"...This idiot brother... Lolicon brother... Chest star brother... Makes your mouth... makes your mouth—"

Chapter 92 I, super strong!

After school on Friday.

He Quanming, who had neither club activities nor part-time job arrangements, walked home after reading a book in the library.

As for why I went to the library to read a book before going home, there are naturally very deep reasons for this.

That's right, that's because—Megumi Kato is also reading in the library!

It is rare for the two of them to have the opportunity to be alone, even if they just read different books together in the library, even if they just do their own things in silence side by side, He Quanming feels very satisfied.

By the way, he didn't come here to read books just to accompany Kato—tomorrow is the two-person three-legged training with Tonoki Yao, and Izumi Akira, who really doesn't want to hold her back, said that it is good to rely on tacit understanding, but in Secretly, he has collected a lot of knowledge and skills about two-legged tripods. Even if his speed has not become very fast, he has already memorized the secrets of how to run.

Although materials can also be obtained from the Internet, when he came to the library on a rare occasion, He Quanming searched for many books on this topic, and borrowed one to go back and read it in detail.

It's just a little unexpected that something happened when he was borrowing books, which made him almost lose his composure in the library.

...Ah, the so-called gaffe does not mean incontinence or something like that?It has nothing to do with the lovely, virtuous, gentle and beautiful Kato-chan, it's just that he almost made violent complaints in the library.

The reason is very simple. When looking for books to read, he found several magazines with familiar titles on the shelf of sports books——

"Ten Ways to Run Fast~You Are Tomorrow's Bolt~"

"Twenty Secrets That Make You a Lightning Star~You Are Tomorrow's Lightspeed Masked Man~"

"How to be faster than bald [-] kinds of training ~ you are also tomorrow's Sonic Sonic ~"

And so on, the most conspicuous place on the bookshelf was a list of several magazines with different themes and the same sex, and he almost bumped into them the moment he saw them.

——To actually release such weird books to torture students, not just one book, this school is really going to end sooner or later!

Suppressing the urge to stuff those books into the deepest part of the bookshelf so that they would never see the light of day, Izumi forced himself to ignore the magazines, and returned to his seat with the books he wanted to read.

...Dead friends are not dead poor, as long as you don't appear in my sight, you can pollute the eyes of other students as you like!

Then he turned his head and looked at Megumi Kato, who happened to be walking over with a book, and saw that she was holding a magazine with a familiar cover in her hand.

"Ninety Ways to Wear Cute Clothes~You Are Tomorrow School Idol~"

——I'll take your uncle!

Has the school library been taken over by this publishing house?

And Kato, what do you think this kind of thing is trying to do?Become a school idol and save the school?It's too late!By the time you saw that book in the library, the school was doomed!

It is more reliable for you to be an idol to save my eyes!

——Well, that's about all the things in the library. Basically, there is nothing worth mentioning except that his inner activities are very violent.

Now, on the way home, He Quanming passed a park—this park covers a fairly large area, and the recreational facilities and green trails are very complete. Adults and children often play here, and there are also many couples. A dating place that is always lively no matter what time of day.

At the beginning of October, the green leaves have already been stained with maple red, and the cool autumn wind is used to paint the bleak colors with an invisible brush. Among the shadows of the trees, the boundless fallen leaves return to their roots in a sense of sadness, accompanied by the slightly cool afternoon sun, forming a picture. A fading autumn picture.

Tightening his uniform jacket so that the sudden cool wind would not disturb his body, He Quanming stopped at the gate of the park, thought for a while, turned around and walked towards the park.

... Anyway, there is still some time before eating, so it is rare to enjoy a leisurely time alone, why not relax in this beautiful park!

A person is one person, with a single branch; the earth is a path, as beautiful as a poem; time is a scene, and the autumn light and shadow are intoxicating.

Along the trail of fallen leaves that sometimes fall or are yellow or maple red, He Quanming paced comfortably, as if stepping into a painting with the theme of autumn. An article was formed in his chest, and he recited a poem softly on the spot.

"Stop and sit in love with Fenglin late, how can you avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune... huh?"

After thinking about it carefully, he realized something was wrong.

"It doesn't seem to be the following sentence...it should be Shuangyehong Yueryuehua."

Smiling and talking about himself, after passing the path full of poetry, he walked to the game area where children ran and jumped from time to time. The woman was sitting on a park chair beside her, chatting and gossiping, while paying attention to her children playing games from time to time. The scene looked extremely happy.

And just as He Quanming was watching the scene with a warm smile, and then he was about to walk through this place to continue his park tour, a rather familiar voice came from the side and entered his ears.

"...Come here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm not scary? The legendary big devil is very friendly to small animals—except for dogs—so you can come here with confidence~ Wait for me Just take you down—haha!"

With a strong drink, the girl crawled up the tree and approached the vigilant kitten. When the kitten took a step towards her with some hesitation, she hugged it with both hands like a hungry tiger. She held it in her arms with an extremely precise force that would not hurt the cat, and after swooping, she actually knelt down on a branch that was almost as thick as her feet, showing her amazing athletic ability and sense of balance.


A group of salted fish under the tree who only know how to call [-]... ​​No, it was a group of children, but they were all amazed to see the whole process of the red-haired girl hugging the kitten neatly, and they immediately applauded, their eyes shining brightly. Looking up at Satania who is full of complacency.

"Sister Sa is amazing! She can stand on the branch so steadily, just like a stunt player!"

"No, I look a bit like a ninja!"

"No, I think it's more like a monkey."

"But I think it's more like pieces of mung bean cake!"


"Because Sister Sa is wearing a skirt..."


Immediately, the little kids nodded in understanding, and then continued to stare at Satania from bottom to top with their eyes shining, with an evil smile on the corner of their mouths.

...these bastards!Just because you know Satania well, just peep at her skirt?It's so ugly!

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