"...Ming Jun, did you get something on the corner of your mouth?"

"...Oh, oh! Thank you..."

Akira Hequan couldn't help pulling the screen away from his eyes to make Megumi Kato's movements more smooth. At this time, the group of four who heard his voice and the strange movement also came over, and several people immediately gathered around him. Beside him, he looked at the strange man on the screen with curious eyes.

In the picture, the strange man froze inexplicably.

Next, it seemed as if thick black air suddenly billowed out from behind her. Even though the voice had changed, the heavy and huge killing intent still clearly entered Hequanming's ears, as if the lifeblood had been crushed. As if the Hulk was pinching him in his hand, he trembled in fright.

"Heh, heh, big brother...you-"

Chapter 76 At this moment, he is so convinced and satisfied

Although Akira Izumi couldn't see Sagiri's expression through a strange mask, the anger that was about to rain was clearly conveyed, and it was about to erupt like a volcanic eruption in the next second.

Although he really didn't know why his sister suddenly became angry, after all, there were many possible reasons, and he couldn't guess it for a while.

But the most important thing now is not whether to guess or not, but to appease her emotions before she really bursts into anger—not to mention the rare fireworks display, which makes the atmosphere of the world tainted with gunpowder. He really didn't want to see it, but he didn't want everyone to hate Sagiri because of such inexplicable things.

Well... Although these people who are laughing and joking all the time and have an easy-going personality should not hate someone so easily, there will still be some bad impressions, right?

——Although the strange impression has long been left when Sagiri wore a mask of an anime character, dressed tightly, and distorted her voice with a voice changer.

But it's the first time for my younger sister to meet her friends, no matter what, she can't let her lose her temper here!

Immediately, He Quanming wanted to interrupt her about to speak.

But someone at the side spoke before him first, and that plain but incredibly gentle voice sounded softly.

"...Are you Sagiri-chan? Good evening, I'm Kato Megumi, a friend of your brother's. Please give me your advice when we meet for the first time."

Kato Megumi spoke calmly, and at the same time moved her head closer, placing herself in front of the camera so that Sagiri could see her face clearly.

Seeing a girl with black shoulder-length hair suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, her facial features are exquisite but seem to be covered by a layer of mist, with a strange blurred feeling, Sagiri froze for a moment, feeling angry As if being poured out by a basin of cold water in an instant, facing Megumi Kato who released her affinity towards her, she swayed from side to side with some embarrassment.

"...That, that..."

Megumi Kato smiled lightly: "Sagiri-chan, don't be nervous, we have heard about you from Izumi-san. Don't worry about anything, we just watch the fireworks together, it doesn't matter if you relax Oh! "

Hearing Kato Megumi's words that seemed to make people follow her calmly, Sagiri couldn't help but gradually relax her restless body, kicked a little on the bed, and spoke unwillingly.

"I... I'm not nervous! It's just that there are so many people suddenly appearing, I'm a little scared! I've seen this kind of situation many times, and I'm used to it!"

Akira Izumi, who was pushed aside by Megumi Kato, nodded thoughtfully.

That's right... After all, she has been doing live broadcasts in front of many audiences with this appearance all the time, so she must be used to talking to others like this, right?

No, it would be better to say—only when she puts on a mask, sportswear that covers her entire body, and uses a voice changer to cover her voice, can she dare to speak face-to-face with strangers.

Her fear of the outside world has always existed, and it was only at this time that she could ease it up.

At this time, Sagiri's attitude became much more casual. She sat upright on the bed and nodded to Megumi Kato and the few people who appeared in the corner of the camera behind her as if thanking her.

"Good evening, everyone... My idiot brother has been taken care of by you... I am her younger sister, Izumi Sagiri. For some reason, I can't show my true face to others, so please forgive me."

This guy is surprisingly formal?

...It's just like a daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law just by coming to the next seat. Isn't this too solemn?

Akira Izumi smiled, and turned the phone camera to the other girls so that Sagiri could see everyone.

Then I heard a strange laugh coming from behind Sagiri's face.

"...Everyone my brother knows is so cute... Hehehe... Silo!"

...I'm afraid I'm hallucinating.

No, it must be an illusion!It is impossible for Sagiri to have such a slut-like laugh!My Sagiri is a pure lady!Even if she is a loli who can draw H illustrations, she is definitely not the kind of bad guy who would slobber at girls!

Just as Izumi was consolidating his fairy-like impression of his sister, Satania squeezed in front of the camera unwillingly, and patted Izumi's shoulder triumphantly.

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry, it's nothing~ After all, this familiar is a guy who will starve to death if no one takes care of it. The kind-hearted Lord Satania had no choice but to groan. !”

"...When I was thinking about the most important thing in life, how dare you still play dead like this...Stupid Nia, why don't you understand that if you don't die, you won't die?" Handing the phone to Megumi Kato, He Quanming grabbed Satania's head with a smile on his face, and dragged her into the grove. It didn't take long before there was a shrill scream.

Everyone tacitly ignored the daily interaction between the two.Then Rafael waved to Sagiri and said hello.

"Sagiri-chan, hello~ I'm Rafael, and I'm your brother's good friend like Satania who was dragged out just now~ If you don't mind, I hope to become good friends with you too! "

However, even in the face of Rafael's smile and amiable words that seemed to be bathed in the holy light, Sagiri did not reply immediately, but remained silent, staring intently at Rafael's face with a warm gaze that could be felt even through the mask. To marshmallows that exude a strong presence even when bound by a yukata.

"... This, this is... a character with big breasts... What a terrifying combat power..."

Rafael's gentle smile froze, feeling as if he had been violently violated by those eyes, he instinctively pulled Gabriel in front of her to block his sight, and only then did the weird masked man on the opposite side come back to his senses The one who came nodded.

Gabriel, who was pulled in front of the camera, scratched her face in trouble, her eyes wandering from side to side.

"Well... just call me Gabriel, let's just... be that guy's friend... please give me your advice."

"Xiaojia, why are you shy..." Vinet behind her chuckled, and then was pushed out by the blushing Gabriel.

Even when she was suddenly pushed in front of the camera, she didn't show any panic expression, she nodded and smiled at Sagiri calmly.

"Ah, is it Sister Sagiri? It's the first time we met, I'm Vinette, you can just call me sister Vinette! We are all friends of Izumi-san, so don't be shy. If you have anything to say, just talk to me. Let's talk! We're all easy going."

But at this moment, Sagiri was muttering to herself, turning a deaf ear to Vinet's greeting.

"...It's so strange, why are my friends all beautiful girls... Is that brother, brother, really the protagonist of a light novel... Tenchu! This kind of guy must be punished!"

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