His face darkened, and the poetic feeling in his chest was ruthlessly destroyed, and He Quanming walked aggressively under the tree, holding his head up and chest out.

As for Satania on the tree, she lowered her head and looked at the little ghost heads surrounding the tree trunk with amazed faces. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, she could tell by their expressions that they admired her. She couldn't bear it. He couldn't help snorting, stood up and proudly raised his head and smiled.

"Hum ha ha ha ha ha—fools, just give this demon a look of admiration! At this moment, I allow you to look up at me and imprint my unparalleled figure in your mind! Don't be ashamed of this, because I It is the queen of the demon world who will rule hell in the future, the great devil of the future—Satanikia Hutaozawa McDowell! Qihahahahaha..."

Then all the little kids gave out incomprehensible admiration, which caused Satania's self-esteem to expand exponentially, and she laughed even more arrogantly.

"Stand up..."

"Yeah, stand up..."

"It's amazing to stand up..."

"You're standing up... Sister Sa."

""……Um? ""


At this time, amidst the kid's praise, He Quanming's voice sounded slightly speechless.

"Satanya—do you want to show your mung bean cake on the tree so much? Come down soon!"

... Those who like to climb to high places are idiots, those who like to climb to high places in skirts are either super idiots or sluts, this guy is a super idiot!

Climb so high, and the wind is so strong, as long as you raise your head, you can see everything... Fortunately, only him and a group of little ghosts are looking at her at this time, otherwise she would be embarrassing.

As soon as she heard Izumi's voice, Satania took a closer look and found him standing under the tree with his schoolbag in his hands. He raised his eyes and looked at her helplessly. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he waved his hand vigorously. .

"Hey—the familiar! Why are you here? Did you come to see me rescue the kitten?"

Seeing her smiling face, looking for praise and approval, He Quanming sighed.

"Yes, yes, Lord Satania is amazing~ She can even protect a kitten that climbs up a tree and dare not come down. She really deserves to be a kind and friendly big devil~"

Hearing this, Satania raised the corners of her mouth proudly, stepped on the branch with both feet steadily, and laughed wildly.

"Wahhahaha - this is just a trivial matter, so there's no need to say more, familiar! You can praise me a little more, it doesn't matter!"

Do you want me to praise you or not, this guy...

The corners of his eyes twitched, and Izumi, who was going to remind her a few words, suddenly decided to continue to look up at the bottom of Satania's skirt with the group of children; at this time, the wind speed changed suddenly, and a strong wind hit head-on, blowing countless fallen leaves Ling danced in the air, bringing out the rustling sound of branches shaking.

Satania, who was standing on the branch with her head held high, was even more powerful by the wind. Not only did the branches under her feet shake violently, but she herself was also staggered by the wind.

"Oh——" Controlling her body swaying from side to side, Satania rarely looked for a balance point in the wind with a solemn expression, because she had to protect the kitten in her arms with both hands, and she couldn't hold on to the tree trunk. You can only squat with your feet slightly, and try to stabilize the gravity as much as possible.


Although he was a little worried about her safety, He Quanming felt relieved when he saw that she looked like a grass in the strong wind, which could not be blown down. shouted to Satania.

"Satanya, come down quickly! The tree is too dangerous."

"I know! I really want to come down too...but wait for the noisy wind to stop first!" Satania, who was sailing against the current in the strong wind, finally found the balance point and stabilized her body; Even though the branches were still swaying violently, she stood still, as stable as Mount Tai, and at the same time, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph... the mere wind in the world is nothing to be afraid of, for me, a warrior who has experienced the wind of demons blowing on the Grand Canyon of the Demon Realm for three hours, and thus gained experience! You're too weak——if you don't get stronger, you won't even be able to blow my hair?"

"...Don't set up the flag over there, your hair is obviously blown to a mess, okay..." Seeing that she still had the strength to release the second breath, He Quanming relaxed and began to complain.

At this time, the gale suddenly hit like a heavy hammer!


Caught off guard, Satania just slipped and fell backwards from the branch on her back.

"—Satania!" His face changed, and Quanming screamed. In a hurry, his body reflexively dropped his schoolbag, stretched out his hands, moved his steps to the position where he predicted where she would fall, and closed his eyes. Eyes, prepare for the impact of the moment, and prepare for possible injury.

—and then, after a while, he felt nothing.

There was not even the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground or screams.

……what happened?

He Quanming opened his eyes suspiciously, looked up at the branch, there was indeed no one on it; then looked at the ground, and no one fell to the ground or landed in a beautiful posture.

Where did that Satania fall?Different world?

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and Quanming looked towards the source of the sound, and there was a Satania hanging upside down in the air like a bat between the branches and the ground that he deliberately ignored.

"Huh... so dangerous, I react quickly!" Swaying in mid-air, Satania held the kitten in one hand, and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead with the other hand, her feet hung tightly on the branches , with an expression of the rest of his life on his face.

——I was about to fly with my wings... I was scared to death, I was scared to death~

Then she turned her head to look at Izumi who was twitching the corner of her mouth, and somehow she stretched out a thumb.

"—I, super strong!"

Strong your sister!

Almost scared me to death, you know?

Also, your current skirt has been completely turned upside down, completely revealing the fabric inside, haven't you noticed yet? !

Resisting the urge to pull the skirt over her head and turn her into a tulip, He Quanming first took the kitten from Satania's hand and put it on the ground, and then helped her to stand upside down safely Next time, stand upright and stand firm.

And when he saw that Sister Sa, who usually played with them, came down from the tree without incident, the little devils who were dismissed by him on the grounds of safety also surrounded Satania, chirping with her. talking.

Chapter 93 Sata Dioya and Izumi Mentaro

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