"Ah, are you going to start the interview?"

Well, first of all, the first question——

"—Wait a minute, I didn't say I'm going to be interviewed?"

... Hey?

"It's personal freedom to accept interviews, right? What if I say I don't want to be interviewed?"

But...you just...

"I didn't say anything positive just now? I just showed interest~"

Tsk, have you been given one... As you said, whether to accept an interview is a personal freedom, and if you refuse, there is nothing I can do...

"Ah, but if you really want to interview me, it's not that I can't agree~"

... Are there any conditions?

"As expected of a lady reporter, you can understand as soon as you say it~"

The disturbing tone... So, what is the condition?

"Don't worry, I just want you to do something that can be done easily! It's not a bad thing~"


"Well, it's very simple--

I just want you to kneel down and lick my feet like a dog, okay?It's easy for Hata-san, who calls herself Yatengu, to gasp "ha, ha" while licking hard, and look up at me with pleading eyes, right?As long as you agree, I will accept the interview, you can ask anything~"


...Okay, this is the end of this interview, and the interview record will be presented to you in text form. Please look forward to the next issue of the school magazine of the News Department!I'm special correspondent Hata, see you next time.

"Hey... are you ignoring me..."


In the corridor, He Quanming held the newly released school magazine in his hand, and looked at Rafael speechlessly.

"I said... did you offend the Ministry of Information? Write you like this..."

Rafael covered his mouth and smiled happily.

"Maybe...but I didn't do it on purpose? It's just that it's been a long time since I've felt this desire to teach others. It's like this if I don't pay attention~"

"Really?" He Quanming looked at her suspiciously, "But I don't think you would say such radical things for no reason, right? Did that reporter do something to make you unhappy?"

Squinting and smiling eyes opened in vain, Rafael was slightly taken aback: "...Eh? Why does Izumi think so? I have said the same thing to Sa-chan before, right?"

"Why? Although you used to be the one who said that kind of thing when you were happy, but now you are not?" He Quanming looked straight at her bright topaz-like pupils, and said calmly, "You Didn’t you say it before? “I’m just a girl who likes to play pranks”——Since you’ve said that, then if the reporter made up such jokes, or you accidentally said them when you were angry—— I believe so!"

Staring blankly at Akira Izumi who seemed to think so from the bottom of his heart, Rafael blinked, and it took a while to recover.

"...Really, it's really gratifying that you can trust me so much." With a light smile, Rafael's expression seemed to be shimmering, his eyebrows and eyes curved into a pair of beautiful crescent moons, "The fact is exactly what Izumi thought. , I was indeed a little unhappy at that time! But it’s just a little~”

"Really? As long as it's not a big deal." Shrugging, He Quanming didn't care, and threw the school magazine into the trash can casually.

The school magazine, which is as unreliable as the Wenwen Daily, just read it as a joke, and don't believe a word of it easily.

"Yes, yes, compared to the current happiness, that little unhappiness is nothing at all~" Walking side by side with Akira Izumi briskly, Rafael swayed slightly, humming softly with the melody.

"Why are you happy again? Did you smell something interesting?"

"Eh? Is it true...it feels a little strange..." Nodding his chin, Rafael looked up at the sky in doubt, then turned his gaze to He Quanming, and continued to smile noncommittally, "That's it. ! Well, now I smell a pleasant smell~"

Hearing her cheerful tone that seemed to be floating on the clouds, Akira Izumi sighed as if it was troublesome.

"It's up to you, it's none of my business anyway..."

"Sarah, it's hard to say~"

"...Don't try to play a prank on me again, please ask Satania for that kind of thing, she will be very happy."

"Hum hum hum~"

The pleasant melody played again from the nose, and the corners of Rafael's mouth slightly curled up, step by step, closely following behind the black-haired boy.

Chapter 91 The main character is Lolicon (stamped

"Brother, please sit there first."

Holding the electronic drawing board in one hand and pointing to the floor of the room with the other, Sagiri ordered softly to her brother.

He Quanming nodded and obediently obeyed, and sat down cross-legged in front of her.

Sagiri smiled in satisfaction, and after telling him not to move around, began to write and draw on the electronic drawing board according to Izumi's posture.

The time is seven o'clock in the evening.

The location is Sagiri's room.

The characters are the Izumi brothers and sisters.

Events are illustration exercises.

As for the complete story, after dinner, Izumi Akira was called by Sagiri to her room in the name of illustration practice, and as usual, she began to pose in various poses according to her requirements—because Sagiri is " I can’t draw things I haven’t seen before”, and she is very particular about the authenticity of her paintings, so one day she asked Izumi Akira to be her model in order to draw a male character in a special pose. As a drawing reference. .

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