"Sister Sa, you are amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah, it can hang on a tree like a bat, it's so strong!"

"Could it be that big devils know how to do this? I want to learn too~"

"Stupid! Maybe Sister Sa is not a big devil, but a vampire! I heard that vampires can turn into bats, and can sleep upside down without congested brain. It's like... yes! It's just like what Sister Sa said about Dio Same!"

"You are the idiot! Master Dio has never hung upside down, okay! He can only walk on catwalks, and he's too big!"

"Call who is an idiot, you!"

"It's you!"

"Clam? Brat, do you want to fight?"

"You are also a stinky brat, okay? If you quarrel, whoever is afraid of whoever is arguing! Whoever loves you is stupid!

The brats who were chattering around her excitedly at first started to quarrel over some trivial matters. Satania immediately sighed helplessly, spread her hands and shook her head and said softly: "It's really a group of people. Children..."

Then she held up her palms to attract their attention, and when they stopped their verbal dispute and turned their heads, she shouted majestically like an early king ordering the ministers to be silent.

"Okay! Everyone, calm down... In front of me, the great demon who controls everything, quarreling is useless... because the answers to all quarrels will only lead to—"

As she spoke, she covered half of her face with her left palm, and made a DIO stand.

"—I'm Satania!"

Perfect posture!

The little ghost heads put down their quarrel and clapped their hands again with admiration on their faces.

He Quanming stood aside, watching this scene indifferently with very speechless eyes.

... You are a kid, right? You are the kind of kid king.

Well, it's also because of Satania's childish personality that she has such a good relationship with those little devils, right?

——Since the summer vacation, Satania has often gone to the park to act like a runaway husky. Whether she is posing JOJO or pretending to be aggressive, she has unknowingly attracted the attention of many children, and her lively and While being close to the playful hearts of the children, the special can make personality, and often lead them to various parks to show off to other children.

So before she knew it, Satania became the king of children in this area. Most of the children who knew her would willingly say "Hello Sister Sa" when they saw her. Affected by her secondary character, she began to become strange.

Just like the one over there who wears a one-eyed mask named Yuki Ken, and Tomika Yuta who wears bandages and says he is "Dark. "Sacred Dragon Knight" Eita Kidou and so on... When they were all active with her, they were distracted by Satania's chuuni character.

I really hope they don't feel ashamed of it when they grow up... It's painful to think about the black history or something?

Sighing empathetically, He Quanming picked up the schoolbag on the ground and walked towards them.

...Speaking of which, I haven't played with them in the park for a long time since I became busy with part-time work...

That's right, He Quanming is also one of the kid kings who have played with them.Moreover, he and Satania met these children in the park together at the beginning, and they played with each other a lot, and he went crazy in the second year of secondary school; so even after the summer vacation, there are very few children. After playing with them, his relationship with them has not faded, it is still very good...

"—Ah, the man with black-rimmed glasses is here! Quickly form a protective formation to protect Sister Sa, don't let that pervert touch her with a finger! It will rot!"

Well, it should be pretty good... right?

Hequan Mingqiang smiled, and saw that the group of little devils surrounded Satania after a commotion, and faced him solemnly in an attacking posture, with vigilant and confrontational eyes as if refusing him to take a step closer As if, he couldn't help clenching his fists itchingly.

"I'm talking about you..." He said in a gloomy tone, and took a step forward, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, is this how you greet your gentle and caring big brother? Huh?"

Stared at by his oppressive eyes, the little devils couldn't help but took a step back in a cold sweat.

"This, the power of this dead fish eye..."

"The rotten eyes that don't diminish a bit even through the lens..."

"How terrifying, this guy... is indeed the number one enemy of our "Sister Sa's Royal Guard"!"

"At this time, it's time for you to play——Go! The son of the Spanish restaurant, the black flamer, the holy dragon knight of the dawn!"

Following such shouts, three figures stepped out from the crowd.

On the left is a brown-haired boy with a blindfold on his left eye. He caressed the crimson cross pattern on the blindfold and said with a sigh.

"Hey... are you going to use this eye again... this devil's eye..."

In the middle is a boy with the same brown hair. His long bangs cover half of his eyes. He looks very handsome in tight black clothes and black trousers. different depths.

"Surrounded by pitch-black flames, then...disappear!"

On the right is another boy with brown hair, wearing a black windbreaker and a silver cross necklace around his neck, he said coolly.

"My real name is [Sacred Dragon Knight of Dawn]. I am an SSS class stronger than the S class elite demons. Although I only have D class ability when I fall into the human world, it is more than enough to deal with you, hmph. ..."

The three most distinctive ones among the little ghost heads stood up and faced the black-faced Izumi without fear.


Pop, pop, pop.




In an instant, the group was wiped out by three consecutive strikes with a hand knife.

He casually dealt with the guy blocking the way, and Izumi walked straight ahead. Seeing his murderous expression, the rest of the children couldn't help but disperse as if they were facing an enemy. After the crowd dispersed, only One person was still standing still with his hands clasped.

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