"...Student, wake up! The teacher on the stage is giving a speech, it is very impolite for you to doze off like this openly! Please wake up quickly!"

The correct and reasonable words buzzed in my ears like an alarm clock, and I couldn't continue to sleep. My consciousness was pulled back to my body helplessly, I shook my eyelids with difficulty, and slowly opened my eyes. With emotionless eyes, he stared directly at the girl who was looking at him without fear, and a cold light flashed through the lens.

Facing his condescending and indifferent gaze, the girl frowned slightly, and stood proudly in front of him without retreating a single step, her black pupils with red eyeshadow narrowed, her hands crossed her chest, and she faced him with an awe-inspiring attitude. By Izumi Akira.

"Why, do you have anything to say? If it's a threat, I advise you to save it. It will only make you blacklisted by the Disciplinary Committee and you will be stared at all the time..."

At this time, Akira Hequan suddenly reached out to interrupt his words, his expressionless face was very bold, like a mountain that made people walk, he spoke in a dull and serious tone.

"Hmph...the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee...is that right?"

The girl with black hair and black eyes raised her eyebrows.

"Yes. Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, Sanjo Ruyose, please give me your advice. This..."

"Akira Izumi from 2-B, please give me your advice."

"I see. Then, Izumi, do you have any opinions on my correction? I advise you to restrain your temper a little bit, and I will deal with it according to the school rules depending on the situation." Seeing him very oppressive , Sanjo Ruyose also responded with awe.

She didn't know how many times she had encountered this kind of bad boy who wanted to intimidate people with his aura and eyes, and was full of swear words when he was carrying out the tasks of the Disciplinary Committee. guy exists.

She has never seen such a big storm, and the number of punks who have been subdued can't be counted on her hands. Now in the public, even if the glasses boy who is much taller than her is in front of her, no matter how frightening her rotten (just woke up) vision is, She is firm in her determination to make him realize her mistakes, and she will never bow to evil forces.

——Yes, standing in front of justice, she is fearless!

Under her righteous gaze, He Quanming only moved his throat, his face was majestic and domineering, his tense expression seemed to express his emotions, his thick voice was brewing in his chest, and then he uttered solemnly and slowly.

"...Hey, I'm really sorry, I was a little too tired to practice the competition recently, and I accidentally fell asleep standing up - don't worry! I will listen to the leader, and I will definitely improve and improve next time!"

While dealing with her in the way he used to deal with the supervisor in his previous life, He Quanming yawned big, completely ignoring the stupefied look of the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee in front of him because of his words.

"Yes, is that so? Although the sincerity does not seem to be very sufficient..." The corner of his mouth twitched, seeing that his reaction was quite different from what he expected, and his upright and dignified expression could not be maintained. Sanjo Ruyose looked at him with inexplicable eyes. He, "But since it's for the competition, then it's justifiable... Remember next time, don't be lazy in such an obvious way, if you want to take the opportunity to rest, then hide a little bit, when the time comes, the teacher will catch you, this excuse is useless Wouldn't it be of no use?"

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, it was obvious that they flowed out from yawning, but Akira Izumi seemed to be deeply moved and wiped away the tears, speaking choked up.

"Ugh... I really, really appreciate the reminder from the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee! Xiaosheng was very touched... sobbing... This lesson must be remembered in my heart, and I swear from now on that I will never doze off in such a conspicuous way in the future... sobbing.

Chairman Santiao, you are like the guiding light on my life path, like the warm lighthouse that illuminates the port of my soul, your awe-inspiring words are like the evening drum and the morning bell, and it is deafening. Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books... sobbing... "

"——Stop, stop, stop talking! No matter how many good words you say without sincerity, it will only make people feel sick! Also, don't think I can't see that you are fake crying!" Sanjo Ruyose rubbed her hands Arm, with a strange face, she took a few steps back, she took off the serious dress of the Disciplinary Committee, and her expression softened, showing a very obvious helplessness, "That's it! If there is nothing else, I will go back to duty first, you should pay attention to yourself." .”

He Quanming stopped the fake crying in an instant, and replied with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem! Thanks to the gentle and beautiful Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee for correcting me!" Blinking his eyes and raising a thumb, he showed his signature big white teeth and flashed a smile. Remember to report my name when you are a student, and you can subdue him when he is in doubt!"

"Just talking nonsense, it's really..." Shaking her head amusingly, Sanjo Ruyose raised the corners of her mouth with a little interest, and the braids on her chest fluttered when she turned around. With a cold expression, he returned to his work position.

Seeing her fading back, He Quanming trembled as if he had come to his senses. His face was full of smiles, but his eyes were a little dull. As if only returning to his body at this time, he grinned with luck and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Phew... Fortunately, my instinctive reaction just after waking up was strong enough to deal with her smoothly, otherwise it would be troublesome to be watched by the Disciplinary Committee... But I also met an interesting person—the Disciplinary Committee." Long, Sanjo Ruyose, unlike her serious expression, she is actually quite gentle..."

While muttering, two slightly indifferent chatting voices suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hey...so I'll just say it. I believe that Mingjun must have a way to deal with the chairman of the discipline committee...because she is a girl."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're right...he's really capable, even the chairman of the committee who is said to have purged more than [-] gangsters can easily deal with it, it's really admirable...or is it just Because she's a girl?"

"I also think it's amazing...Although it shows that Jun is not a punk, the chairman will not target him in particular, but I heard that the chairman's head is very flexible, and many people who tried to fool her were seen through by her and taught a lesson. I really didn't expect Ming Jun to be able to fool me... Maybe it's because she is a girl?"

"Hmm, it's really unheard of that the chairman who always treats the people around him strictly and hates unreasonable things directly let go of Ming who is blatantly sleeping...Maybe it's because she is a girl?"

Sensing the conversation coming from behind with gusts of cold wind coming towards him, He Quanming twitched the corners of his eyes, smiled dryly and turned his head to look at the two girls behind him who were staring at him with cold and contemptuous eyes. Under the indifferent gaze, he spoke with difficulty.

"So what... did I do something wrong? Why are you targeting me like this?"

"It's okay, because we are all girls." "" Two flat voices sounded in unison, and then the two turned their heads and ignored him, and began to chat in a low voice on their own.

Looking up at the blue and white sky, Akira Izumi sighed with a wry smile.

"So what does this mean..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The boring speech session was finally over, and it was the athletes' turn to take the oath.

As a representative of all students, the one who took the oath was naturally a girl who was only a sophomore in high school but was elected as the student council president with a very high vote rate.

A cold figure walked up the stairs, long hair like stardust fluttering in the air, and a beautiful face with an air of otherworldliness.In this way, the silver-haired girl came to the command platform with precise steps, and turned to face all the students in the audience.

That calm expression seemed to cast a silence spell. As soon as she stood in front of the stage, no matter who she was, everyone involuntarily closed their mouths, stopped what they were doing, and looked forward in a breathless manner. With a look of admiration and approval.

Then, facing the scorching eyes of hundreds of people, she let the ringing sound echo in the silent wind without changing her face.

"...I am the president of the student council, Li Huazuo. Here and at this moment, on behalf of all the athletes, I would like to participate in the school's XX annual sports competition, and hereby swear—"

The serene and calm oath was finished in her soothing voice. Although there was no trace of the blood that should be in a sports festival, everyone who heard the oath could not help but clenched their fists and showed eagerness to try. smile.

After finishing his speech, Li Huazuo looked around at the black tide-like crowd, saluted lightly, showed a faint smile, and walked off the command platform calmly.

The remaining stagnation made the air quiet for a moment, and then there was a sudden burst of applause from the audience. The eyes of countless people followed the girl who walked down the steps, and excited discussions burst out of their mouths.

"Wow, is that the student council president..."

"As expected of breaking the record of Hui Ridong High School, she was elected as the student council president with more than [-]% support in the second year of high school. Her temperament and courage are amazing..."

"The most important thing is, she looks really cute~ I really want to take her home~"

"Yeah, that kind of temperament is almost like an angel!"

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