blacken!Rafael, you are black!I feel like you are staring at my ear with a very bad smile!

Feeling the threat to his ears, Akira Izumi broke into a cold sweat, trying to calm down Rafael with a gentle tone.

"Rafael, don't get excited, calm down, even if you tear off my ears, it's useless! It can't be sold or eaten. If you really want to eat ears, I'll go I’ll buy you cold pig’s ears! Let go of my ears first, let’s talk…”

"Eh? Call me a pig after you say I'm fat? Izumi-san is too much! Hey, hey, hey..."

Crying is too fake, Miss Raphael!

"I don't have a pig to be a pig! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to be ripped off by you!"

"...Is it fat? Is it heavy? Hehehe, tell me, Izumi-san, how much do I weigh? Is the fat all over my body gathered in my chest? Is it twice as heavy as Xiaojia? Right or left?"

"Don't ask such unanswerable questions! If I say it, I will definitely die! I was wrong Rafael, please forgive me! Let me tell you, you must be the lightest person in the world Ahhhhhhh-"

"I know I'm lying when I hear it! Such a classmate Izumi needs to be taught a lesson!"

Under Rafael's joyful and resentful voice, Izumi's screams resounded through the night sky of the summer festival.

There are still forty minutes until the fireworks show officially starts.

Chapter 73 Summer Festival in progress ([-])

At [-]:[-], at the gate of the shrine.

He Quanming put Rafael on his back on the steps at the door, seeing that her face was still blushing with excitement, he couldn't help but sighed plaintively.

...It's all in exchange for my ears and legs...Why does it feel like I'm getting fatter? Is it an illusion?

Putting aside this idea that shocked him, He Quanming also sat next to her, and after taking a long breath of exhaustion, he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to see where the others were now - he was very concerned that they could gather on time The truth is that it's hard to have faith.

Leaving Vinette and Megumi Kato aside, neither Gabriel nor Satania seems like someone who will arrive on time. Erha ran around like the reined one.

If you really want them to have the concept of punctuality, unless Akira Izumi holds Gabriel's notebook in one hand and Satania's favorite pineapple bun in the other, deliberately stands in the most conspicuous place of the ceremony, and then makes a gesture to put them together. If you step on it, maybe you can see them running over at the fastest speed.

Of course, if this kind of thing really happened, it would probably be the time of Izumi Akira's death when they came over.

Sliding his finger on the screen, he opened the chat group, and before He Quanming could see how many unread messages there were, he was distracted by a head that suddenly approached from the side.

He looked at Rafael, who was next to him and looked at the screen of his mobile phone nonchalantly, his fair and delicate face was quite close, and a few strands of white hair had already hung down on his body. The light fragrance also permeated the air.

He Quanming said calmly: "Hello... where is your mobile phone?"

"Oh, it's very troublesome to take it out. It's more convenient to look directly at Izumi-san... If Izumi-san hates it, it doesn't matter if I don't look at it?" Mao smiled briskly, and Rafael's narrowed eyes made him laugh. No one can see what she is thinking right now.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Really, just now it was obvious that he didn't want to get in touch with him, why now he took the initiative to post it and didn't care... He Quanming shook his head helplessly, making up his mind to let her do whatever she wanted and concentrate on it , and start watching other people's messages in the chat group.

Kato Megumi: "I'm sorry, I estimate that it will take about ten minutes to get to the shrine from here, so I will arrive at about [-]:[-]. I am really sorry to make everyone wait for me."

It seems that the crowd really caused her a lot of trouble... But it was only five minutes late, so it was nothing.

Akira Hequan planned to comfort Megumi Kato after reading all the messages, so he continued to read, and the next thing was Gabriel's message.

Gabriel: "...Is there anyone who can redeem me? I will be very grateful to him."

——What did you do!Also, you only said these who know where to redeem you, hello!police station?court?Or the Navy Headquarters?

And I don't want to redeem you at all, so don't use "him" for me!Don’t think I’m the only boy who doesn’t know everyone, you want me to redeem you because you just use this word, right?Right!

I don't do it!goodbye!

The intense desire to complain was instantly ignited, He Quanming clenched the phone tightly, resisting the urge to directly complain in the group, and continued to read the messages behind.


Satania: "...Where is this place?"

— Who knows, bastard!

He was about to throw his phone to the ground angrily. He Quanming ignored Rafael who was covering his mouth and laughing exaggeratedly. His shoulders were vibrating like a massager. After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, he looked down at Wei Knight's message.

...That serious and rational child must not be as unreliable as those two idiots, right?Maybe she has actually arrived long ago, but she just left beforehand, let us wait here for a while?

Vinette, you will never let me down, will you?

Vinette: "...someone help me QAQ, I was dragged to work as a helper by the owner of the takoyaki shop near the entrance of the shrine. The price is the secret to making takoyaki delicious..."

...So let me indulge in summer festival fantasies all of you, you bastards!

Cleanly turned off the phone screen and stuffed it back into the coin pocket, He Quanming suddenly grabbed the hand of Rafael, who was already laughing so hard that he couldn't help himself, and said affectionately.

"...Raphael, just the two of us, let's watch the fireworks together!"

"...Huh?" Rafael's smile froze, two blushes unconsciously appeared on his face, his heartbeat accelerated for a moment, but was suppressed by her immediately, "...This is not possible, Izumi-san. Everyone We came out to play together, and we can’t miss anyone until we part, so wait a little longer! If it doesn’t work, you can use the missing person broadcast of the festival!”

"...Of course I know, it's just a joke!" Seeing her smile with some serious feelings, He Quanming sighed helplessly, let go of Rafael's little hand, looked at the night sky, and stood up suddenly.

"Okay! I'll go find them!"

Rafael was a little surprised and asked: "Are you going to look for it now? You just did such a strenuous exercise, why don't you take a rest before leaving?"

There was worry in his questioning eyes, as if he was worried about whether he was struggling with fatigue—after all, he was fleeing for his life and carrying her here just now, logically speaking, He Quanming, who is already relatively weak in physical strength, should have already passed away. Too tired to walk, he still wanted to walk for an unknown amount of time to find those scattered people, which made Rafael worry about his physical condition.

Akira Hequan shrugged his shoulders when he heard the words, and after moving his sore body a little, he opened his mouth as if complaining.

"Tired is tired, but if you don't count Kato, if you really have to wait for them to come by themselves, then don't know how long it will take? Besides, I asked you to come out for this event first, and as the organizer, I should also do it for myself The participants are responsible, and finding them is one of my obligations."

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