Regardless of Satania, Gabriel looked at Izumi.

"Then can you do it?"

Seeing her scrutinizing gaze, He Quanming gritted his teeth, adhering to the principle that a man can't say no, he decided——

"Come and come, no one is afraid of anyone! The old driver of Qiuming Mountain has never been coaxed, took you to fly, and took you to the garbage dump!"

Rafael, who was on the sidelines, suddenly raised his hand, and said with great interest, "That~ looks very interesting, can I join in?"

He Quanming, who had already given up on himself, stiffened his neck: "Come! Come all! Zong Ya, do you want to come too?"

Zong Ya twitched her eyes when she heard the words, and took a few steps back: "...No, I don't need it, please ignore me..."

At this time, a Venet emerged from the alley next to her. When she saw a group of people she knew gathered by the roadside, she raised her hand and greeted them with a bright expression of doubt and joy. .

"Ah, everyone, good morning! Why are you gathered here so early in the morning... Woohoo!"

But he didn't expect He Quanming to pull her over, with a look of death on his face: "Very good, do you want to come together? It's okay, let alone a little girl like you, even if there is another Spartan three I'm not afraid of a hundred strong men! Today, Quanming and I are going to talk against the sky!"

"...Eh? Wait? Eh? Eh? What, what happened?" A strong feeling of disgust rose in her heart, and Wei Nette was pulled into the crowd of people with different expressions around the bicycle in a daze. ,then……

Raphael is on top of the head, Satania is sitting on the right hand, Vernet is sitting on the left hand, and Gabriel is sitting on the back after adjusting its posture and falling asleep comfortably. superior. ←Current pose.

"What's the situation?!" Sitting on Izumi Akira's arm holding the handle, Vinette exclaimed completely confused about the situation.


"Pfft... The Izumi is about to start, please sit down, all passengers~" Once again experiencing the feeling of being carried on the shoulders during the summer festival, Raphael smiled extremely happily, talking like a child Patted Izumi on the head.

"Zzzzzz..." Gabriel had already fallen asleep clutching Izumi's clothes tightly.

"—Okay! Hold on tight, everyone! I'm going to rush? Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Press forward!

Zong Ya, who was completely in the state of watching a play behind her, covered her eyes and sighed long and hard.

"...Ah, these people, are they all idiots..."

——Of course, in the end, He Quanming still didn't even advance a centimeter away, and fell down on the road with a slap.

Fortunately, except for Akira Izumi, whose muscles were sore from overexertion, no one was injured. It's really gratifying, gratifying to congratulate.

Chapter 100 finally one hundred chapters

Pulling open the classroom door wearily, Akira Izumi wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed.

"...The excitement and enthusiasm of the early morning have all been polished by these guys, and the waiting game should not be hammered..." The original self-confidence has now become Jiang Xin's suspicion, he dragged his reason With excessive force and a little sour footsteps, he walked towards his seat.

Fortunately, he only lasted for a few seconds for the difficult movement just now, which only caused soreness all over his body, and did not cause muscle strain or sequelae that prevented him from competing, otherwise he would not have the face to face it for this day. After doing so much practice, Chang Muyao, who was working hard only to aim for the gold medal, and himself who started to run at the fastest speed every day in the morning.

Slowly taking steps, trying to let the muscles recover as soon as possible, before arriving at his seat, He Quanming turned his head, and saw that Kato Megumi was already sitting on the seat next to him, staring at the phone intently with his head lowered.

It seems that she changed her hairstyle for the sports festival. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head. When she bowed her head, she inadvertently revealed a white and attractive neck. Shining like white jade under the light, the fit figure in sportswear looks ordinary, but has the pure charm of the girl next door - just a back view, there is a kind of quiet beauty that makes people's heart beat.

——Who said my Xiaohui is inconspicuous?Who said she looks like a passerby?stand out!Look, even if she is just an Internet addict who is addicted to mobile phones and cannot extricate herself, she is super cute!You ordinary people don't understand the world of "Hui Kong"!

Taking a few deep breaths to calm down his restless heartbeat, Hequanming slowed down and quietly approached Megumi Kato's back, looking around the back of his head at the screen of her mobile phone, and then whispered faintly in her ear.

"Kato~ what are you looking at~"

Then when the page with "Ten Ways to Improve Relationship with Boyfriend" came into his eyes, the screen of the mobile phone was turned off instantly, and it appeared in front of his eyes at the speed of bringing out afterimages. He couldn't react at all. The moment he slammed into his nose!

"Puff!" With a mournful cry, He Quanming took a few steps back while clutching his nose, feeling as if something hot was brewing in his nasal cavity and was about to flow down.

Kato Megumi, who took back the phone, looked at the screen, nodded after confirming that there were no cracks, and then looked at Izumiaki.

Her eyes were as dull as stagnant water, covered with a deep black shadow, and she spoke expressionlessly.

"Hey...Ming Jun, did you...did you see anything just now?"

Pressing his nose with one hand, He Quanming shook his head violently and wisely, and said in a muffled voice.

"You can see everything, and I can see everything!"

After glancing at him faintly, Megumi Kato's eyes regained a little brilliance, and the corners of his mouth curled up in displeasure.

"Really...then remember next time, don't suddenly make a sound from behind someone else? This is a very dangerous and boring behavior. Even I will be scared of reflexive attacks, let alone other people. Is it..."

"Yes, yes! I shouldn't have surprised you all of a sudden. I was wrong. I'm really sorry..." He Quanming nodded with a bitter face, and of course he understood that the attack on his nose was his own fault. No wonder Kato overreacted; To be more serious, even if Kato hit him with a whip just now, he would have accepted it willingly, but now it was just a bump on the nose, and this kind of punishment is not too light.

People always have to pay for their bad tastes - but compared to being hit on the nose by a mobile phone, it seems to be whipped by her... Ahem, it's okay, I didn't say anything.

However, this hit was a bit hard... I feel loyal - no, it's nosebleeds that are about to flow out...

Pressing hard on the bridge of the nose, when Akira Hequan was about to take out a tissue from his school bag to block his nostrils, a white palm suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a pack of portable tissue in his hand.

Kato Megumi put the tissue paper in his hand, with a calm tone of helplessness.

"...Since you have apologized, then I will forgive you. Come on, facial tissue. Is there any discomfort besides the nose? Need me to accompany you to the health room?"

After taking the tissue paper, he took out a few sheets to plug his nostrils, met Kato Megumi's caring gaze, and Izumi suddenly smiled meanly.

"Hey, it's nothing, I can handle it even if the amount of bleeding is three times bigger with the tissue you gave me! Don't worry about such trivial things~

By the way, rather than going to the health room, I would rather go shopping with you in a newly opened shopping mall. I wonder what day you will be free? "

Kato Megumi was silent for a while, half-closed his eyes, and stared at him with a sense of oppression on his smiling face.

"...Sure enough, did you see it?"

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