"Go away—"

When one person made a sound, everyone behind him started booing, countless angry and jealous eyes gathered on him, and He Quanming reflexively wanted to turn around and run away.

——Lying down a super big hole, what the hell is my life!Why again!The moron masses again!Why are these idiots targeting me again, bastard!

Gritting his teeth, because he hadn't taken Vinette away yet, He Quanming could only hold back the urge to run away for the time being, and turned to her and said, "Let's go straight away, don't worry about these guests with their heads in water! "

"Eh? But, but..." The kind-hearted Vinette still had no choice but to leave the booth and leave. She looked at the crowd in front of her in embarrassment, and then at the proprietress who appeared behind her at some point.

The greasy-faced aunt wiped her hands on the apron, took out a booklet from her pocket and handed it to Vinette, then gave her a thumbs up.

"Go! Little girl, it's time for you to pursue your happiness!"

"What happiness?! Mistress, have you misunderstood something!"

Ignoring Vinette who was staring and stunned, the proprietress patted her on the shoulder and nodded heavily: "I know... At your age, I also established a relationship with my old ghost because of the summer festival. The two talked to each other in the grove of the fireworks conference that night, and got to know each other deeply; it was because of my relationship that you stayed here for so long. Then sooner or later I will be kicked to death by a horse."

(Japanese proverb: Those who prevent others from falling in love will be kicked to death by a horse.)

Turning to look at He Quanming, the proprietress looked at him sternly with the same solemn tone as entrusting her daughter.

"Boy, remember, protect her! She is a good girl, if I see her shed a tear from now on, I will fight this mess—"

Raising the slender silver steel fork in her hand, she opened her tiger eyes wide and menacingly.

"I also want to make takoyaki from your crotch and feed it to the dogs!"

Facing this frightening threat, He Quanming shuddered coldly at first, then stared back unwillingly to show weakness, and evoked a wild smile with blood surging.

"Hmph, do you still need to tell me, auntie! It's my job to protect Vinette. If anyone dares to make her cry, I will kill that person if I don't need you! "

The proprietress smiled gratifiedly: "Well, then I will hand her over to you, and bring her happiness, kid!"

He Quanming, who entered the scene, rubbed his nose movedly, and nodded heavily: "Ah! Don't worry, leave it to me! I will definitely take good care of her!"

From the passionate gaze of the two, it can be seen that they attach great importance to the purple-haired girl next to them.

As the party concerned, Vinette could only stand aside, blushing, and yelled in embarrassment.

"You...you two...don't go too far——!"



After finally taking Vinet away from the crowd, Akira Kazumi caressed the bruise on his right eye, while staring at Vinet with resentful eyes.


Vinette, who was made whole body wrong by his silent accusation, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily with a pretty blushing face.

"Look, what are you looking at! Isn't it all Izumi-san, it's embarrassing to sing with the proprietress in public, you know! Who else will take care of me... If you didn't say that, I wouldn't be careless Fist!"

"That was just a joke... Who knew you were so angry..." He Quanming muttered aggrievedly, knowing that he had committed death, no wonder Wei Nette, so he also withdrew that resentful gaze, and walked with him Vinette chatted about some insignificant things to ease her restless mood.

It didn't take long to bring her near the entrance of the shrine, and Izumi pointed to the woods.

"Next, you should know how to get there, right? Rafael is waiting there. Kato should be here at this time. You should wait with them first. I will go and bring those two idiots back. .”

"Well, it's really troublesome for you! You have to run around for us like this..." Vinet bowed slightly apologetically, and after thinking for a while, she pointed in a certain direction of the festival area, "Speaking of Xiaojia If so...I seem to have seen her go to the steak stand over there before, I don't know if she was trapped there..."

Akira Kazumi's eyes lit up, and he shook Vinette's hand gratefully.

"It's really possible to say so! Finally, I have some clues to find someone... To be honest, looking for someone in this crowded place is like looking for a needle in a haystack..."

"Uh... no, you're welcome..." With a dry smile, Vinette withdrew her hand, her face turning rosy.

"Then I'll go find them! You go and find Rafael, I'm a little worried about her being alone!"

After finishing speaking, He Quanming waved his hand and ran to the direction she pointed earlier.

"Okay...be careful on the road."

After seeing him off with her eyes, Vinette also turned around and walked towards the entrance of the shrine.

There are still twenty-five minutes until the fireworks display.

Chapter 74 Summer Festival in progress ([-])

Jogging all the way to the steak stand that Vinette pointed out, He Quanming could see that there were significantly fewer people visiting the festival—because the fireworks festival was about to start, most people were looking for a good seat to watch the fireworks, avoiding At that time, I have to stand and watch the fireworks, and it is inconvenient to do anything.

If he hadn't discovered an excellent place to watch the scenery a long time ago, he must be looking for a place that can accommodate six people to watch the fireworks now; and in order to let Sagiri see the most beautiful fireworks, maybe he would just ignore it Gabriel and the others went to occupy a seat first and told them to come here on their own.

Fortunately, I have the foresight, otherwise I would be so embarrassed to them... Thinking of this, He Quanming came to the steak stall, and it was obvious that there was a circle of people around a certain seat, exclaiming and shouting from time to time. The sound of cheering.

So he knew that Gabriel must be there.

——All TMs are routines.

Twitching the corner of his mouth, He Quanming walked into the steak stall with some reluctance, and was ready to do the same thing again...

This summer festival tour is really evil. It seems that they are the only focus in Nuo Da’s festival. Except for Satania and Kato Megumi, all the girls are surrounded by a circle of unreasonable soy sauce parties. , and as soon as he strikes up a conversation with a girl, he must be the one who gets pissed off in the end!

It's the mad dog of Solomon, how merciless it is!

However, when he blended into the crowd and took a closer look at the seat in the center of the crowd, he found that there was a mistake in the idea just now.

Why do you say that?

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