The obvious running movement was immediately seen by Rafael who was staring at him, and Rafael did not continue to maintain that creepy smile, and opened his mouth among the crowd, shouting loudly to Izumi.

"Izumi-san—I'm here! You're here to pick me up to watch the fireworks, right? Wait for me, I'll be right over~"

At this moment, countless green eyes stared at him fiercely, and the powerful resentment seemed to kill him at that moment, so scared that he couldn't help but let out a "Hey!"

"it turns out……"

"Why...why would Ms. Angel be with such an unremarkable kid..."

"Watching fireworks with an's so enviable!"

"No, it's impossible... Eldest sister won't like such a disgusting goldfish guy!"

"How dare you defile our angel... It seems that the execution must be carried out..."

"Even if such an unremarkable guy is dumped in a corner, he won't be found... Hey? Is there a burial agency? I have someone to deal with here..."

"Just let him be the fireworks tonight...hehehe..."

"Tsk, it's horrible...but his ass looks really nice...I really want to...hehehe."

- so terrible!You guys are so scary!No matter how you look at it, they are a group of terrorists who should be arrested for electrotherapy!

He Quanming took a step back unconsciously, resisting the overwhelming momentum in front of him.

... This, this kind of resentment that seems to be a real single dog... It's like a dick seeing the goddess in his heart being snatched away by the rich second generation, unwilling, jealous, hated, disgusted, why don't this kind of person die soon... all kinds of things Negative emotions like the evil in this world merged into a strong curse. If he was not also a member of the glorious single dog, I am afraid that he would have to surrender his knee here to save his life...

Glaring fiercely at Rafael, who was smiling happily and watching the show, He Quanming's head was spinning rapidly as to how to solve this situation. Countless countermeasures were recalled from his mind, but he rejected them one by one. ; After staring in a daze for three seconds in front of everyone, he finally came back to his senses, showing a harmless smile that made Rafael faintly feel bad.

... Xiao Mian, how many times do you think I have seen the big wind and the big waves?It's just a group of sad single dogs with resentment, how could they scare you, Mr. Izumi?Let's see how I can easily break this situation!

With a soft snort, Hequanming calmly resisted the eyes of the onlookers, walked up to Rafael with the catwalk of DIO, gently held her hand under her slightly uncomfortable smile, and held her hand in front of her. Everyone said softly.

"That's right, I'm here to pick you up. If you don't leave, the good seats will be taken up?... Touma."

Rafael almost choked out his saliva when he heard that - who is the winter horse?And what about that look, gentle and disgusting, you know!

Discussions gradually sounded from the surroundings, and more intense gazes hit He Quanming like lasers, as if they were going to cut him into pieces.

"...This guy, dare to touch Miss Angel's hand! Unforgivable..."

"But it turns out that the angel's name is Touma... It really lives up to its name, what a beautiful name..."

"Don't care about Miss Angel, don't you think that boy's butt is very sticky? It's like a good peach... silky!"

"Wait, why do I have the urge to kill someone when I hear Miss Angel's name... Is it an illusion?"

"It's an illusion... although I feel the same..."

"No, I feel like I'm about to be beaten to death by someone..."

"What a coincidence, so am I..."

"...May I ask, your two names?"


"Bai Xuejia..."


Regardless of another kind of killing intent erupting from the crowd, He Quanming took Rafael's soft and fair little hand, and while leading her out of the crowd, he spoke to her gently in a tiresome tone.

"...Touma, tell us next time, and then come out to play by yourself, okay? Yukina and I are very worried about you! I'm afraid that you will be taken away by someone with evil intentions and become a junior The opposite word, I have been calling you just now... When you get back, remember to apologize to Yukina who was worried about you? We made an agreement."

"That, that, Izumi-san..." Rafael's smiling face froze slightly, holding back the awkward feeling to prevent his expression from collapsing, and he kept trying to pull his hand out of Izumi's big hand, but found that there was nothing he could do She broke free, but was held even tighter by him. The soft and boneless hand was tightly wrapped in the warm palm, which made her blush unconsciously, and finally gave up the struggling movement helplessly.

Touching his hot cheek with the other hand, trying to suppress the strangeness rising in his heart, Rafael was dragged by He Quanming to the door step by step.

"What's the matter? Do you have anything to say? Touma." He turned his head to look at her with concern, but in Izumi's eyes, there was no intention to hide the triumphant look of a villain, and the corners of his mouth were also shallow Lightly revealing a playful arc, showing off like showing off.

Seeing his appearance, Rafael's face immediately swelled up, two small buns bulged out of his fair little face, and a feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat suddenly rose in his heart.

Glaring at He Quanming quietly, seeing that the two of them are about to walk out of the booth, the time and place for revenge are about to be far away, unwillingness and competitive spirit seem to have untied a certain shackle in their hearts, in order to protect their tricky Dignity, in order not to be counterattacked and turned defensive, she decided—to fight it out!

Taking a deep breath, Rafael showed his previous smile again, but at this moment, he was more determined to die together, his yellow eyes narrowed slightly, and at the moment when He Quanming felt bad and wanted to cover her mouth , stood still and shook his hand vigorously, screaming in grief and indignation.

"——Why are you so proficient! How many times have you and Yukina done holding hands at festivals or something!? How far do you have to throw me away before you're willing to do it!?"



As soon as the words fell, there was no sound in the booth. Everyone was surprised to focus their attention on them again. They first looked at the white-haired girl who was about to cry, and then at the black-framed boy who opened his mouth wide and wanted to argue. An even bigger and more violent killing intent rose again.

Watching people gradually pinch their finger bones and surround him with grinning smiles, He Quanming suddenly felt overwhelmed. With a smile, it was obvious that she expressed that Rafael had avenged her vengeance, and He Quanming had the urge to rub her cheeks desperately.

This guy's full name must be Bai Xue.Rafael.Touma Kazuya ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——

The danger was about to approach, and seeing someone slowly walking around behind them trying to block the exit of the booth, He Quanming couldn't care less about complaining... If he was a second slower, he would definitely not be beaten to death, but him what!

Making a decisive decision, he tightly clenched Rafael's little hand, and in retaliation he specially interlocked his fingers, like a couple's hands tightly intertwined; before she could react, He Quanming walked away Without looking back, he rushed straight to the door.

"—Sa, run, Rafael!"


Chapter 72 Summer Progression ([-])

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