Akira Izumi snorted, turned his head with a smile on his face, and returned to the pre-running posture without saying anything.

...I have tried my best not to let my left hand touch your side, since you want to play with me like this, then come!Let's see who can play better!

Although he was puzzled by his calm appearance and had a slight premonition of danger, Chang Muyao didn't care, and started to run ahead with a bright smile.

"Let's go... one, two, one, two!"


Chang Muyao exclaimed, stopped, covered his sideways and glared at He Quanming with a blushing face.

Akira Hequan had a pure questioning look on his face.

"What's the matter? Don't continue?"

I don't know what he is referring to, but this does not prevent Chang Muyao from asking aggressively.

"You did it on purpose?!"

"How is it possible! I wouldn't do that kind of thing on purpose!" He Quanming looked straight at Chang Muyao's embarrassing eyes with a righteous face, "I don't know why I hit you! I am also very desperate what!"

"You..." How could you hit it!It's friction, okay?

Although he wanted to yell like this, Chang Muyao still gritted his teeth and swallowed these words because of his face and shame. His sharp eyes pierced He Quanming's face like a sword. When the defense was thicker than the city wall, he could only look away angrily.

The two returned to the pre-running position again, but for some reason, the atmosphere between the two sides became a little tense, as if they both knew what would happen next, their expressions were all very dignified, and the arms that were very close were a little tense .

And when Akira Izumi opened his mouth to speak, the tense atmosphere was like an arrow on the string, ready to go.

"Prepare... one!"


He Quanming's hand suddenly appeared in front of his face, firmly supporting the white jade arm that seemed to be swayed at random, he smiled cheaply and looked at Chang Muyao who seemed to click his tongue in pity.

"I haven't started running yet...what's the rush, dear Yo-chan?"

"You bastard...huh!" With bared teeth, Chang Muyao turned his head away, not looking at He Quanming's teasing eyes.

Enough playing, let's start practicing seriously... Akira Izumi sighed, his expression returned to normal, and said suddenly.

"—I think our posture is wrong."

"Huh?" Hearing the seriousness in his words, Chang Muyao also turned around and entered the mode of talking about business, "Is the posture wrong?"

"That's right, I just realized now that our running posture is totally different from the normal two-person three-legged." He Quanming said seriously, pointing to the running posture that the two of them are now posing.

It’s like two ordinary runners standing on the same track. Although their feet are tied with red ropes and the distance is very close, their upper bodies will separate and collide with each other when they stride.

It is different from running side by side as mentioned in the book.

Thinking back now, He Quanming realized that the posture level of the two of them was really not enough, and it was completely wrong.

"Hmm... I also find it a bit strange to hear you say that..." Chang Muyao nodded his chin, thinking back, "We seem to be a little too far apart... I remember that the normal three-legged relationship is..."

Bai Jing's long and slender right arm suddenly embraced Hequanming's right shoulder, and his plump and elastic body also pressed against his left half due to his height, and the warm and delicate skin of the girl's legs in sports shorts rubbed gently His slightly rough hairy legs seemed to have a faint, unknown fragrance of flowers gradually wafting from her body, and the two of them, who were still some distance apart, got closer in an instant.

"——Should it be like this?" Talking to herself, Chang Muyao unconsciously made it according to the posture of the two people with three legs in her mind. When she recovered, she found that she did not know when she took the initiative to post On the body of Izumi Akira, the right hand is still very intimate on his shoulder, the exposed skin is in close contact with him, as if static electricity is flowing, transmitting a shivering temperature.

Her body stiffened involuntarily.

Especially when Akira Hequan put his left hand on her left shoulder as if nothing had happened, and pulled her into his arms. The posture of the two of them was like a couple embracing each other. It became a little hotter.

Squinting his eyes and raising his gaze, Chang Muyao looked at Izumi Akira's face with special eyes, trying to see some clues from his pretendingly calm expression.

However, Akira Hequan looked calm, pushed his glasses, and said in a calm tone.

"It should be in this posture, so that you won't hit the opponent with your arm... Very good, let's try it like this. Get ready, I'm going to shout a slogan?"

"...Pfft, pretending to be true love..." Seeing his tense face trying to pretend to be calm, Chang Muyao suddenly smiled and said softly; she lowered her head and stared at the place where the two were bound by the red thread feet.

As if he didn't think about anything, and seemed to forget what he thought of, suddenly, Chang Muyao raised a bright smile again, and stared straight ahead at the elongated red runway.

"Okay, let's shout! The goal this time is to run to the finish line!"

"...Well, it's definitely possible!" With a relaxed smile on his face, Izumi took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth.

"Get ready...one, two, one, two, one, two, two—"

As the regular shouts became more and more intense, the pace of the connected footsteps also accelerated.

The heartbeat also seemed to become a little faster.

Chapter 95 Can't think of the title, just don't think about it

Megumi Kato watched the two practice from a distance.

Sitting in a remote corner, the shade of the trees danced with the wind and sprinkled light and shadow on her body. The school uniform skirt was padded under the hips, jade-like fingers clicked and slid on the phone screen from time to time, black eyes that could not see emotion He stared lightly at the seemingly intimate teenagers and girls on the playground.

Her good eyesight allowed her to see the expressions on their faces clearly even at a distance.Whether it's a shy smile that's a bit young, or a calm smile that's pretending to be calm, she can see clearly, and makes boring comments in her heart.

... If the full score of favorability is [-] points, then Mr. Chang Mu has about [-] to [-] points towards Ming Jun, right?It belongs to the kind of confession that has a high probability of being accepted...

As for Ming Jun, his affection for Chang Mu is about...about seventy-nine points, which is different from his liking for me. He is only moved by Chang Mu's charm and the little ambiguity of getting along with men and women, and will not If he took the initiative to confess, it would be better to say that he would not have the intention of confessing.

...But what if I was confessed by Toneki-san?

—Will he accept it?

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