"I can't wait to put medicine in the contestants' water~"

"—So you want to go out early and take medicine?!" The shocked Zongya almost didn't control the front of the car and rode directly into the ditch, "You are too dirty! Where is the spirit of sportsman? Have you eaten it? !”

He curled his lips in disdain: "That kind of thing can't even buy a pack of "I love [-] chai", so what's the use of it!"

"You didn't use laxatives but aphrodisiacs?! How despicable you are!" Zong Ya was so frightened that the bicycle started shaking left and right.

"What's despicable? Don't say it so harshly. I'm just making the competition more difficult for myself, and specially providing stimulants to my opponent! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Hequan puffed out his chest, and Izumi spoke clearly.

"...then lock them up in the room after taking the medicine and kill each other?"

"...No, it was locked in a pigsty."

"You are a super high school-level criminal at all! Whoever comes and puts him in jail, if you don't come, I will die with this guy!"

All the way is their laughter.

Just as the brother and sister were bickering and complaining to each other as usual, a familiar figure suddenly caught He Quanming's eyes, and he couldn't help but slow down the speed of his bicycle.

The still fluffy blond hair is scattered behind her head like a mane. She is wearing a pink jacket and school-style sweatpants. From the back view, she is a slender and petite girl, but her extremely decadent figure makes people dare not dare Compliments; she staggered and moved forward step by step, like a drunk who was about to collapse on the side of the road at any time, full of inert black. The aura seemed to enclose a field around her, anyone who approached In this range, she will immediately be assimilated by her into a useless cripple, looking at the world with dead fish eyes with her shoulders slumped.

When they rode close, they could even hear vicious and dull complaints from the girl's mouth.

"...Damn sports festival...Damn going to school...Damn sports...Can't people live peacefully like plants...One day, I must kill this group of walking heat sources full of vitality... "

...Hey, as expected of Gabriel, I already knew that she would hate hardworking activities like sports festivals, but I didn't expect that she hated it so much that she wanted to destroy all human beings!He is really a guy who has the courage to dream~

Joyfully riding to her side, He Quanming greeted her energetically.

"Yo! Gabriel, good morning!"

"Hah--?" Turning her head back very disdainfully, Jia Baili made a long voice and looked at the greeting that was so energetic that she couldn't help but contort her face. It was obvious that she was full of displeasure; When she came riding a bicycle with a smile on her face, this unhappiness turned into deep helplessness, she pursed her lips and said weakly: "Cut, it's you..."

"What's the matter? Are you unhappy to see me?" He jumped down with such an excited look early in the morning, led the car and walked beside Gabriel and chatted with her very naturally.

Although Zong Ya on the side also got out of the car, she didn't make a sound and just followed behind silently.

"It's not so much seeing you as unhappy, it's better to say that seeing you so energetic makes me very unhappy..." Sighing deeply, Gabriel took a few steps to the side, pulling away from her The distance between him and Quanming, "Also, don't get so close to me, the inexplicable vitality on your body is super annoying..."

"Wh, what - you are actually afraid of me like the sun, are you a vampire!?" He Quanming, who was pretending to be frightened, took a few steps back with his car.

Gabriel stared at him helplessly: "... If I were a vampire, I wouldn't have known that I had been killed hundreds of times by myself, okay?"

"What do you mean? Is it because you forgot to suck blood?"

"You still don't understand, so you'd better shut up obediently."

"Mark Twain once said: 'If you don't understand, you have to ask! If you still don't understand after asking, forget it!', so I won't shut up, hehe~"


After chatting for a few words, seeing that Gabriel really felt very uncomfortable because of his enthusiastic attitude, the whole person was immersed in the lazy rhythm and couldn't extricate himself, He Quanming could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and step on the chair again. He got off his bicycle and said goodbye to her.

"Then I won't bother you, let's go first! You should also have a project to participate in today's sports festival, right? Let's work hard together!"

"Yes, yes... I will work hard to fight for the last place..." Lazily waved her hand, Gabriel, who looked like she had survived the catastrophe, wished that he would leave quickly. The quieter it is.

"Don't worry, if there is a competition to compare who is the laziest, you will definitely win the first place!"

Stretching out a thumb, amidst Gabriel's broken voice of "What are you trying to care about...", He Quanming turned his head back and was about to step on the pedal to leave, but found that the hem of his clothes He was pulled by someone forcefully.

Looking back, Gabriel suddenly looked at the back seat of his bicycle with bright eyes, grinning maliciously, and his originally lazy and listless expression instantly came to life.

She raised her head to Izumi Mingdao with sparkling eyes and a coquettish tone.

"Hey, Izumi-san, I have something I want to ask you~"

Chapter 99 The old driver rollover accident

"Wow! It feels so good to be able to move without walking! Long live the bicycle~" Sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Gabriel shook her head comfortably, pinching the corner of He Quanming's clothes in front with her small fingers, long His blond hair was flying in the wind, and the expression on his face was very contented.

"...So, it is illegal to double-load a bicycle..." Akira Izumi, who was regarded as the driver, stepped on the pedal with a bitter face, and felt a line behind him saying "You are driving me out of the car so readily, but you are being watched." Get up and ask the beautiful girl from junior high school to give her a ride, my brother is really shameless" staring at his back, although Gabriel is light, he won't be too tired to ride, but the forehead A few drops of guilty cold sweat still slid down his face.

Gabriel squinted her eyes and patted her chest, speaking boldly.

"What are you afraid of! I will be responsible for any accidents! I, the chief graduate, can handle such trivial matters casually! You can ride your car without worry~"

"Tch, what problems can a graduate of your school solve..."

"Don't underestimate the identity of our school's chief graduate? This identity has various powers."

"Such as helping to pay a fine?"

"No, it's the guy who helped you get rid of your ticket."

"Is it better to solve the person who asked the question first than to solve the problem?!"

"Although it is possible to solve it with other people as well!"

"Don't be so proud! Are you going to use the Forbidden Curse and Big Fireball to kill him?! It's too much work!"

"Don't worry, it's not a big fireball, it's just a horn blowing, it won't be too painful."

"Horn? Sonic attack? Are you a violin killer with a boyish hairstyle?!"

Along the embankment, the sound of tires rolling over the gravel can be heard under your feet, and the two of you are chatting on the bicycle like this. The speed is like the scattered shadow of swaying leaves. He Quanming, who was still full of vitality and enthusiasm, calmed down his restless mood at this moment. With the pedal turning, he gradually became gentle and comfortable.

In short, even he was affected by the lazy aura.

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