...Why, are you admonishing me like that?

...And why... does this voice sound so much like me?

However, before he got the answer, his body had already pushed open the door of the classroom by itself, and followed Kato Megumi.

And with a blank mind, he took her to skip class and escape to this place.

unknown reason.

Consequences, unknown.

His own thoughts, Kato Megumi's thoughts, other people's thoughts... He can no longer think about these, he no longer wants to think about them.

Because as long as he thinks, cowardice will emerge, courage will disappear, and he will turn back to that trash who can't do anything.

——So, he gave up thinking.

Let everything be decided by your own instinct, and everything by the script of time.

Use the full power of "Izumi Akira" to restore the treasure that is about to be lost!

"Huh..." He breathed a sigh of relief, his expression gradually returned to normal, his eyes looked directly at the cold girl through the lens, even if her eyes were still frostbitten like ice, he would not flicker Dodging to meet her, the image in her pupils turned into her figure.

"To put it another way, it is—in order not to regret it, I brought you here."

Facing Akira Izumi who spoke such inexplicable words confidently, Megumi Kato twitched her brows, and her undulating chest calmed down. She closed her eyes slightly as if helplessly, and her tense expression gradually relaxed.

"...No regrets? Mingjun, what are you talking about? I don't understand." A rational voice sounded, and Kato Megumi asked calmly.

"If I don't catch up and talk to you, I'll regret it to death."

He Quanming answered decisively.

As if he knew his answer a long time ago, Megumi Kato just sighed helplessly, opened his eyes, and focused his gaze as calm as a lake on him.

"So, what do you want to say?"

"I don't know, I just want to talk to you." He Quanming didn't feel anything wrong in the second answer without brain reaction, but just reflected his inner voice calmly, regardless of it.

"...It doesn't make people happy at all, this plot..." Muttering to himself with a sigh, Kato Megumi pointed to the dark grove, "Then, you are going to stand with me in this kind of place Talk? Or is there some other attempt to bring me in?"

Facing her self-defeating question, He Quanming raised the corners of his mouth and replied with a smile.

"Of course nothing like that. Come with me, I know a good place to sit and have a good chat!"


Through the shadows of trees, He Quanming brought Kato Megumi to the pavilion in the grove.

This is the secret base chosen by him, Gabriel and the others, and it is also the place where Rafael and Satania established friendship—sometimes they would gather here for lunch, game activities, and rest. And now they are the only ones who will appear here; but the weather is getting colder, and this place is far away from the teaching building, under various unfavorable factors, unless necessary, they will not come here again.

And Kato Megumi only became acquainted with Gabriel and the others after that, so even though she often gathers with them for lunch now, she has not been brought here before, so when she sees the beauty of this place, she will Involuntarily let out a sound of admiration.

"I didn't expect such a gloomy place to have such a wonderful scenery... Should it be said that the inside is gold and the jade is outside?" The tone was slightly ups and downs, looking around the surrounding green scenery, feeling the afternoon sun Hearing the warmth coming in obliquely, and listening to the crispness of chirping birds, Megumi Kato opened his eyes slightly, taking a panoramic view of this refreshing beauty. .

"Well, you can sigh at any time. Gabriel and the others know this place. If you want to come, you can ask me or them to lead the way. Don't come alone. It's dangerous, and you may not be able to find the place." He explained as he walked towards the gazebo. Then, Izumi Ming waved to her, and took the lead to sit on the stone chair.

"Hey... Xiaojia and the others..." Casting an inexplicable glance at him, Kato Megumi didn't say much, gathered the skirt of the school uniform and skirt, and sat on the stone chair opposite Izumi.

"Okay, so Mingjun, what do you want to talk about..."

Akira Hequan stood up suddenly, without changing his face, and sat next to Megumi Kato very naturally.

Kato Megumi said speechlessly: "...what's wrong?"

"It's more convenient to talk like this." Akira Izumi replied confidently.

Who are you kidding!

Her expression froze for a while, and finally she sighed as if she couldn't help him. She didn't care that the distance between the two of them was so close that their shoulders were slightly touching, and she continued talking in a somewhat lifeless tone.

"Tell me what you want to say to me even if you take me to skip class."

Akira Izumi turned his head when he heard the words, and his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the beautiful black and long back hair of the girl next to him, as well as the appropriate sailor school uniform, which was obviously delicate and beautiful but gave people an ordinary and indifferent look. The facial features, on which the pink lips are like light makeup, are now slightly curled down, as if showing that she is not in a very happy mood now.

...So, Kato, since when did her face become so expressive?

Suddenly recalling the past, He Quanming couldn't help laughing.

Uncomfortable being stared at by that fiery gaze and strange smile, Megumi Kato turned her head slightly, letting her long hair cover her side face, blocking his gaze.

"Please hurry up if you want to talk, I-"


He was interrupted in the middle of the speech, which made Megumi Kato suddenly feel a little angry-please, can you let me finish the sentence properly!Look at this chapter, how many times have you interrupted me!

However, the words that Izumi uttered next made her forget about these emotions, and stared at the young man beside her in astonishment.

"Before I tell you those words, I want to confess one thing to you..."

Taking a deep breath, the black-haired boy spoke forcefully to the black-haired girl with great determination, the secret hidden deep in his heart.

"—Megumi Kato, I like you!"

Chapter 84 Will the future of him and her come to an end?

The so-called awareness is not to escape, it is not to sit on the sidelines and watch the person you like leave with weak eyes.

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