"Oh, I accidentally slipped~"

"—Will you succeed!" There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, He Quanming stretched his hands forward, like a goalkeeper, he caught a head that flew towards him like a football with great accuracy , and then unceremoniously, pinched the head in his hand and rubbed it vigorously.

"Yo, Satania... tell me, are you looking for death? What do you want to do when you fall down on purpose? Do you want to fill this hole with your head? You want to be buried in the soil by me, next autumn You can harvest a bunch of it, right? Huh?"

A voice that was darker than this gloom and more deadly than this silence sounded. Even though his vision was dim, Izumi's eyes still shone with a sharp sense of danger, staring at the struggling Satania.

"I'm not going to grow out of the soil! - No, I'm not going to say this... It's Lafite who said it, she made me come over and fall - I admit it Why do you have to pinch harder! My head is about to explode again~”

"Anyway, you are still the one who did the death, this is punishment!" He Quanming taught her viciously, suddenly turned his head and smiled kindly at Rafael who was watching the good show; obviously in the dark, he But the mirror flashed a bright light.

"Raphael, do you have anything else to say?"

Do you want me to confess my last words... The angry Izumi-san is so scary!

Rafael twitched the corners of her mouth, and suddenly she smiled dryly and said to Izumi.

"...Um, uh, the fireworks display is about to start? Don't you want to keep going?"


After being told by Rafael, He Quanming didn't have the heart to continue teaching these two teasers, and led a group of people directly to the viewing platform.

Removed the obstacle that he deliberately blocked the intersection with a wooden plank, as soon as the few people walked out of the woods, their vision instantly widened.

A vast, star-studded night sky stretches across the sky quietly.

It seems that all the night scenes are gathered here, and the spotlights on the stage are all focused on this place; as long as you look up, you will see an amazing night scene; as long as you stretch out your hand, a little bit of star sand will flow from your fingers.

And not only the night scene, because it is on the mountainside, looking down from here, you can see the brightly lit and prosperous scene in Adachi District. The electronic starlight falling on the ground is as beautiful as the stars in the sky; nature and The man-made beauty is intertwined here, just standing on the cliff and looking at it, as if you are surrounded by the whole world, and the magnificent touch comes from your heart.

"So beautiful..."

"Well, it's really beautiful..."

"Well, it's not bad..."

"Wow...that's amazing..."

"...beautiful is beautiful, but everyone, don't get so close to the cliff? Be careful."

Kato Megumi's exhortation made everyone take a closer look, and found that although there was a guardrail on the edge of the cliff, the wooden railing was already so worn out that it seemed to fall down if pushed, so they hurriedly stepped back a few steps to give up waiting to lean on it. The idea of ​​enjoying fireworks from the railing.

At this time, Izumi Ming's shout came from behind.

"...Don't stand there stupidly! I've already laid out the picnic cloth, come and sit!"

They took a closer look, but saw Akira Izumi sitting on a layer of light blue picnic cloth at some point, with some snacks and drinks on it.

"... Where did you get these things?" Gabriel asked with a strange expression.

It's okay to talk about snacks, after all, they also have some food bought from the festival, although Izumi bought more than them, but it is not incomprehensible.

It's just that when I came here, I didn't see him holding a picnic cloth or something?Where did that pad come from?Four-dimensional pocket?

Akira Izumi answered with a little pride.

"Hey, I put this away when I came here in the afternoon. Firstly, I was afraid that it would be uncomfortable for you to stand watching the fireworks, and because of the bathrobe, I couldn't sit down casually; secondly, I was afraid that someone would come to this place too. , so laying it out first is considered a seat!...Huh? What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this?"

Before he finished speaking, everyone was looking at him with expressions of admiration and surprise. He Quanming couldn't help scratching the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.

"...It's nothing, I just think that Izumi-san is really amazing...something." Vinette kindly spoke her mind on behalf of everyone.

Then the girls walked to the mat, took off their clogs, gathered their hems, and sat down gracefully or casually.

The location is like this.

Vinette, Gabriel, Satania, Rafael, Akira Izumi, Megumi Kato.

By the way, originally Satania wanted to sit next to Izumi, but Rafael pulled her over and whispered for a while, and then changed her seat with a suddenly realized expression.

——Although I don't know what the two of them said, Izumi didn't care. There are only a few minutes left before the fireworks start, and he has to quickly make a video connection with Sagiri.

"...Come on, Mingjun, please have some tea."

He casually took the hot tea from Kei Kato next to him, thanked Kato Akira, took a sip, took out his mobile phone and started fiddling, sending a video link request to Sagiri.

"...Ming Jun, I'll give you this dumpling. I can't eat it anymore."

Naturally, he took a bunch of glutinous rice dumplings from Megumi Kato, and Quanming casually took a bite. At this moment, the video connection finally started.

The phone screen suddenly lit up, and the screen changed, and what appeared on it was a corner of his sister's room; and occupying most of the middle of the screen, it was supposed to be his sister and Izumi Sagiri's—a man with a strange mask and a green stand-up collar Sportswear, a suspicious weirdo no matter how you look at it.

……Um?What the hell?

"... Sagiri... why do you want to dress like that at home..."

He Quanming complained speechlessly.

"Because, because... My brother is hanging out with friends, right? I don't want to be seen, so I just..."

The voice changed by the voice changer into an unrecognizable voice came from the mobile phone, and the weird masked man on the screen waved his hands in a panic, then straightened his body, pretended to be serious, and seemed to be confirming that He Quanming was beside him. Looked around as if someone was there.

"Hmmm, before we get down to business... well, brother... where are you now? Who's there?"

...Girlfriend Cha Gang, you?

Akira Izumi was a little speechless, since there was nothing to hide anyway, he happened to introduce his friends to Sagiri by the way, and when he was about to reply with this thought, a light pink handkerchief suddenly passed by He came out, and gently wiped the corner of his mouth, followed by that familiar light voice.

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