... Then what does the world I want to see look like?

--I know.

"...I know." He Quanming said silently again.

-- it has no shape.

But it has temperature.

There is a temperature that can't help but smile.

That is, as long as you think about it, even though the picture is still a blurry blank, you can still feel the world that is close to your chest and warms your whole body.

That is the world he has always wanted to use his dream as a model and pour his heart into it.

At this moment, as if completely out of the body, standing in front of his own soul, "he" whispered to the transparent self in front of him.

"Izumi and I once had a dream——

That is to open a big harem so that everyone can smile happily. 』

While letting out words that were no longer swaying, he took a step forward and approached the transparent light and shadow.

"Izumi and I once had a dream——

That is to create a future where no one will be absent, and to offer laughter to everyone in this beautiful daily life. 』

Countless fragments of memories flowed by, he didn't pay attention, but stared closely at the figure that gradually reflected a faint light.

"Izumi and I both have a dream——

That is to let the people I love live a happy life full of smiles. 』

The distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, and He Quanming stopped, standing upright without any confusion, standing in a seemingly empty space, only he and he existed, and he was the only one talking.

"And now, Quanming and I have one more dream—no, we have always had this dream. 』

The moment he took the last step forward and let the transparent light and shadow merge with himself—the darkness disappeared.

Akira Hequan opened his eyes, and a smile like the rising sun slowly rose in the calm line of sight like the horizon.

The sonorous and forceful words immediately echoed in the air.

"I thought, love as much as you can!"

Whether it's a smile or something else, he just wants to love those things with all his strength, that's all.

——After unpacking all the complicated words, this is Akira Izumi's original dream.

... If love is giving, then he is willing to give his all for this love and become a warrior of love.

He loves the world and everyone who meets him and smiles at him.

He loves everyone who has been by his side along the way in this restarted life.

This love has no impurities, no feelings, just a kind of attachment - a kind of attachment that wants to pay for someone and enjoy the ups and downs that arise from it.

A little stupid, a little silly, and very willful...but now he realizes that he is such a fool, and then agrees with himself with a wry smile.

...is there nothing wrong with that?If you want to fill in the blank life with color, then random graffiti can also be regarded as a kind of fun, right?

Maybe...it might be a good time to sing "Long Live in Love with You" now?

"……Ha ha."

Hearing his words and the firmness in his eyes, Kasho Minaduki couldn't help but smiled in relief, and then asked teasingly.

"So boy—do you still want to open a harem now?"

Unexpectedly, Izumi made a sharp cut: "What is opening a harem? That's too out of style, isn't it? The routines of the city are like that."

Received an unexpected and strange answer, Jiaxiang raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then what do you think?"

He smiled slightly proudly.

"Opening a harem? Ha, don't bring that superficial thing to me again!"

"I'm a warrior of love—if it's their smiles that I love now, I'll fight for that expression!"

"As long as I can see their smiles, I will feel that the dedication from the past to the present is meaningful."

"As long as I can see their laughter, I can gain the faith and confidence to continue working hard."

"As long as I can see their smiles, no matter what the price is, I am willing."

"—Not just these, as long as there are things worthy of my love, then I will give it a go! Love them without reservation!"

"Mr. Jiaxiang, this is my original dream!"

A bright smile, as if he saw himself in that smile... no, it was the obsession to fight for something more wholeheartedly than himself, Jiaxiang squinted his eyes a little bit glaringly.

"Whether they will accept this love or not in the end, I have no regrets - because this is my choice."

"It's not because of self-sacrifice, it's not because of abandoning oneself, it's not because of wanting to become a Virgin Mary, and it's not because of wanting to love boundless."

"I just know what I want to do. If I can get the desired results, that's great; but if I'm the only one left in the end, that's okay."

"Because in the process, I will definitely get many photos worth keeping, which will be stored in my inner album-as long as this is done, it will be enough to fill my heart."

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