He Quanming shook his head with his arms outstretched, looking as if he hated iron but not steel.

"I mean, we must spend some time getting used to the three-legged mode in the early stage, and during this period, we will only do low-intensity aerobic exercise, and we don't have to worry about stomach discomfort caused by excessive exercise; but But it may consume a lot of physical strength, if you don’t eat something to fill your stomach now, you will be dizzy from hypoglycemia after a while?”

"Okay, thank you for the popular science, let's start quickly!" Chang Muyao waved his hand impatiently, took out a rope from the bag and handed it to He Quanming, "No, tie it to your ankle , you left and I right."

He Quanming reached out to take the rope, but instead of lowering his head immediately to tie their ankles together, he stared at her face with strange eyes.

"...Why do I feel that you are not in a good mood today, what happened?"

"Ah... It really is too obvious, has it been seen?"

Rubbing his forehead in distress, Chang Muyao sighed deeply.

"Actually, it's nothing... It's just that my father keeps thinking about things when I go out, and wants to force me to stay at home and not let me go out. I just use the excuse of exercising with female friends to get rid of him... ...If the attitude just now made you unhappy, I apologize."

Izumi waved his hand and didn't care at all.

"Who would be unhappy because of such a trivial matter—speaking of which, your family seems to be very strict with you? Last time it seemed to be the same..."

He Quanming looked at her face carefully when he stopped talking halfway, and sure enough, there was an expression of embarrassment beyond words.

"Well... Do you want to say that they are too strict, or that they care about me too much... I am not allowed to do many things, and they say that high school students should study hard..." Chang Muyao's words were intermittent. His eyes wandered, and it was obvious that something was hidden in his heart.

Akira Kawazumi nodded in understanding, and then took out a rice ball from a convenience store from his pocket.

"Hey, come eat!"


Chang Muyao, who was still worrying about how to skip this topic with non-perfunctory words, opened his mouth in a daze when he heard his words and the rice ball in his hand, and made a puzzled sound, inexplicably look at him.

"What the hell... what does this rice ball mean?"

"Oops! ’ expression, He Quanming moved over with a haha.

"It's nothing, nothing, "Hey, come to eat!" is one of the ancient Chinese sayings, which means to invite you to dinner, that's all, right? Then this rice ball I bought just now, just to use it to pad your stomach, save money Wait until you get dizzy from hunger, and I will carry you to the health room!"

"Is that so?" Although he still looked at him suspiciously, but he couldn't find anything to question, Chang Muyao could only accept the words and nodded, and accepted the rice ball.

"Thank you very much!" The first sincere smile of the day appeared on her face, she raised the corner of her mouth, her expression seemed to be glowing, she unwrapped the rice ball with a charming smile, and gnawed on the rice ball in small bites.

Akira Izumi, on the other hand, looked contentedly at Yao Tsuneki, who was getting more energetic again, and began to do warm-up exercises.


"...When you are stepping, if I step on the left foot and you step on the right foot, I say "one"; Looking at the ankles of the two connected by a red string, Izumi gave solemn instructions.

"OK~ It's such a simple matter, let's get it done in minutes!" She smiled confidently, and put on a pre-running pose with him.

"Let's start then? Get ready...one!"

The two stepped out of the connected foot at the same time, and the timing of the steps was exactly the same.

They looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, and Quanming shouted again.


The other foot took a step forward, and it was also very smooth, even the length of the steps was exactly the same.

Confidence in the combination of the two suddenly overflowed, and Akira Kazumi shouted with enthusiasm.

"Very good! Let's speed up! Get ready...one, two, one!"


He Quanming's right arm was swung by Chang Muyao's face.

"Ahh..." Looking at him with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, Chang Muyao showed a slightly embarrassed expression, "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"...It's okay, I also know you didn't mean it." Rubbing his face, He Quanming reluctantly skipped the matter, regained his posture and continued to shout slogans.

The two put their hands on their waists again, leaned forward, and assumed a pre-running posture.

"Okay, here we go...one, two, one, two!"


He Quanming was drawn to the face by Chang Muyao's swung elbow.

"Pfft..." Trying his best to suppress the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but twitch, Chang Muyao apologized with trembling cheeks, "I, I don't know why I hit you... I'm sorry..."

"Okay...it's okay..." He Quanming's eyebrows twitched, still believing that she was careless.





After coming down a few times, He Quanming turned his head and stared at Chang Muyao with very scary eyes, smiling very dangerously.

"Student Changmu... Are these all accidental?"

Chang Mu covered his mouth, trying not to let his laughter burst out.

"Puff...well, that's right, it was careless... really careless... puff puff..."

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