
In the morning, Izumi's house.

Compared with the chirping birdsong from the cold autumn sky, it looks very lively here early in the morning.

"Bababa—Zongya kid over there! Hurry up and get your bags ready, the old driver account is about to activate now, if you don't get in the car, it will be too late!"

Izumi Akira, who was riding a bicycle at the door of the house, yelled loudly into the house, and his whole body seemed to be ignited with flames eager to try.

He has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and he feels that he is HIGH when he wakes up in the morning!If it wasn't for his image, he would have thought about it and celebrated!

"Come on, come on, don't rush... By the way, big brother, why are you so excited? You are like a child who is experiencing off-campus teaching for the first time." Zong Ya, who was carrying a big bag and wearing a school sportswear, hurriedly He closed the door and locked it tightly, threw all the things in his hand into the basket in front of the bicycle, and stepped on the back seat with one step.

Unexpectedly, He Quanming shook the car in dissatisfaction, and pointed to the side with his chin, as if to tell her to get off quickly.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, Zong Ya? Do you know that it is illegal to double-load a bicycle? Get off quickly! Your car is over there, I will help you carry your stuff, and you can ride on your own!"

"Yeah, I forgot..." Smiling, Zong Ya got off the bicycle, pulled out her own car from the side, thought about it and said to Izumi Ming with some dissatisfaction, "Of course I know that double-carrying is illegal. , but it’s not you, big brother! You’ve been urging me over there, making me think you’re going to drive me there before getting into your car!”

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault~" Rolling his eyes impatiently, He Quanming repeated the movement of getting off the bicycle and getting on again, "Did you bring everything? Water, towels, lunch, etc. Don't forget It's gone!"

Zong Ya looked at him and sighed deeply, helplessly helping his forehead.

"I brought it with me... Also, please don't get on and off the car so excitedly, okay?! It makes me very irritable! Do you want to ride it or not!"

Facing Zong Ya's complaints, He Quanming calmly ignored them, and continued his movements calmly, getting on and off the car repeatedly at a frequency comparable to "repeatedly jumping sideways", venting the seemingly inexhaustible vitality in his body.

"Well, very good...so, did you bring Bingliangwan?"

"Why bring that?!" Zong Ya was stunned.

"Tch, don't you understand? The sports festival is war! How can you fight someone without bringing soldiers and food pills!" He shook his head hating iron and steel, and Quanming stopped and began to tap dance on the spot .

"No one will bring this kind of thing over there! ——And big brother, stop your actions, it's really super annoying and embarrassing!"

"Someone will bring them...for example, Uzumaki Naruto and Oomaru." Spreading his hands innocently, Izumi slid his feet while supporting the bicycle, and began to walk on the moon.

"Why these two people? Do you think today is the Chunin exam?!" Zongya, who had given up on correcting him, focused on complaining about him, turned his head away from that lame move, and avoided waiting for himself He would be so irritable that he couldn't help lifting his bicycle and throwing it at him.

He Quanming shrugged helplessly, turned around and began to dance Xue Yuehua: "Okay, okay...Did you buy the outfit when you go out? Remember to bring it, or I will mark you with a question mark?"

"Where are you going to line up! Bot lane? Am I a support?"

"No, you're a jungler."

"It's none of your business whether you take your eyes or not in the jungle! Bring it yourself!"

Stopped turning, He Quanming patted his disgusting chest, rested on the bicycle for a while: "Forget it... If this is the case, you always have to bring the adventure book? How do you save it if you don't bring it?"

"You can't save it even if you bring it, okay?! By the way, if you feel disgusted, don't go around in circles!"

He tilted his head in doubt: "Huh? Why can't I save the file? Is the program broken?"

"It's your head that's broken!"

Reaching out to comfort her, He Quanming stepped back on the bicycle: "Okay, okay, don't be so excited, let's go... Ah! By the way, do you have the third perpetual motion machine? If you don't have it, you can't beat that guy." .”

"So where are you going to participate in the sports season ahhhh—"

Amid Zongya's complaints that she was starting to collapse, the two stepped on the pedals and left home to ride to school.

Before leaving, He Quanming yelled at the window of Sagiri's room.

"Sagiri—I'm counting on you to take care of the house! If any bad guys want to come in, remember to activate the Skynet system I left at home!"

"It would be nice if you had something like that!"

Ignoring the usual complaints from the side, Kazumi stared at Sagiri's room, and not long after he finished shouting, the curtains were pulled open a small gap, and the familiar white-haired witch...the white-haired loli appeared in the In front of the window, he laughed like a fool, and exaggeratedly blew a kiss from the ground.

As if feeling that the blown kiss was about to float in front of her through the window, Sagiri waved her hand in disgust as if she wanted to slap it away, looked down at her elder brother indifferently with condescending eyes, and then made a face, " After sticking out his tongue "rua", he pulled the curtains up with a swipe.

Zong Ya, who was witnessing this process from the side, was about to gloat and smile at He Quanming, but he didn't expect that he narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, and with a satisfied smile on his face, he turned his head back and pedaled his bicycle.

"Okay, today's benefits have been received, and I can exercise with all my strength for the next day~"

Staring dumbfounded at the back of the boy who was gradually going away, Izumi Zongya felt sincere admiration, and couldn't help bowing his head and bowing his head, completely surrendering.

"What a noble perverted spirit this is..."

Then he also stepped on the pedal, and followed behind Akira Izumi.

"Brother, wait for me—"


"Brother, why are we in such a hurry to go out..."

Riding a bicycle leisurely behind Izumi Ming, Zong Ya said suspiciously: "It's obviously more than half an hour before the meeting time."

Stepping on the pedals leisurely in front of him, enjoying the cool breeze passing by his ears, Hequan Ming squinted his eyes and smiled very comfortably.

"Because I can't wait~"

Hearing his light reply, Zong Ya was even more puzzled.

"Can't wait for something? Sports festival? I didn't expect you to be so interested in the sports festival..."

He Quanming smiled and shook his head.

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