He Quanming rubbed his chin, searched carefully for his memory, and muttered to himself: "There is a cat girl's pastry shop, and it's not a cosplay, is it really a sub-human sauce that belongs to the cat girl family... Strange, I've never heard of it Look, I will definitely not let go of this kind of information..."

He thinks so, of course not because he's interested in catgirls... not just because he's interested in catgirls.Ever since he got acquainted with Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan, he has been more or less concerned about the affairs of the Asian sauce. He not only investigated the affairs of the other two Asian sauces in the school, but also paid attention to where new ones appeared in Japan. The sub-human sauce, and what kind of sub-human sauce's actions have made it into the news.

But there is a cat girl working as a waiter in a pastry shop. This kind of thing that must attract the attention of many people, he has never heard of it... Although it is said that cat-type humans are not a rare race in the sub-human sauce, but if There is really a cat girl working in a shop, that will definitely make a large number of otaku otaku men and women go on a pilgrimage, it is impossible that there is no news on [-]CH (a well-known Japanese forum)...

But when He Quanming was thinking deeply, Chang Muyao had already grabbed his hand and dragged him directly outside the school gate.

"Okay, don't be in a daze! If you don't leave, what will you do when the store is full!"

"Wait, wait...you haven't said which store it is! Where are you going, hello!"

"...Eh? Didn't I say it?" She kept walking, she turned her head and stuck out her tongue, smiling a little guilty, "Don't worry, it's very close to here, although it's not the city center, but it takes about ten minutes to walk You can get there, you won’t go too far.”

"Who asked you how far away..." He Quanming sighed helplessly, but followed her footsteps, but didn't let her let go of his hand, "I'm asking about the name of the store! Maybe I also I know, there is a cafe with a cat girl or something... I must have heard of it!"

Hearing that he was a little unwilling to read, Chang Muyao immediately felt that it was funny and curled the corners of his mouth, and answered vigorously.

"The name of that store—"

"It's called La Soleil!"

Chapter 96 Questions Born in La Soleil

Before coming to this cake shop called "La Soleil", Akira Izumi had already checked its information on his mobile phone.

Although there are very few reviews about it, all of them leave "the cake is delicious!" ", "The price is very close to the people! ", "The cat girl is very cute! ’ and other positive comments, and even a lot of gossip messages written by female high school students such as “the baker inside is very handsome, maybe he has trouble with the two cat girl waiters”, which made Izumi curious about this store Heart fully lifted.

Pushing open the door with simple decoration but with a sense of warmth, as the bell rang crisply, like a reflection, two lovely voices came over immediately.

"Welcome to La Soleil!"

The black-haired cat girl who was sitting on the seat in a daze with boredom suddenly jumped up, bouncing around with her two long twin tails, and bowed to them lively.

"Welcome to La Soleil, and I'll show you two guests right now~" The other white-haired catgirl, who looked completely opposite to her, with two white ponytails hanging behind her, moved her ears, leading her in a calm and polite manner. Then they came to the seat.

After quietly handing them a menu, the white-haired cat lady saluted, then walked to the side of the black-haired cat lady, speaking in a doting tone that seemed to be a lesson.

"Chocolate, when you welcome the guests, you should show them a seat first? You can't ignore this because there are fewer guests. The details are enough to determine success or failure."

"Meow! I forgot this by accident!" The black-haired cat girl Chocolate seemed surprised, and then a bright smile returned to her face, "Okay, then I will definitely remember next time! Thank you Vanilla for reminding~ "

"As expected of chocolate, this kind of single-minded personality that only focuses on the future is really great~" the white-haired cat girl Vanilla said slowly, stroking her face with one hand, with a very soft smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the harmonious and friendly interaction between the two catgirls from a distance, He Quanming laughed unconsciously, and turned to look at Chang Muyao.

"You really are a cute cat girl waiter, you..."

In the middle of speaking, He Quanming found that her eyes were shining, staring straight at the dancing ears on the catgirl's head and the wagging tail behind her, the fingers on the table were unconsciously twisting, and the corners of her mouth were twitching. There were some strange sounds.

"Yeah~ so cute, I really want to touch, so cute, I really want to touch—"

... This guy, since when did he have the attributes of a slut?

By the way, where have I seen something similar?This originally normal character turned into a terrible uncle, that shocking scene...

The corners of Hequanming's eyes twitched, and he instinctively automatically deleted some bad memories that surfaced in his heart, and knocked on the table with his knuckles helplessly.

"Hey, you're back to your senses! Your saliva is about to drip!"

Hearing this, Chang Muyao quickly wiped the corner of his mouth with his hands, and exclaimed.

"Really? Oops, I saw drooling..."

After hastily wiping the corners of her mouth, she found that there was no saliva at all, so she raised her head and glared at He Quanming angrily.

"You bastard. How dare you play me..."

"Who told you to stare at other people's ears with an idiot face? Even if you are a girl, that would be very disrespectful!" He Quanming rolled his eyes, really not knowing what to say to this thief who scolded and caught the thief what.

"Idiot, idiot or something... Looking at the cat girl, how can you be considered an idiot..." As if knowing that he was wrong, Chang Muyao also looked away guiltily, and turned to look at the menu on the desktop. .

Although the two catgirls seemed to be used to being looked at like this, and they just smiled and nodded at her gaze, and didn't care, He Quanming still couldn't help but remind her.

"If you really want to touch their ears, just go and talk to them directly. Seeing how easy they are to get along with, they should agree, so don't just stare at the screen and watch happy dirty things with the dead house of being single until now. Looking at them with the eyes of customers! Fortunately, it was you, if it were me, I might have been arrested by the police long ago!"

"Pfft... What kind of metaphor are you talking about! Does anyone say that about yourself?" Chang Muyao couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then waved his hands, "Okay, okay, I get it! I will restrain myself One point, can you stop reading it? Mother Izumi!"

"Kah... Who are you telling me is mother?! People in the world say that I am a pure man, a man of iron and blood, you are slandering me!" He Quanming gritted his teeth, and unconvinced, he slapped the table and stood up to refute.

"Cut, who told you to read as much as the old lady..." muttered, Chang Muyao picked up the menu with a smile, and began to browse the contents on it.

Sitting down with a sigh, while she was looking at the menu, He Quanming was also looking at the environment of the store - a small space, a clean and bright layout, and a soothing orange light, all kind of It can make people relax in this place - just like the store name La Soleil, which is the sun in French, an ordinary cake shop seems to be filled with a soothing atmosphere surrounded by warm sunshine.

...If it was a cat, it should like this environment very much, right?

Glancing at the cat girls chatting at the counter, He Quanming glanced again at the shop where they were the only ones at the table.

Um?and many more……

He suddenly asked Chang Muyao: "Hey, Yao, didn't you say that this place is very popular among girls? Why is there no one now?"

Chang Muyao raised his head from the menu, and glanced at the empty seats in the store with the same doubt.

"Yeah... Strange, there should be a lot of people at this time..."

Just as the two of them were asking questions about this, a hearty voice sounded from the side.

"—Because a large number of guests have come before you, and now it happens to be the window period."

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