Izumi nodded as if he understood clearly, and turned his head to look at the handsome young man in the pastry chef's costume who was walking towards them while talking: "So that's how it is... May I ask who you are?"

The handsome brown-haired young man saluted with a smile.

"I'm the manager of this store, Minazuki Kasho, are you two from Teruichi East High School? Welcome to La Soleil!"

The two of them also greeted back, and Chang Muyao also kicked him under the table, and glanced at him teasingly, as if saying "Look, he is much more handsome than you".

Akira Kazumi rolled his eyes, ignored her, and turned to Minazuki Kasho.

"Please give me more advice...The store manager, do you have any recommended afternoon tea set here? We just finished exercising and are a little hungry now."

Seeing him rubbing his stomach and making a bitter face, Jiaxiang smiled slightly, took out a menu and pointed to the pattern on it.

"Just finished exercising? Just right, I recommend the light food package of our store. Eating these after exercising can effectively absorb nutrients and will not cause a calorie burden. Although it is a cake shop, we also sell some salads and sandwiches... "

Following the store manager's suggestion, they each ordered a light food set meal at a rather affordable price. It didn't take long for the catgirls to deliver the meal.

"Guests, please use it slowly~"

"If you need anything, please ring the service bell, we will come right away~"

Smiling and letting the two lovely cat girls leave, the two of them immediately started to gobble up food—no way, not to mention the colorful and refreshing and tender presentation of the sandwiches and salads, after a while after exercise At that time, they were so hungry that even Chang Muyao said "delicious!" regardless of his image. 』While eating a sandwich.

After he was full of wine and food, Chang Muyao excitedly took a group photo with the two catgirls and had a close contact with him. He was really embarrassed to follow He Quanming, and when he saw the store manager Jiaxiang sitting in the corner, he also left In the past, pull up a chair and sit next to him.

Minaduki Kasho didn't express any opinion on his actions, just smiled, propped his face with one hand, and stared at the two catgirls who seemed excited because of the photo request with a smile.

Reading some kind of emotion from his eyes, He Quanming couldn't help but ask in doubt.

"...Well, Mr. Store Manager, may I ask, those two cat girls are yours...?"

Turning back to look at him, Jiaxiang gave a wry smile.

"It's okay if you don't need to be so respectful, I'm not much older than you..." Shrugging his shoulders, he said frankly, "Well, this is not a question you can't ask—it's embarrassing to say, both of them It's my catgirl lover."

Cat girl lover?It should mean lovers, right?Even both of them are...

Looking at the two smiling catgirls like Jiaxiang, the energetic posture makes people smile knowingly, and the cat ears and tail wagging with the petite and cute body also give people a feeling of being healed Feeling it, Izumi couldn't help but make a sound with envy.

"It looks so happy...Mr. Jiaxiang must have put in a lot of hard work to make them look as happy as they are now, right?"

Seemingly hearing this kind of question for the first time, Jiaxiang froze for a moment, then scratched his cheek embarrassingly.

"Haha, in fact, I didn't do anything for them at all. The happiness of chocolate and vanilla was created by myself - and if I really want to say, they helped me a lot - when I first opened the store, When I needed help the most, they jumped out like this and kept supporting me behind me. Even though I was clumsy and unskilled, they still did their best for me...

Then after a period of time like this, without knowing it, the store has been successfully operated with the help of everyone, and the relationship with them has become that kind of relationship..."

Hearing Jiaxiang's words that were both sighs and memories, He Quanming couldn't help murmuring.

"Is it a matter of course...?"

Afterwards, he couldn't help but express the doubts in his heart to this young man who seemed to have gone through many vicissitudes.

"Mr. Jiaxiang... I would like to ask you, how to make people you like live in peace together?"

Chapter 97 Back to the beginning, he made a change and moved forward again without fear

(Subtitle of this chapter: Warrior of Love and Quanming)

Even though Kato Megumi once said that he would help him, even though he has made up his mind to create an ending where everyone can live happily, but deep down in his heart, he still has timidity and dissatisfaction with such things as "opening a harem". Confidence—after all, he is not the king of Saudi Arabia, he does not have any huge property and powerful family, he is just an ordinary or even a little poor ordinary boy, who was lucky enough to win the favor of some girls.

What exactly does he need to rely on to make those girls gather around him and not leave him?With this kind of thinking in mind, doesn't he feel arrogant?Talking about long live the relationship, talking about wanting everyone to be happy, but no one has asked him like this, right?Even Kato Megumi agreed to his idea only after his request.

And he, has he really thought about what the ending Kato Megumi expected in his heart?Is the future Kato Megumi wants to see, without the bondage of other girls, really what he thinks?

——Will anyone really be willing to participate in the ending he seeks?

……do not know.

... My heart is so confused that I can't think carefully about anything.

So now, he can only ask questions and seek answers to this young man who seems to have successfully reached a happy ending for everyone.

Facing his question, Jiaxiang tilted his head in confusion: "Live in peace?"

He Quanming explained vaguely: "Well... I don't know how to put it... It's just that I already have a girlfriend, and there are other people who like me, and I also have a good impression of them, and I want to have fun with them Live happily together, is there any good way... something like that?"

Wait a minute... After saying this, I immediately feel like I'm so scumbag!How come people like me have not been beheaded by Kato and taken to the other side of sorrow?Is this guy a saint? !

And Brother Cheng, stop waving at me from the other side!I will never go there!

As if agreeing with Izumi, Jiaxiang also looked at him strangely.

"You mean you want to... cheat on me in a fair way?"

He Quanming immediately spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and retorted loudly: "That's, that's not it!"

After thinking about it carefully, he lowered his head with some guilt, and defended himself in a superficial tone.

"Well, I can't say it's not...but! But the ending I hope is like Mr. Jiaxiang and those two cat girls, everyone can laugh happily together, no matter who can be happy, no matter who can Accepting each other, living in one family without any grievances—"

At this time, Jiaxiang suddenly interrupted him with a wry smile.

"No, wait . . . I suppose it can't be done?"

He Quanming was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Although I don't understand it very well, what you said is the so-called opening a harem, right? Based on my current observations, I think it's unlikely that you can do such a thing, right?"

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