"...It's all wrong, take it back and redo it!"

"Wh-what—!" Hearing this ruthless sentence, Satania, who was all gray and white, immediately fell to her knees.

Looking pitifully at these ruthless guys who obviously came to the reading club together, but no one paid any attention to her, just doing their own things and putting her on PLAY; in order not to be occupied by after-school tutoring for the next school time, In order not to be taught by He Quanming again, she had no choice but to obediently pick up the test book, pick up the broken heart that was hurt by the ruthless attitude, with tears in her eyes and pursed mouth, and restart those questions.

Just as she was spinning the pen in boredom and looking at the test book with blank eyes, Akira Izumi suddenly put an A[-] paper full of formulas in front of her.

"No... this is what Vinette and I have just sorted out. The questions and the simplest solutions that may be tested this time. You should read these first and check the calculations yourself. You won't ask the two of us again."

Rubbing her head helplessly, He Quanming turned his head back as if nothing had happened and continued to discuss the topic with Vinette. By the way, he studied Swedish canned herring or Korean raw stingray which smells worse.


With mixed feelings in her heart, Satania stared blankly at the paper covered with neat handwriting and detailed annotations, which seemed to be filled with the intentions and hopes of the two people; she quietly closed her eyes, and unconsciously clenched her hands The pen, she took a deep breath, then slowly spit it out, her eyes suddenly opened, with a strong and resolute light in her pupils, and a small canine tooth was exposed at the corner of her excitedly grinning mouth.

At that moment, it felt like her whole body was boiling with enthusiasm.

Looking at the test book full of challenges, she cheered herself up in a small voice but vigorously.

"—Okay! It's just for learning. Come and come here, no one is afraid of anyone!"

For a while, the rustling sounds of doing the questions kept ringing, and Izumi and Vinet, who were talking with their heads down, couldn't help but look at each other, and they both laughed at the same time.


This lasted for more than an hour. At noon, even in the late autumn, the sun hanging high outside was still exuding a frightening heat; Home kitchen to make today's lunch.

"...Ha! If you want me to blow up the kitchen, it's okay for me to do it." Stretching, Gabriel said weakly while rubbing her eyes after waking up.

"Xiao Jia, don't speak so confidently about this kind of thing..." After saying something to her speechlessly, Wei Nette looked at Akira Izumi, "Shall I make lunch? I can just show Izumi how to make other dishes. Way, it’s so weird that you can only cook omelet rice!”

"Please let me help too! Although I'm not very good at cooking, I'm a little embarrassed to do nothing after eating so many dim sum and barley tea." Kato Megumi also volunteered to raise his hand, not knowing why, At this moment, she seemed particularly energetic.

"Elder sister Megumi's cooking... Hehehe, Omori or something..." During the period of playing games with Kato Megumi, Sagiri, who had become very close for some reason, leaked out at the other end of the screen. Bad laughter, fortunately the expression on her face was covered by the mask, and no one could hear what she was saying clearly, otherwise her image would have collapsed in front of everyone.

Even though she looks like a monster with a mask, there is no image that can be broken.

However, when she entered the bad mode like an uncle, she muttered in a low voice: "...Ming Jun?"

And Satania, who was sitting on the sofa and writing at her desk, didn't raise her head, but raised the red-rimmed glasses that appeared on her face at an unknown time, and spoke uprightly.

"Whatever this kind of thing is, it doesn't matter if you wait for you to eat first, let me finish this question first... I love learning, learning makes me grow and makes me happy! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh -"

...It's broken, Satania, who is addicted to studying, is completely broken!

At this time, ignoring her is the best way to deal with it.

So Akira Izumi looked at the two who expressed that they both wanted to be in charge of this lunch, nodded and said.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Come with me, let me tell you where to put the usual seasonings..."

Just when He Quanming was about to take the two of them into the kitchen, there was a sudden opening of the door, and at the same time, a familiar voice came from the entrance.

"Brother, someone is looking for you! It's a super beautiful girl—uh..."

With a miraculous and inconceivable expression, Zong Ya walked into the living room, and saw a group of beautiful girls who had never met before, who were equally as beautiful as the girl outside, sitting or standing at home, and she was stunned with her mouth wide open.

She turned her head to look at He Quanming like a rusty machine, her eyes were full of shock.

"Big, big brother..."

"Huh? What's the matter? That expression."

"...you were jumped by a fairy?"

He Quanming kicked her ass with black hair: "My god! These are your brother's friends, don't talk nonsense over there!"

Jumping back to avoid his attack, Zongya's face was still full of disbelief: "Friend? How is it possible... That whole day, either you owed me ten million and didn't pay it back, or I owed you ten million and didn't want to What an autistic big brother, there are so many super cute female friends?! This is unrealistic, hey!"

Seeing her expression of disintegration, it is obviously because she has seen the way He Quanming put on her classmates in the past, maybe in her heart, her eldest brother is a lonely wolf at all, thinking all day long " Youth is all lies, explode now! ".

"... Zongya, I think you want to experience the "education of love" of your brother again?" His brows twitched fiercely, and Izumi can guarantee that if not for a group of people watching now, today's There will definitely be a domestic violence murder in the Izumi family!

——For example, adding Carolina Reaper peppers to her dinner, replacing all the toilet paper in the toilet with burlap, and using a tape recorder to record the sound of flash floods, and keep looping in her ears... Tsk tsk, can you think of this People who use this method are all fighters of love!

There is still a hand left - true love is to plant a bomb in the toilet, let her see, what is Tianxiang Longshan...

Silently put the dark plan in his heart, after all, it is not easy to do anything under the watchful eyes of the public, so He Quanming could only shrug his shoulders and introduce Zongya to others.

"This silly-looking home girl is my other younger sister, named Zong Ya. Because she is stupid and often speaks out loud, so if you say something that makes you unhappy, please tell me that you are welcome, I will It will make her even more unhappy."

Zong Ya suddenly protested angrily: "Hey! Brother, you are wrong! You don't know that my grades are ranked [-]th in the whole school year, so why do you call me stupid! I just said it when I was a little shocked. That's all, don't underestimate me who has been in contact with the editorial department since I was twelve!"

Then she turned to the girls and bowed solemnly.

"Seniors..." She looked up at Gabriel and Satania, hesitated for a moment, and continued, "Hi, seniors! I am Izumi Zongya, the second sister of the Izumi family, and I was rude just now. The place is really very sorry! My eldest brother who is not good enough is usually taken care of by everyone, please give me more advice in the future."

After greeting each other a few times back and forth, Zong Ya turned his head and said to He Quanming as if remembering something serious.

"By the way, big brother, someone came to see you just now..."

When she said that, a voice suddenly appeared behind her.

"Well, it seems that something interesting is happening inside, so I came in by myself..." Looking out from the corridor to the living room, Rafael waved at them with a smile.

"Oh, you're here? Why did you suddenly call you back?" Gabriel asked with a rare curious expression.

"It's nothing~ It's just a small matter, Xiao Jia doesn't need to worry about it." He glanced at Kato Megumi without any trace, and Rafael walked to them with a smile, put down his bag and looked at the three people standing by the kitchen, Satania, who was working hard on the questions, asked a little strangely, "Huh? Is the study session over? And Sa-chan, this is..."

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