"Not yet, it's just an intermission now, and I'm going to cook... As for Satania, that guy is already possessed, so don't worry about her."

"Obsession or something... It's obviously said by the big devil?" Covering his mouth, Rafael first expressed his surprise and a little joy, and then said regretfully, "...It's a pity, if I hadn't been called back suddenly If so, you can see interesting pictures..."

The resentful expression on her face only lasted for a moment, and then she had a flash of inspiration, as if her whole face lit up, and she proposed to everyone in the living room with her hands clasped together with great interest.

"Everyone, are you going to make lunch next? That means you haven't started making it yet, right? In this case—"

"Let's play something special!"

Chapter 80 Unscrupulous Reading Club (End)

The windows were tightly closed by the drawn curtains, and the lights were also turned off. At noon this weekend, when the sun was shining outside, the living room of the Izumi family was plunged into darkness.

Only the gas stove on the table was burning with a little light, barely reflecting the faces of the boys and girls sitting around the table, and a stainless steel pot full of water stood on it, and the lid covered the scene, as if Schrödinger's poison box is like, as the fire licks, it gradually makes a restless sound.

At this moment, in this dark and silent room, a man spoke.

"...The so-called game refers to this?"

Then the girlish voice with joy sounded.

"That's right~ This is very common in Tuankang games, I've always wanted to play it!"

"...Can I just quit and eat something else? Even if it's just a yum."

The lazy and clear voice rose as the girl stood up, but before she could take a step, someone pulled her to sit down again.

"Don't try to run, you have to die together."

"...let go!"

"Don't let it go! Don't worry, even if it's dark hot pot, you won't necessarily die if you eat it... right?"

"Don't make me unsure! Let it go quickly, if you want to die, you can die by yourself, I still have a lot of games that I haven't played enough!"

The gentle voice with a slightly wry smile comforted the restless girl who desperately wanted to stand up but was pressed down by the boy.

"Well, Xiaojia, I just checked Izumi's refrigerator, and there is nothing in it that cannot be eaten! You are not picky eaters, are you? At most, you can't eat what you want, so don't worry too much , Let's play together!"

"...Tsk, since Wei Nai said so, I can forcefully play with you."

The girl clicked her lips in displeasure. Although she felt as if she had forgotten something, she still obediently sat back in her seat and waited for the water in the pot to boil.

The space is stagnant as if re-solidified, the silent atmosphere is as creepy as cold air, and the slight sound of the air conditioner is like the dark wind blowing from the tomb, even if the steam rising in front of you brings boiling heat, it hits you from the bottom of your heart The trembling that came out was something that couldn't touch the temperature.

In this case, because she couldn't continue to write the test questions, Satania, who escaped from the enchanted state, spoke with trembling teeth.

"...Well, why, why do you want to make the atmosphere look like you're telling a ghost story? No, no, no, no, it's just a hot pot meal. Is it necessary?"

"Well, after all, it's a dark hot pot. This kind of atmosphere should be necessary...Although I haven't played it before." Kato Megumi replied casually. Although she couldn't see her expression, from the calm tone of her voice, she He didn't take the dense air around him to heart.

"Then... want to tell a ghost story? As a foreshadowing for the dark hot pot?" Zong Ya asked tentatively.

These words immediately aroused Vinaette's little wailing: "Hey——no, don't! Don't tell ghost stories! I, I'm not good at this kind of thing..."

He Quanming also said helplessly: "What kind of ghost story are you telling at this time... After eating this dark hot pot meal, we can all become ghost stories ourselves."

"...I always feel that you seem to have some kind of inexplicable misunderstanding about the dark hot pot."

After this faint complaint fell, the air returned to silence again. No one knew what to say next, but from the bubbling sound that gradually heated up, one thing was understood—"Izumi's first dark hot pot Conference" is about to begin.

At this time, the voice distorted by the voice changer sounded, and Sagiri said as if remembering something.

"By the way, about the ingredients... did you put mine in?"

"Yes... Zongya put it, right? It should be rolling in the pot by now." He Quanming looked at Zongya with blurred eyes.

The ingredients were prepared by everyone taking out from the refrigerator or things they brought, and throwing them into the pot together in the dark, so no one except me knew what the other people put into it; although Sagiri did not She said she wanted to follow along, but as a fun, she also prepared some ingredients for Zong Ya to serve.

...Wait, are there any serious ingredients at Sagiri?Although there is a small refrigerator in her room, she doesn't know how to cook, so she probably won't put things that can normally appear in hot pot in the refrigerator except for snacks, cakes and drinks!

A bad idea suddenly came up in his heart, and He Quanming hurriedly wanted to ask Zong Ya, but he heard her speak bitterly first.

"...Brother, those things Sagiri put... are the snacks I bought for her."

He Quanming's expression changed, and he looked at the gurgling hot pot with horrified eyes.

"No, I can't help it... whoever asked my sister to help me buy something that is not tasty and ugly, and it feels like a waste to throw it away..." Sagiri's weak voice of justification became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared in the darkness middle.

Lifting his glasses silently, he spoke quietly, without any emotion in his flat voice.

"...Zongya, wait a minute and bring me a bowl for Sagiri. Be sure to watch her finish eating."

"Big brother?! Is it necessary to be so ruthless?"

"Just, that's right! I just kindly provided the ingredients and said, why are you doing this to me!"

Sagiri's voice became a little flustered.

"Blessings are shared, troubles are shared... this is a family!" Under the firelight, the lens miraculously reflected a strong light and hit Zongya's eyes, that look was full of oppression, "So, if If Sagiri hasn’t eaten or finished eating, all the leftovers will be poured into your stomach Zongya, do you understand? My dear sisters.”

"--Yes Yes!"

Feeling that her life was being threatened, Sagiri didn't care that it was in front of other people, she quickly took off her earphones, and tried to redeem her brother's death sentence with her delicate and crisp voice.

"Brother, sister... don't you have the heart to watch me fall down foaming at the mouth? Brother, don't you love me?! I'm just a child!"

He Quanming smiled lightly, with a carefree smile: "It's okay, you won't be lonely on the road to Huangquan."

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