As if tired of talking, Gabriel yawned suddenly, leaned her little head on Izumi's back, pinched the clothes on his back with both hands like a kitten, sniffed his scent with the tip of her nose, After adjusting to a comfortable position, he spoke in a voice that was falling asleep.

"Ha~ woo...I'll sleep first, call me when I arrive..."

"Hello?! Miss Gabriel?" Izumi yelled in horror, ignoring the road, turned his head with difficulty to look at Gabriel who had closed his eyes and fell asleep in the back seat, "Now you are on the bicycle, aren't you?" In the car! What are you going to do when you fall asleep and roll to the ground?!"

"Then continue sleeping on the ground..." A dazed voice sounded from her throat, like a cat purring.

"That's not the problem, is it hey! Don't sleep, get up quickly! There will be a traffic accident——" Akira Izumi, who was screaming strangely, managed to rouse the sleeping Gabriel, who raised her head and stared displeasedly. Glancing at him, the crystal blue pupils were tired after cultivating immortals.

"Don't make noise... You ride your bike, I promise you won't fall off, okay? I stayed up all night yesterday, and now I'm so sleepy, I won't be able to go to class to catch up on sleep after the sports meeting, so just let me squint now, okay?" ?! How can you be so cruel!"

"Why did I have to be called like this!" Pie Hao screamed, but He Quanming didn't continue to quarrel with her. Instead, he slowed down the speed so that the bicycle would not bump, and always paid attention to whether she slipped behind her. Case.

On a slow-moving bicycle, a petite and lovely girl fell asleep leaning on the boy's back with great peace of mind. The corners of her mouth outlined a shallow arc, which made passers-by feel heartwarming when they saw it. Smile.

Zong Ya, who was also riding slowly behind, looked at the scene that seemed to be exuding a sour smell with a complicated expression, and grinned like his teeth were sour, he really couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"...The relationship between these two guys is really good..."


After passing Senju Shinbashi, Akira Izumi took Gabriel who was asleep, followed by Zongya, and rode leisurely towards the last section of the road before the school.

On the way, he passed a corner that left a deep impression on him—it was the corner where he and Rafael exchanged that inexplicable magazine—just as he turned the corner, he saw two familiar figures.

It's Rafael and Satania.

Also wearing sportswear, the two of them chatted while walking, but most of them were Rafael talking, and Satania just responded to her impatiently from time to time. After saying a few words with a smile, Satania immediately started chattering angrily.

Riding beside the two of them, Akira Kazumi stopped slowly in order to prevent Gabriel from being woken up by the brakes, and when the two of them noticed something strange and turned around, they reached out to say hello.

"Ah hello! You two, the relationship is still as good as before!"

"Who has a good relationship with her!" Satania, who had just been teased, yelled reflexively, then blinked and looked at the brothers and sisters of Izumi, "Eh? It's the familiar and the familiar's younger sister." ? How did you appear here?"

"Sachan, Izumi will pass this road every time he goes to school? As the master, why don't you know?" Rafael on the side pretended to be serious and lectured Satania, but the smile in his eyes I can't hide it no matter what.

Satania gritted her teeth when she heard the words, like a raging little tiger: "Of course I know about this kind of trivial matter! Can't you just greet me politely? You want to take care of so much!"

"Oh, oh, that's really rude..." Covering his mouth and chuckling, Rafael suddenly thumped his palms, and asked Satania in an unfathomable tone, "By the way~ if it's Sa-chan If so, you should also know the proportion of transportation that Izumi-san uses when going to school, right?"

Satania looked confused: "Bi, Billy? Doesn't he walk on his feet?"

Rafael shook his head regretfully: "Cannian~ According to my observation, Izumi has a [-]% chance of walking to school, a [-]% chance of riding a bicycle, and the rest The one percent chance is an exception... It's a pity, Sa-chan, you still need to know more about Izumi-san!"

"W-what..." Satania knelt down on the ground with her whole body stained with gray, "I, my understanding of familiars is not as good as yours... My master is too incompetent..."

Patting her on the shoulder comfortingly, Rafael turned his head to look at Akira Izumi who was staring straight at her.

"What's the matter, Izumi-san? Looking at me like this, do you have something to say to me?"

Looking at Rafael who held his face innocently, He Quanming withdrew his inexplicably horrified gaze and sighed helplessly.

"It's nothing... My intuition tells me not to ask further questions, it's better to just ignore it..."

She smiled gracefully and replied, "Thank you for the compliment~"

"I'm not complimenting you, okay..."

After chatting on the spot for a while, He Quanming looked at his phone and found that there was not much time left for the meeting, so he said goodbye to the two of them.

"It's almost time, let's go first, don't wait for you? After all, we ride bicycles."

"Ah, of course it's no problem." Rafael nodded, showing a serious expression about to go to the battlefield, "Sa Jiang and I will protect ourselves, you go first! We will follow!"

"A character who says something like this usually won't survive three episodes..." Glancing at her, He Quanming stepped on the pedal and was about to leave, but was interrupted by Satania's sudden yell .

"Ah——! Why is Gabriel there!" She pointed at Gabriel who was sleeping peacefully in the back seat and shouted in disbelief.

"Oh, oh, this is really..." Rafael also looked at the two people who looked like a father driving his daughter to school in surprise, then looked at He Quanming, and silently spoke to him word by word, to start With a happy smile, he said——

build.Luo.Field (<ゝω?) Qiluoxing☆~

...(<ゝω?) Qi Luoxing☆You big-headed ghost!

Who told you that I would meet the Shura field?nonexistent!I am a warrior of love and Quanming, the Shura field does not exist in my dictionary at all!

Akira Izumi shook his eyebrows, glared at Rafael who had already entered the theater state, and turned to explain helplessly to Satania.

"When I met her in the morning, she asked her to give her a ride. Isn't it surprising?"

"There is nothing to make a fuss about! You are my familiar, you should be the one who wants to carry me, why Gabriel..." Satania gnashed her teeth and pointed at Gabriel angrily, but found that she was sleeping soundly. She suddenly opened her eyes and spoke in a very impatient tone.

"Why are you arguing! If you want to be picked up by him, come up! I didn't tell you not to come up, it's so noisy!"

"...Huh?" Satania was stunned for a moment, then was pulled over by Gabriel, and then...

With Satania on his shoulders, Gabriel on his back, and Quanming standing on the bicycle. ←Current pose.

"——It's better to be able to ride a bicycle like this!" Hey, Nu put Satania back on the ground, and Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, "Don't talk about whether you can go on the road, you will either go to the hospital or the police station if you ride it. Is it? You are my stuntman!"

"Eh? You can't do it?" Gabriel gave him a slight look while yawning, and said in a non-malicious tone, "If you can't, forget it, Satania just walk obediently."

"Why didn't you come down!"

"Don't say no to men, hey!"

The voices of the two sounded at the same time, and they all stared at Gabriel viciously.

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