"But, but, you..."

"Well, my situation is a bit special..." Scratching his head and thinking about the words, the manager of the cake shop said without any flinching, "Let me ask first, the people you mentioned, there are Is it a special race like a cat girl?"

"...No!" After thinking about it carefully, although he met a vampire, He Quanming only regarded her as an ordinary school girl, and had no other special thoughts in it, so he answered Jiaxiang firmly. .

As if he knew that he would answer this way, Jiaxiang nodded with a smile: "That's right! The reason why I can get along so harmoniously with Chocolat and the others is not only because of the emotional relationship, but also because of the fact that the catwoman is the main clan. Characteristics - For them, it is normal for males to have multiple spouses. Although they have received human education, their instinctive cognition is deeply engraved in their genes, which affects the judgment of emotional information.

This is the biggest reason why I said you can't do it—unless your charm is really strong enough to make them accept that you have three wives and four concubines, otherwise, from the perspective of human emotional cognition, if you want to open a harem, absolutely Everyone will be hurt! "

As he spoke, Jiaxiang looked him straight in the eyes seriously, with a firm tone.

He Quanming opened his mouth, like a lump in his throat, but couldn't say anything for a while.

The sharp and unquestionable words pierced his heart like a sword, mercilessly piercing through the hypocritical and fluke disguise that has remained until now, so that he can only face the fantasy that has collapsed like a castle in the air, and has been hidden all the time. Yes, his unwillingness to face the cruelty.

——As long as you choose everyone, everyone will be hurt.

——The ending he and she expected will never come.

Seeing him staring blankly with his mouth open in silence, Jiaxiang couldn't help but smiled wryly again.

... Although it is a bit strange to say so many things to the boy I met for the first time, but he is the kind of abusive person who can't let go when he sees a lost person-now there is a lost lamb who is looking for a way out, although he also I don't know where the exit is, but I can lend him the map I walked for reference, so that he can find his own answer.

Thinking of this, Jiaxiang patted He Quanming on the shoulder, with a gentle smile on his face, and said slowly in a tone as if he was thinking about the distance.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't rush to answer. Let me tell my own story first!"

"Actually, I... didn't even think that I would develop into the current relationship with the two of them at the beginning."

He Quanming came back to his senses, and looked at the handsome young shopkeeper in front of him in a little astonishment: "Mr. Jiaxiang...?"

He smiled slightly and continued: "...the two of them were already my important family members before they became my catgirl lover, and I brought them up from a young age, so they have a feeling similar to that of a father... …

I don't know when this feeling began to change—is it because of the habits of their catgirls?Or is it because of love for a long time?Or after supporting each other again and again, we realize the importance of everyone in this journey of life. "

"To be honest, I really don't know anything about love - after all, I'm just a pastry chef, not a love researcher." Jiaxiang smiled wryly, "And the only love in my life was with them. So I don't understand anything more complicated about love..."

Then the tone changed: "But I can be sure that when dealing with people you value, there is one thing that is very important——"

He fixed his eyes on He Quanming, as if he wanted to convey this thought to his heart, Jiaxiang's eyes were very serious.

"That's wholehearted."

"With all my heart...?" He Quanming muttered, chewing on the meaning of this sentence.

"That's right - when you put all your mind on how to make them happier, happier, more smiling, and think about nothing else; regardless of the outcome, regardless of whether they will become Your lover, you have nothing to fear, but when you are willing and wholeheartedly thinking about them—even if things go against your wishes, you will never regret it!"

"Because in this process, you have obtained the most precious treasure, haven't you?"

He smiled, although he didn't specify what the treasure was, but Akira Hequan intuitively understood that the so-called treasure was the smiles of the girls from the heart.

The young shopkeeper scratched his cheek in some trouble, and continued talking.

"Although it's a bit strange for me...but I think true love is to give."

"When you give all your love out and don't keep any for yourself, just to make the one you love happier, even if that love is divided into several parts, it's all your unreserved intention. It's all about you—that alone is enough to move people."

"Even if they may not accept it, you will not only waste your time but also your youth, but you really love them, right? Do you want to get their love in return?

Now think about it again - are you paying for their happiness, or are you paying for them to stay with you and make you happy?If you think about it carefully, the answer to everything is naturally clear! "

The silly words were full of determination, and he concluded with one sentence at the end.

"'When you are confused, just think about what you want in the first place!' - this is what someone once told me, and it also made me leave home without hesitation and embark on the road of pastry chef; now, I I told you about it, and I hope you can gain as much as I did."

When the words fell to the ground, Jiaxiang closed his mouth, waiting for Hequanming's reaction.

The air returned to silence.


He kept replaying every word he said just now in his mind. He Quanming, who was in a very complicated mood, didn't answer right away. He put his hand gently on his chest, closed his eyes, and began to sort out his thoughts.

He asked himself first.

...When did I start thinking of bringing a smile to someone?

——It started when I met Satania, right?Do your best to give this lovely devil a laugh.

...When did I start thinking of protecting someone's smile?

——It started when I met Gabriel, right?Regardless of shame, offer laughter to that beautiful girl.

...When did I start to have the idea of ​​bringing friendship to someone?

——It started when I met Rafael, right?Brainstorming, dedicated friend to that strange angel.

... Since when did I really fall in love with someone's smile?

——Isn’t it when the story of the encounter with Megumi Kato started?For that humble girl, dedicate her first love.

And what am I... what am I longing for?


--do not know.

It seems that there are, and it seems that there are not.

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