The sound of footsteps moving quickly on the turf sounded, and with the hem of his clothes flying, Kato Megumi, who felt something approaching quickly from behind, let out a short exclamation...


——He was hugged tightly by Akira Izumi from behind.

"I really... still like you very much! Megumi Kato!"

As if desperate to go all out, He Quanming closed his eyes tightly and shouted loudly.

Encircling Kato Megumi's waist that feels comfortable with both hands, pressing his chest against her back, letting his chin press down on her shoulders, He Quanming tried his best to hold her tightly as if he wanted to rub her into his arms He hugged her tightly.

After Kato Megumi was stunned in astonishment, he immediately began to struggle uneasily.

"Wait, wait... Mingjun? Why do you—"

The movement of struggling, but he couldn't help but stop when he yelled out the next sentence with all his strength.

"If you want me to give up you who are both cute and always thinking of me, how can I agree!"

The bottom of my heart seemed to be hit hard, and the calm heart lake was once again turbulent. Kato Megumi couldn't help but relax his body slowly. Although he didn't struggle to leave, he still couldn't help but want to pull his hands away.

Because this guy... is hugging too hard!It's hard to breathe, do you want to hug her or kill her? !

"Don't you care about Satania and the others? If they find out, they will be very sad..."

"Of course it's impossible to ignore it! Whether it's Satania, Toki, or anyone else, I don't care about it!" I said these words of course, feeling the softness and light fragrance of the girl in my arms, and With that fragility, He Quanming gritted his teeth and made a loud noise.

"—But the one I can't let go of is you!"

The roots of her ears suddenly became hot, and Kato Megumi's calm eyes were stained with shame, as if resisting the rising sense of happiness in his heart, he defended.

"You idiot! Don't you understand what I said before? The current situation is that if I date you, everyone will be sad! It will all become strange!"

The raised words were brought to a halt by his deep voice.

"...Then we won't date."

Kato Megumi was taken aback, and couldn't help but turned to look at Izumi Akira's head on his shoulder.

"No, dating...?"

He rested his chin on her slender shoulders, half-closed his eyes, as if enjoying the fragrance from the tip of her hair.

"In the end, I found out after I calmed down——I didn't say anything about wanting to date you, did I? I didn't want to force you to be with me, nor did I hate that we only have a friendship relationship... What I really want to do is, I just want to be by your side, that's all."

Following his calm tone, Megumi Kato also slowly calmed down her shy emotions, rationality returned to her mind, and the scenes just now came to mind again.

...It is true that He Quanming never said that he wanted to date her from the beginning to the end, and she made up the rest of it by herself. She only thought that if she dated him, everything would change, and she started to get dizzy unconsciously Confused, irritable.

With a little guilt, Kato Megumi asked softly: "...Then, did I get it wrong? In fact, you don't mean to associate with me at all?"

However, Izumi answered decisively.

"Of course not! At that time, I really wanted to be a couple with you, and I thought of our child's name within a thousandth of a second!"

"...huh?" The corner of his mouth twitched, and Kato Megumi suddenly wanted to twitch his elbow back and give this guy who always talks badly a kidney shot.

Feeling the killing intent coming from his arms, He Quanming couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, making the warm touch of his arms closer to him, and then quickly skipped this topic.

"Ahem, it's not important, what's important is - I know you like me, and you know I like you, so what's the difference between dating or not?"

This somewhat tongue-in-cheek remark made Kato Megumi couldn't help diverting his attention, and began to think deeply.

... You like me, I like you, we know each other's mind, so should we date?No, you can't say that... What's the difference if you don't date?ambiguous?No, you obviously know the other party's feelings, and the window paper has been pierced, so what is ambiguous?

Just like a lover who was clearly together but didn't give a name?It's close, but it doesn't seem quite right... Platonic love?Things with completely different definitions should not be confused...

Megumi Kato's expression was a little dull as these thoughts kept flying through his mind.

"Eh? This, this...strange, what went wrong..."

Seeing that she was successfully entangled by this question, He Quanming took advantage of the victory to pursue her.

"Think about it! What is the purpose of a relationship between a man and a woman? It is a desire for monopoly, a declaration of ownership! It is to be with the other party in a fair and aboveboard manner! ... And what is our purpose?"

With a high-pitched shout, He Quanming let go of Kato Megumi, turned her body to face him, and met her somewhat confused gaze.


"There is no tooth decay!... No - it is to understand the other party's mind, to be with the other party forever, and to maintain this beautiful daily life without destroying the friendship around you!"

Holding her shoulders, He Quanming became more and more excited as he talked, his expression was tinged with fanaticism.

"Yes...that's right..."

As if frightened by him like this, Kato Megumi nodded in agreement blankly.

"Then there is no need for us to date, right? Or maybe the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is an insult to our bond! The relationship between us is not so shallow! ——There are more relationships between men and women than close friends, and more than There are many lovers who respect each other as guests, this kind of feeling, this kind of feeling..."

Akira Izumi, who was in high spirits, was frothing, and quickly finished the passage with a tone like a pyramid scheme, and finally made a conclusion like declaring a theorem on his own.

"Yes, this is - love!"

"—We love each other! Love each other's friends! Love this world! Love life with you, me, and them! This is the best answer! Wahahahaha!"

He couldn't help laughing excitedly, and he began to walk back and forth beside her, like a mathematician solving a difficult formula, maddened by the satisfactory answer.

"Hey...well, Mingjun, calm down first..."

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