At that moment, time seemed to pause... no, it really paused!

As if a second in the world was stolen, when sixty seconds became fifty-nine seconds, the law of time stopped itself due to a fallacy, whether it was air, storm, smoke, lightning or finality God, at this moment, at this moment, at this scene, there is only one person who can move!

That's Akira Izumi at the moment when his bosom was stolen!

"The last trick, let's use this to solve you... Don't worry, I won't let you die. After all, you are the father of Sister Tole and Sister Xiaolin's father-in-law. Now I am just giving you a lesson to improve your knowledge. Level, don’t listen to the wind and the rain.”

Gently pushing the black-rimmed glasses, Akira Izumi showed a faint smile.

"——This is the skill of the elder with 'black-rimmed glasses'!"

I am Emperor Yan Yan, last a second!

Time turned in an instant, and when He Quanming put the illegal second on the body of Emperor Yan Yan, the law of time detected the place where the error occurred, and immediately implemented the error correction!


As a man who never looked back at the explosion, Akira Izumi shook his head, and sighed helplessly as he stared at the crowd staring blankly at his performance.

"Hey, Emperor Yan Yan or something, after all, he is no match for the elder's life extension..."


Chapter 71 Summer Festival in progress ([-])

Continue to wander among the stalls of the summer festival, the darker the night, the brighter the brilliant lights, and the voices of countless people shouting one after another, as if the outposts of the fireworks were in full bloom as early as the ground, blasting out a colorful scene. Prosperous.

Seemingly blending into this bustling event, Akira Hequan shuttled through the crowd with a comfortable smile, stopping from time to time to visit the stalls.

Wandering around in this way, he accidentally came to a place where many children seemed to gather, and there were clear and loud noises, including some passionate shouts.

"Go! Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

"You idiot! Using [-] volts on the big rock snake won't hurt at all! Surfing should be used here!"

"But my Pikachu can't surf..."

"Then you must have caught a fake Pikachu!"

"Hey... woo, woo woo wa wa wa waa—no, Mama, my Pikachu is fake~"

Then a little boy ran out of the stall crying.

Speechlessly making way for the little boy to run more smoothly, He Quanming looked at the crowded stall, where there were many things like arcade machines, and many children gathered around excitedly discussing, playing and scolding each other. Quite a few teenagers and adults were mixed in, and it seemed that it was much more crowded than the crowds we saw in the Steel Sogal area in the game center.

It should be an arcade game about the god ○ baby... He Quanming walked into the booth, and after a little understanding, he understood why there are so many people here.

There are nine groups of arcade machines in this booth, representing eight gymnasiums and an alliance. You only need to buy an account card from the counter, and then spend money to challenge the eight gymnasiums. If you win, you can get the gymnasium badge; You can only challenge the alliance with the hall badge. As long as you successfully challenge the alliance, you will get rich prizes and the honor medal of "Shen O Baby Master".

That's why I don't care if adults and children gather here... Well, it sounds fun and easy to earn prizes, no wonder so many "Xiaozhi" are excitedly lining up in a long line to challenge, I want to see it Play it!

So he rolled up his sleeves and looked at the time, it was about [-]:[-], half an hour should be enough for him to challenge the alliance, right?

— Attention all! The "God of Games" is coming to conquer this place!Come down with courtesy!

Walking to the counter, just as Izumi Akishi was about to pay for an account card with pride, a series of exclamations and praises came from the crowd watching the alliance machine.


"Hmm... this kid is so terrifying, he will become a serious problem in the future!"

"That skill combination, that blood-locking anti-kill... How proficient is this person in Pokmon battles! How many times has she fought against Pokémon!"

"Girl, I think you and I are very destined. My family also has a very fun arcade machine, which is equipped with the latest, longest, and best joystick that also comes with a drink. Do you want to come and play?"

"Big sister is amazing! Can you teach us how to play?"

Cut, is it just challenging the alliance? What's all the fuss about?Back in the Emerald Alliance, I didn’t even know how many times I had swiped with a single Pikachu, but you guys who are still in the Kanto area, it’s so rare...

Curling his lips in disdain, He Quanming was about to turn around and continue buying his own account card when suddenly, a familiar voice came from the crowd.

"Well, that, I really want to teach everyone, but I'm leaving soon... I'm really sorry..." The gentle voice was troubled, although it was a bit reluctant, but said in the crowd The girl who said this still had a smile that wanted to heal everything, and her silver-white long hair flowed behind her back. She gave a shallow salute to the others.

The girl was wearing a silver-white bathrobe, and she stood tall and graceful like a goddess of the moon. Even her figure wrapped in the bathrobe was full of plump temptation; when she saluted, her long hair like a waterfall of the Milky Way fell quietly, inadvertently revealing her beauty. Her weak and quiet demeanor, and the two cross hair ornaments on her head added a little holiness to her, like a goddess of mercy and salvation, surrounded by everyone's adoring and admiring eyes.

This person is Rafael from Class C of the second year of Hui Ridong High School, the happy star who likes to play tricks on others the most.

"I'm really sorry, everyone. If there is a next time, I will definitely be happy to accompany you, but..." The white-haired girl glanced around in a bit of embarrassment, looking for words to evade, but inadvertently, with Akira Izumi, who was about to look away, met his gaze.

He Quanming was slightly stunned, and his footsteps on the way to the counter couldn't help but froze - I really didn't expect to meet her here...

Wait... So, this is the rock gymnasium in Neo City that was mentioned in the group before?It turns out that she is really playing in the gym!I didn't travel through the world, and I didn't just say it casually. Is it true to challenge the gym here and finish the alliance?

...In that case, is Satania there?

He looked around, but didn't see the rambunctious red-haired idiot, and then turned his gaze to Raphael—she should know where Satania went, right?

When he was thinking about whether to talk to her in the past, or to leave here first, and wait for her to come out, He Quanming saw Rafael suddenly showing the same smile as usual, winking at him with interest smiled.

He Quanming couldn't help saying "Oops", and reflexively wanted to rush towards the exit.

——I would like to add here, what does Raphael's "smile as usual" refer to?

That is, when some kind of idea appeared in her heart that she didn't know whether it was good or bad, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up, revealing a malicious smile, and at the same time, her skin would become weirdly smooth.

The one who has seen this expression the most is naturally Satania, then him, and then Gabriel—this guy always comes to bother Satania when he is busy, not because he is free I wanted to chat with him, but I thought of some idea to play tricks on him.

Although it is a little troublesome, but because Rafael said that chatting with him is very interesting, and thinking about it, she is actually making some harmless little jokes, and Izumi, whose vanity is satisfied, naturally let her go Yes... But when he saw that smiling face that made people tremble all over, he still shrank his head reflexively, turned around and wanted to run away.

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