay sculpture of Izumi Akira was beaten into an atomic state, while the real Izumi Akira was already standing in the distance.

"——This is the ninjutsu of the fourth generation Tsuchikage Kuroto."

Then his figure turned into an afterimage, and he took the initiative to attack, without using teleportation or Shunpo, he just rushed towards Emperor Yan at the purest speed.

Like black lightning, purple-black armor suddenly appeared all over He Quanming's body, and his hands and feet were all wrapped by sharp blades gleaming with cold light. At that moment, his wandering body seemed to become faster than light. Before Emperor could react, he had already crossed the space, stood behind him, and whispered the name of the move.

"——This is the skill of Kuroyukihime, that is, Black Lotus (BLACK LOTUS), Death Embrace."

Two intersecting blood lines slowly appeared from Emperor Yan's body, and then a large amount of blood was sprayed out, causing him to kneel down involuntarily.

Just now, He Quanming rushed to Emperor Zhongyan at an extremely fast speed, and after passing the body of Emperor Yan with a sharp blade of absolute cutting attribute with both hands, and then appeared behind him, this scene happened now.

...Although it was absolutely severed, this guy's body is too hard, only two wounds can be drawn.

The sharp blade in his hand faded, and He Quanming raised his hands and looked at Emperor Yan calmly.

"How? Do you still want to fight? I still have a lot of abilities that I can't use?"

A deep roar like an abyss came from Emperor Zhongyan.


He Quanming was taken aback, and couldn't help but put down his hands.

"You... don't be too arrogant to me—"

The dragon scales unfolded on his body in an instant, and with the roar of Longwei, he attacked the place where He Quanming was at the moment Emperor Yan turned his head, just when Emperor Yan wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack...

He Quanming had long since disappeared in place.


Emperor Yan Yan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and looked towards the sky.

Izumi Akira, who descended from the sky, changed into a black coat at some point, holding two one-handed swords, one white and one black, and made a gesture of raising his hands.

"Although it is not a sword skill that can only be activated in the sky, I still want to say this..."

"Have you ever seen a sword technique that falls from the sky?"

In an instant, the sword shadows flickered like streamers and stars, and the moment the storm-like sword skills were unfolded, a sharp and explosive airflow rolled up, and frantically slashed towards Emperor Yan who was standing in place.

Such a gorgeous and provocative sword technique, its name is——

"Starburst. Stream Slash! (Star burst Stream)"

Also called watermelon durian hit!

Boom boom boom boom!

The sound of gold and iron handover and explosions was endless, until the whole set of sword skills was performed, He Quanming jumped aside with the power of the two swords hitting Emperor Yan Yan, stood firm and put away the "Midnight Coat" and two swords on his body. One-handed swords called "Explainer" and "Dark Chaser".

"——This is the unique move of [Swordsman in Black] Kiritani Kazuto."

Then, without giving Emperor Yan Yan any time to react, he snapped his fingers lightly.


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