And to have the opportunity to contribute to his sister's career and interests, He Quanming naturally accepted it, and the pose she asked for was not difficult, much easier than the JOJO stand that Satania asked him to pose , so when he encounters this kind of request, he will always be very happy to agree, and this kind of interaction has lasted for almost a month.

Well, the main reason for agreeing is to be alone in the room with my lovely sister—I don’t know why, except for asking him to be a model, Sagiri has not allowed him to enter the room recently, and the usual after-dinner chat It all turned into video calls, and they were often locked in the room with Zong Ya and didn't know what they were discussing. No matter how much he asked, he would use vague words to perfuse him, as if avoiding him to do something secretly.

He Quanming, who deeply felt that he was excluded by his family, was naturally heartbroken, but everyone had their own secrets, and he couldn't keep asking them, so he could only swallow his bitter tears silently, and chose to forgive them.

——So in order to enjoy this rare time alone with siblings, Izumi worked hard and turned into a motel like a plaster statue.

...However, it is really boring to maintain a posture for a long time~

Sitting blankly on the ground, Hequanming's thoughts couldn't help being agitated and scattered. Although he wasn't unable to calm down, every time he faced Sagiri's way of staring at him intently and working hard, he always had a kind of feeling. Feeling restless, wanting to move but afraid of disturbing Sagiri's paintings - fortunately Sagiri's drawing speed is very fast, the speed of coloring with electronic painting is amazing, let alone just a sketch of a pose , basically only takes a few minutes to complete, so that he can get up and move his muscles and bones-and then strike a pose.

But even for a few minutes, the time when only thinking is moving makes him feel very long. He wants to think about some mathematical problems to pass the time, but he finds that his head is in a mess and he can't calm down. It became ⑨, as if mocking him for being a fool.

——My uncle is not an idiot!I am a top student!Not the Xueba of His Royal Highness Xueba, nor the Xueba who can surpass ⑨ Martial God Bajue, just an ordinary Xueba who ranks third in the school, and those who say I am stupid are all slander!

Thinking in a boring way, the eyeballs that followed Sagiri gradually focused on Sagiri after passing by the furnishings in Sagiri's room, a pile of dolls on the bed, the video game consoles and novels in the corner, and the game cabinet.

Blinking his eyes, Azumi unconsciously began to look at Sagiri carefully. While killing time, it was also a rare opportunity to observe this little sister who always stays at home.

——A head of long silver hair that is still delicate, shining silver-like light under the fluorescent lamp, like a piece of high-quality silk and satin, it is obvious that its owner is taking good care of it; the slender body is kneeling On the cushion in front of the low stool, the figure of the young girl who has not grown up is still so thin and cute; she has not been exposed to the sun for many years but she is not pale, but her rosy skin makes her like a white porcelain doll. Sitting with a hunched back can give people a delicate and fragile impression.

But at the same time, the earnestness and focus on her face when painting endowed her with a soft but firm temperament - the flawless facial features put together a cute and pure face, with blue eyes that turn up and down Reflecting a light as wide as the sea, her tightly pursed thin lips made her look a bit pretentious and cute while being serious.

Holding an electronic drawing board, she is like a rare painter at the moment, every stroke of her arm is extremely professional, without timidity or hesitation, like a performer immersed in her own world, directing thousands of Wan's orchestra played a crisp movement—that figure was too dazzling, as if she was emitting her own light, which made Akira Izumi proud of it, but at the same time couldn't help but indulge in that confident posture .

... Not only are the men who are serious about doing things very handsome, but the loli who are serious about painting are also cute, cute and handsome!

With piercing eyes, he looked at his sister's whole body again—first, he moved down from the serious-looking pretty face to the collarbone that was lightly covered by the pajamas, and the fair skin on the neck was very attractive.

Then I swept across the chest that was not the same, the stomach covered by the electronic drawing board, looked at the slender pink fingers, and then admired the perfectly proportioned legs even though they were not long. The delicate soles of the feet protruding from the tubes of the pajamas trousers—finally, he couldn't help turning his eyes back to the chest of Yimapingchuan.

He Quanming's gaze suddenly became pitiful.

——It’s okay, Sagiri, you’re still young, and you still have plenty of time!Even if you can't become as big as Rafael, at least you still hope to be able to fight against Gabriel!Maybe it's not a problem to surpass Vinette!

As long as you are given time to develop, you will definitely become a woman with a strong career line!My brother believes so, so please believe me, believe in me who believes in you!

Don't be humbled by your present humility, be proud of your future pride!From now on, my brother will make "breast-enhancing omurice" for you to eat, don't give up hope!


The sound of the electronic drawing board being put down heavily drew Izumi Akira's attention back, and he quickly came back to his senses, raising his eyes to look at Sagiri's expression in panic.

—Wow, full of murderous intent...

The corners of the mouth twitched, as if cross-shaped blue veins appeared on the forehead, Sagiri's face was sullen, and his expression was extremely sinister as if stained with black shadows. A smile that suppressed anger exuded an astonishing murderous aura.

"Hey... Brother... Excuse me, you have been staring at your sister's breasts with pity all the time, do you have any opinions to express? Hmm?"

He Quanming quickly shook his head as if taking drugs, and said with a smile.

"Oh, oh, look at what you said...Of course I have no objection! How could I have any objection? Isn't there a saying that is good? The chest is not big, but the shape is good; the line is not deep, as long as it can be squeezed——wait !"

Quickly raised her hand to stop Sagiri, who was blushing and about to throw the electronic drawing board over, and He Quanming hurriedly shouted righteously.

"——These are not my thoughts!"

Stopping what she was doing, Sagiri raised her eyebrows slightly, holding up the electronic drawing board in her hand without putting it down, just waiting for Izumi to finish his words.

With Guang Weizheng supporting his face, Hequanming was sweating behind his back and eager to think about the next words—how can he calm down his furious sister?How can I prevent the expensive-looking electronic drawing board from hurting my face once?Urgent, wait online!

... No, I know the answer, I already knew the answer... When I took off the glasses and connected the eyes to the root, the root had already told me the best answer!

... That's right, the answer is right here!

Taking a deep breath, He Quanming gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly, his chest vibrated accordingly.

"I—— am a pure lolicon!"

As if these deafening words had shocked her, Sagiri opened her mouth slightly and looked at him in astonishment.

The words had already been spoken, and Akira Hequan couldn't turn his head back, so he could only continue to speak passionately.

"—That's right, the burden on women's breasts is the same to me! Even if those two lumps of fat carry people's dreams, they can't carry the wishes of loli! In this world, breasts... It doesn’t matter at all! What’s important is cuteness! Small breasts! And sister attributes! A loli who has these three points is equivalent to owning the whole world——in this way, Sagiri, you can be called the queen of the world!”

"Brother, this pure lolicon has completely bowed down under your pomegranate skirt, so cheer for it! Praise! Be happy! You are already the most perfect loli in the world, and the other breasts are in A- The loli above are all fakes, only you are the real thing! Come, join me, and be proud of this—uh..."

The more he talked, the higher he went, until Izumi, who was caught in the impassioned speech, came back to his senses, and he found a huge paper fan appeared in front of him at some point, getting bigger and bigger in his sight, and getting closer to his face.

...Wait, where's the agreed-upon electronic drawing board?Where did this paper fan come from? !

And from behind the paper fan, He Quanming could still see a silver-haired loli who was completely enraged and her face was flushed. She gritted her teeth and hugged the huge paper fan with both hands, and swung it towards his face with all her strength. !

At the same time, it was accompanied by a horn blast that almost made his ears ring.

"Brother, this... perverted lolicon——"

In desperation, He Quanming could only shout out the last sentence with all his might, and that desperate voice carried the rhythm of Senbon Sakura.

"Even if it's broken. Head. Stage. Front, no regrets controlling Loli—!"

There was a slap, hitting the face, followed by a thud when the body fell on its back.

He Quanming fell in front of the paper guillotine, motionless, just like the One Piece who was executed at the beginning.

Only Sagiri, who was trembling with anger, used the huge paper fan to make up the knife again and again. For a while, the sound of the paper fan colliding with the flesh was endless.

Pop, pop, boom, pop, pop, boom, pop, snap, pop uh...

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