Satania walked towards Izumi on a catwalk, looked at him as if time had been stopped, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Hmph, after all, you can only submit to the power of my "THE.WORLD", JO Taro..."

Picking up a small stone from the ground, she gently threw it in the direction of He Quanming. After the stone touched He Quanming's abdomen and fell, she explained with a sneer.

"This throwing knife will penetrate your abdomen after time begins to flow, making you unable to recover, and you will be surprised to find when you have been attacked... and you will be afraid of my ability!"

As if her voice was the only one left in the whole world, like a king returning from victory, she walked back to where she was standing just now, and assumed the same posture as before shouting "THE. WORLD".

Then, snap your fingers.

"And then... time began to flow."



He Quanming's expression changed, and he knelt on the ground clutching his abdomen while screaming in pain.

Seeing this, Satania immediately burst out laughing, the corners of her mouth curved into a charming arc.

"Mie ha ha ha ha ha ha... no, not this... WRYYYYYYYY—Jo Taro, it is your defeat! No matter how strong your Platinum Star is, you can't defeat the great demon Sata... no, you can't defeat the possessor It belongs to Mr. DIO who is the strongest stand-in "THE.WORLD"! Wahahahahaha——

What, what! ? "

Satania, who was laughing maniacally, was taken aback for a moment, stopped laughing, stared at He Quanming slowly standing up, then pulled off the coat, lifted the clothes, from the crotch... no, it was from the interlayer of the clothes , took out a book.

It was a book about two people with three legs that he borrowed from the library and was going to take home to read carefully, and it was that book that just blocked Satania's "flying stone attack".

Bathed in Satania's unbelievable eyes, holding the book, he whispered helplessly.

"Yeah yale DA☆ZE...I never expected such a coincidence to act on the spur of the moment..."

Then, raising his sharp eyes, he caught the eyes of the opponent in front of him, and shouted with determination.

"DIO! It's a pity that you can't kill me with the time stop this time; but now I am so angry that I can kill you! Accept the move, "Star Platinum"—"

Grinning passionately, Satania yelled back not to be outdone.

"Then give it a try! This time I will definitely kill you—"THE.WORLD"!"


"No pack!"

The two got into a quarrel like this again, and even though Satania couldn't find the steamroller, she threw herself at He Quanming as a steamroller.

"Eat my steamroller—"


Then He Quanming held Ola directly in his arms, and started to circle around the park.

You, Ola, and I, who were still happy while walking around, yelled helplessly.

In the end, it was really dizzy and a little tired, and Izumi could only helplessly put down the blushing and smiling Satania, panting, and forcefully finished the last sentence.

"DIO——No, Satania, there is only one reason why you failed, and it's just a very simple reason... because you pissed me off!"

After finishing speaking, the index finger pointed at Satania angrily. He straightened his back, stood with his feet apart, and with the other hand handsomely stroked the non-existent hat brim.

The pose is perfect!

Satania clapped her hands with bright eyes.

"Like, really like! The fiend imitates the real likeness!"

He Quanming nodded to her proudly, and Quanming turned his head to look around, wanting to see if other salted fishes were calling [-] at him and casting reverent glances at him, but found that there was no one else in this place except the two of them. are gone.

...Fucking shit, he ran away!

He cut it in displeasure, and Quanming didn't care. Taking advantage of a little time, he gave up his original idea of ​​slowly visiting the park, and instead continued to play happily with Satania.

So they had a good time after school.

Chapter 94 Exercises with two people and three legs

Saturday afternoon.

After finishing the class from today to noon, Izumi came to the playground with a towel and water after eating something. At the starting point of the track, he saw Yao Changmu who had been waiting there.

Although it was noon, there happened to be a large layer of stratocumulus clouds drifting slowly overhead, blocking the high hanging sun and the blazing rays. The cool autumn breeze was blowing slowly, and the temperature was pleasant, which was a very suitable weather for sports.

Because of this, there were quite a few people moving their bodies on the playground at this time. Although it wasn't a crowd of people, there was an atmosphere that the outpost of the sports meeting had already sounded here.

"Hey! Good morning, have you eaten yet? I ate."

Raising his hand casually to say hello, He Quanming walked to Chang Muyao's side, and put down the water and towel.

"Your way of saying hello is really unique..." Chang Muyao was speechless, and after giving him a blank look, he continued to lower his head to tie his shoelaces, "It's already noon and it's still early, are you living in a dream? And , Wait, do you want to exercise? Are you afraid of stomach pain if you eat now?"

"Hmph, you don't know that!" Pushing his glasses triumphantly, He Quanming squatted beside her to check whether his shoelaces were tied properly, while showing off his not-so-correct knowledge.

"Two-person three-legged is a team game, which is a bit different from racing. Although it also compares speed, the more important thing is to avoid falling! The main goal of the practice is this. At the beginning , we must not only think about running faster, we must run steadily before we can ask for speed. For a novice like us with two legs and three legs, if we don't adjust the pace of the two people to the same pace, we will not be able to run fast at all. of! "

"Hey... yes?" Chang Muyao snorted noncommittally, and said lightly, "I understand the truth of what you said... But what does this have to do with whether you eat or not?"

"Tsk tsk still don't understand, Yao."

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