And can I finish my sentence?You neither make it clear yourself nor let me make it clear, how can you stop me from being so confused!

"No, this reason..." Can you explain to me exactly what it means?

Then as expected, Kato Megumi interrupted the rest of the words, and Akira Hequan was too lazy to complain.

"You probably don't know, Mingjun..."

Kato Megumi sighed with some sighs and lowered his head slightly.

"Whether you really like them or not, no matter what kind of feelings they have towards you, as long as you clearly express your intention to like someone now, it will affect your whole body, and everything will be Then it will collapse, and everyone around you will fall into a whirlpool of sadness... Your position in our hearts is so important..."

Raising her helpless gaze, her gentle but distanced eyes made He Quanming's heart tremble.


The low murmur sounded like it didn't convey any emotion, Kato Megumi continued to speak.

"Hey, Mingjun, you don't want to see those children look sad, do you? I am the same... Ever since I met you, I have always felt that smiles are really the best thing in this world! Theirs is, So are yours."

Like a warrior rushing to the battlefield, her gaze is unstoppable and unstoppable, piercing into Izumi's heart like a spear.

"—So, in order to protect those smiles, please let me reject your affection, Ming-jun."

"Although I'm sorry, but in the end, let me take advantage of your liking..." Standing up slowly, she walked on the grass outside the stone pavilion.

With her back to him and her hands on her waist, her expressionless tone seemed very brisk.

"If you really like me, please grant me this request—"

Gently, like a breeze blowing across the grass, she said softly.

"After walking out of this place... we will return to normal friendship!"

"Forget about liking me and everything! You still have many people worthy of liking!"

Pressing the hem of the skirt to prevent the sudden wind from wrinkling the lake, Megumi Kato looked up at the sky, as if smiling.

But He Quanming just watched her back silently, with a lot of emotions, and a hot current gradually surged from the bottom of his heart.

...Why, some things, I just found out now?

As if punishing, he stabbed his nails deeply into his palm, letting the pain whip him to blame.

He opened his mouth as if he was enduring something.

"...Before I promise you, Kato, can you answer me a few things?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Kato Megumi asked doubtfully, turning half of his face.

A voice full of certain emotions was gradually brewing, and Izumi whispered.

"Are you...have you been working hard to maintain the bond with me?"

Several times, several times, she was by his side, and when he was about to go on the wrong path, she silently pushed him aside, so that he could connect with others as he wished.

——And he only found out now.


After hesitating for a moment, Megumi Kato nodded slightly, lowered his eyelids, and didn't respond much.

The brewing emotion became more and more complicated, and Izumi endured the trembling and continued to ask questions.

"Are you... have you been suppressing your feelings so that I don't feel troubled?"

In the confrontation with Chang Muyao, in the name of a good friend, she gave Chang Mu the qualification to be a three-legged couple, and pretended not to care; , or let him discover the clue.

——And he, only now knows.

"...Mmm." With the corners of his mouth bent down, Megumi Kato's answer was as thin as a mosquito.

Finally, taking a deep breath, He Quanming asked the question that he wanted to ask most now.

"So, you...are you rejecting me because you like me and everyone around you, and you don't want to change the atmosphere when we get along?"

Not because he hates him, not because there is no future with him, not because other people like him, not because he also has good feelings for other people at the same time——

It's because she wants to stay in this beautiful moment, unwilling to move forward, unwilling to change.

"Yes, that's it."

This is Kato Megumi's style.

Chapter 87 From now on, he and she will move toward an ending where no one will be absent (Part [-])

After hearing her light but unhesitating answer, He Quanming laughed instead.

"Yes...I see. Thank you for your answer."

He also stood up and stepped out slowly, letting the chilly body under the stone pavilion receive the sunlight.

Warm, just like his current mood.

"You're welcome." With a slight smile, Kato Megumi turned around, the sound of shoes rolling over the turf was like the wind, "Then, let's go? There are still about twenty-five minutes before get out of class ends, so I have to find a reason to put The teacher fooled me, skipping class is a very serious matter..."

Suddenly, He Quanming's voice resounded heavily, with an indomitable determination to move forward.

"I really—"

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