Seeing that Rafael wanted to say something, He Quanming turned around and interrupted her, and said decisively.

"—So, Lafite, just wait here for me obediently, I'll go and bring those idiots back now, it won't take too long!"

Rafael opened his mouth and paused for a moment, and then all the words were turned into a faint smile, just like a wife waiting for her husband to go out to fight at home, the elegant temperament of a young lady is fully revealed at this moment.

"In this case, until you come back, I will stay here and will not leave. Then--I wish you good luck!"

He Quanming turned his head and smiled helplessly: "Why are you so's not like going to war!"

Rafael tilted his head slightly, and smiled mischievously: "That's not necessarily true! Maybe Izumi will fall to the ground and die among the random arrows, leaving me a lonely woman who stays here for thousands of years, becoming a A stone that never weathers."

"Bah bah bah, don't curse me, please!...Then, I'm going." Turning his back to Rafael, He Quanming walked into the lively atmosphere of the summer festival again with light steps.

On the quiet steps of the shrine, Rafael looked at his back, as if he was thinking about something, suddenly pointed out and chanted a spell in his lips.


The holy white light lighted up faintly, passed from Rafael's body to the fingertips, and then shot out from the fingertips, crossed the air and wrapped around Izumi's feet, and then gradually merged into it and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at Izumi Akira's astonishment from a distance when he realized that his footsteps had become much lighter, Rafael couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling, then he looked around with a guilty conscience, and looked around to confirm the entrance of this remote shrine. When there was no one around, the halo above his head appeared faintly, and the white light lit up in his hands again.

Putting his slender hand on the swollen ankle, it didn't take long for the ankle to return to its usual white and delicate appearance. Raphael nodded in satisfaction, put away the white light, and jumped on the spot.

"As expected... It feels so good to be able to move freely~"

Smiling happily, Rafael began to hum a little tune, swaying his body to the rhythm, and the melodious tone echoed in the woods of the shrine for a long time.


——Izumi is at war.

No, it should be said that he is trying to stand out from the crowd in order to squeeze through this crowded battlefield, and is struggling to move forward step by step.

As soon as he walked out of the shrine, Akira Hequan saw a crazy scene-the turbulent crowd formed a long queue, and the front of the long dragon was still huddled in a mess, with countless shouts and persuasion voices, and the source was It is a takoyaki restaurant that is full of people.

Seeing this scene, and thinking of Wei Nette's message in the chat group, He Quanming can almost conclude that it is definitely because of her relationship!

Although I don't know why it turned into such a fierce battle, Vinette is probably in that takoyaki restaurant, so he can only carefully look for the gaps between people, and he can sneak in whenever he can. Squeeze if you can't, desperate to move forward - and bring Vinette back!

... To be honest, if it wasn't for the sudden and inexplicable recovery of his physical strength, he might not be able to squeeze in with his body aching.

"Don't squeeze, everyone, don't squeeze!"

"Don't jump in line, please! A bit of order is okay!"

"There are too many people, how can I line up! I don't know where the line is!"

"So why are there so many people queuing here?!"

"Who knows, I'll line up if there are too many people!"


"Yeah - it was that bastard who dared to touch my mother's butt, stand up! My mother wants him to be responsible!"


"Yeah, yes, who touched his ass..."

"I, me, me! It's me! I touched it! I'm willing to take responsibility!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho? Is it you touching my mother's ass? Very good, I like you, let's go to the grove over there and have a good "communication"!"

"No—! I don't want it! I didn't touch your butt! I don't want to be responsible! Help, help—"

Seeing a handsome boy being dragged into the woods by a burly aunt, the screams of despair resounded through the sky, and several girls next to him hurriedly shouted "Cheng-kun, Ito-kun" and followed him in to save him, Akira Izumi While lamenting the decline of the world, he shook his head, sent him a RIP without sincerity, and took advantage of the moment when the crowd stagnated under the turmoil, he tried his best to squeeze to the front.

At the moment when he escaped from the crowd, he finally saw Vinette.

The purple-haired girl stood pretty in front of the takoyaki machine, with a few drops of sweat hanging on her fair forehead, her lovely face forced a commercial smile, and the thin needle in her hand kept flying on the machine table. Someone rushed forward and greeted reflexively.

"Welcome, how many servings do you want, and what flavor do you want?"

Then his gaze met Izumi Akira's speechless and pitiful eyes.

...Looking at how skilled she is in entertaining guests, how long has she been a helper...

The moment Vinette recognized the person in front of her, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she stopped what she was doing unconsciously, as if seeing a life-saving dawn in the dark, her eyes slowly filled with tears, if not for the distance in front of her, Holding a table, she might jump directly at He Quanming excitedly.

"...Ka, Izumi-san! That's great, woohoo—you finally came to save me..."

He Quanming spread his hands: "Don't be too moved. After all, I won't come here again. I guess you can stay here until closing time. You don't need to watch the fireworks. What's the point of me calling you here?"

Vinette said both moved and guilty: "Well, I'm really sorry... because the uncle of the Okonomiyaki shop and the proprietress of the Takoyaki shop are old acquaintances. I recommended it here, but I originally refused, but the proprietress said that it would be good to help her for a while, and it will be over at [-]:[-], and she will give me the secrets of making takoyaki after the end, so I reluctantly agreed..."

Then, she glanced at the crowds outside the store, and she showed a weak wry smile: "... I didn't expect so many people to gather suddenly... I couldn't find a chance to leave... Izumi, what can you do?" ?"

Seeing her asking for help, He Quanming had no choice but to rub his brows helplessly. After thinking for a while, when he was about to ask Vinette for some information, the crowd on the side suddenly interrupted.

"Hey! You kid, what do you want to do to our takoyaki goddess? Hurry up and buy your takoyaki and leave! Don't waste our goddess' time here!"

"Yes, yes! Go quickly after buying, the people behind are still waiting!"

"We are all here for the takoyaki of the goddess of takoyaki, why can you monopolize her for so long! Get out!"

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

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