Instead, in the dark wilderness, open up a bright road that can advance side by side with the people you like.

Although the future is uncertain, he still looks forward to using this undisguised intention to open up a path that can go forward with Megumi Kato, and holds great hopes for it.

Inexplicably, he began to look up at the sky, the azure blue outside the stone pavilion stretched his mind to the endless distance, and a boldness to speak freely surged into his heart.

So, he said, expressing the sincerity in his heart like overturned water.

I like you, Kato Megumi.

"Ming Jun..." With trembling eyes, Megumi Kato lowered his head slowly in silence, without responding, his eyes under the hair were cast with a shadow.

He Quanming didn't care about it, he just pulled his eyes to the sky and smiled very calmly.

The words have already been spoken, and there is no way to turn back like an arrow in an open bow. At this moment, he can neither turn back the time nor drink the medicine of regret. He has no choice but to move forward.

Regardless of Kato Megumi's reaction, what he can do now is to confide to her in undisguised words during the time he has known Kato Megumi and gradually fallen in love with her at this moment and here. .

...Yeah, just like Sagiri at that time.

Disregarding the consequences, abandoning all hesitation and fear, hoping that the words condensed with your heart can be exchanged for the best results...

To impress the girls he likes.

"...I am an idiot."

Said softly, took off the glasses and put them on the stone table, He Quanming gradually closed his eyes.

"No matter how good my academic performance is, and no matter how many years I have lived, I am still a fool who doesn't understand style."

"...Obviously it's fine if you don't say anything, obviously nothing will change if you don't do anything, obviously as long as you come back after finishing your mood, there will be no change in our relationship, and we can continue to be good friends , to maintain this rare friendship—obviously, I know all of this.”

"But he still acted like an idiot, leading you out and confessing to you..."

As if lamenting his stupidity, He Quanming smiled wryly.

"What will change between us after this? Do we ignore each other? Or become strangers? Or continue to be friends as if nothing happened. Finally, after graduation, we drift away and you marry someone else. I hold regrets, regrets for the rest of my life..."

"As long as I think of this, I can't help but stop thinking and tremble... I dare not continue to think about it."

"I'm afraid to touch those futures."

"—I don't want to imagine a future without you."

With a trembling voice, he was like a speaker facing tens of thousands of audiences alone on the stage, struggling to tell his speech to the audience, even though the actual audience was only one person.

But just that one person, to him, was more important than tens of thousands of people.

"That's why I act like a fool without any worries. In order not to regret it now, I ignore what cruel future is waiting for me in front of me—say these words."

He took a deep breath and let it out carefully, trying to use this breath to calm his trembling body.

Then, he looked at Megumi Kato, and with blurred vision, he could barely see her fingers holding the corner of her skirt.

...I can't see her's so nice.

With a relaxed smile, Izumi said softly.

" you remember when we first spoke?"

"..." There was no response, Kato Megumi remained silent.

He smiled wryly, and continued talking on his own.

"I still remember... When I was meditating on the empty seat next to me, you suddenly said-"There is someone, Izumi-san. I am sitting on your right."-It was really scary at that time It made me jump, the air suddenly spoke or something..."

"...he's really an exaggerated person." A soft, mosquito-like voice came from Kato Megumi's direction, and the calm words could not hear emotions.

Scratching his head in shame, He Quanming laughed.

"Oh, I apologize, I apologize... At that time, I didn't know you very well, and your Akalin aura was too strong, and there was nothing I could do to ignore you like other students~

But then I might spot you, and twice! "

Proudly stretching out two fingers, He Quanming recalled with a chuckle.

...Yeah, in the classroom, in order to solve the method of Kato Megumi's lack of presence, he also proposed self-hypnosis, which sounds very unreliable. In the end, he really found Kato Megumi who completely eliminated the sense of existence. , And after that, he found her who was submerged in the crowd again in front of the school auditorium, took her hand, and brought her to his side.

As if thinking about the incident at that time, Kato Megumi also slightly curled the corner of his mouth and smiled indistinctly.

"Oh, I don't know why I suddenly thought of that strange method, self-hypnosis made me like you, thus amplifying your sense of existence in my mind-this sounds very inexplicable, right?

It's surprisingly useful though..."

Scratching his cheek, he looked directly at Megumi Kato, who was still clearer than other scenes even in his blurred vision.

"Because now, the sense of your existence in my heart has been magnified hundreds of times, and it is even more powerful than the self-hypnosis at that time-no bragging, even if you appear on the other side of the world, I can rely on you My mind found you out of the vast sea of ​​people!"

Brazenly raising his thumb, he smiled proudly, but then slowly lowered his eyebrows and spoke softly.

"...I think... I really like you."

"It's not the love between friends, but the love between men and women; it's the love that wants to be together forever and doesn't want you to leave me."

Even though the roots of his ears were hot and his heart was hot with shame, he still stared at Megumi Kato, and presented all the feelings he wanted to express to her without reservation and spare no effort.

Is his gaze affectionate now?Is the expression on the face affectionate?I don't know because I don't wear glasses.

The blurry world seems to bring him more courage. Perhaps it is because he cannot see Kato Megumi's expression, or perhaps it is because he cannot hear her answer, that he can use up the remaining courage to open his heart without any hesitation. Let her see it in disguise. .

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