"Hey, wait, if you put it this way... It seems that there are also a group of people who call the student council president an angel or something, spontaneously formed a personal guard, and follow the student council president all day long?"

"Yes, yes, I remembered. I heard that those people were a group of problem students. They once disobeyed the discipline of the student council president and made troubles everywhere. In the end, they became the most loyal supporters of the student council president because of her charm. Not only I started to go to school obediently, and even founded a non-community organization, what is it called..."

"Is it some organization that starts with S?... That's great, I want to join too, so that I can be with Chairman Li Hua~"

Amid the exclamations one after another, He Quanming looked at the straight figure of the silver-haired girl with a strange expression, and nodded Kato Megumi's shoulder.

"Hey, Kato...do you think that the student council president looks a lot like someone?"

Kato Hui nodded silently.

"Well, if Rafael is a little thinner, shorter, and more serious and expressionless, he will look like the president of the student council..."

What Megumi Kato didn't say is that if the student council president has the so-called degenerate mode, it must be that Raphael didn't run away...

He Quanming nodded in deep agreement, turned his sharp eyes to carefully observe Li Huazuo who was standing solemnly beside the commander's platform through the lens, then retracted his gaze, and murmured like a sigh.

"However, the decisive gap between the two is doomed to be the difference between a mountain peak and a flat land... Even though they are both the same age, why is there such a big gap between people..."

In terms of temperament and ability, Lihua wins, but compared to nutrition... Tsk tsk, this is a comparison between the United States and Africa!It's so unfair!

Perhaps he thought that no one heard his murmur, but Kato Megumi, who was quite close to him, suddenly raised his eyebrows, glanced at him lightly, and put his fingers on his waist calmly, Gently pinch.

Then he said with a blank face.

"...I think Ming Jun's bad habit of always looking at other people's upper body really needs to be changed? It's better to restrain yourself from this kind of behavior that will reduce girls' favor."

Then make a full [-]-degree turn.


Akira Hequan's face was covered with cold sweat immediately, and with a smile on his face, he reluctantly said in a calm tone in order not to let people notice the clue.

"...I, I say Ms. Kato! May I ask, where did you learn this forbidden technique?"

"You don't need to learn it, and it's not a forbidden move or something. It's a basic move engraved in women's instincts, right? It's the same as Yajiubei and Yazhinv." Kato Megumi replied flatly, and at the same time withdrew her concealed and extended finger. This small punishment was completed without discovery.

——It's better to be the same!Could it be that your basic attack is someone else's big move?This is too scary!

"...Well, I'm not angry or anything. It's just that Mingjun doesn't care about his mouth anymore. If it causes a big disaster, then I don't care about it? I can't help you for your own mistakes. "

"Yes, yes, I will pay attention, thank you Kato-sama for letting me go..." Grinning his teeth and sucking in air, He Quanming stroked his aching waist, thanking her without sincerity.

A woman is indeed a terrifying creature... Megumi Kato obviously showed mercy this time, and it still hurts so much. One day, if she goes completely berserk and becomes "Berserker.In the case of Megumi Kato, it is not only the waist, but also whether the kidneys can be kept is a problem!


After the tedious prelude to the sports festival, we finally came to the first event.

The school radio sounded at the right time when the master of ceremonies announced the official start.

"All the students who participated in the opening competition "Horse Riding Battle" please go to the preparation place as soon as possible to get the headbands."

——By the way, sports competitions in Japanese schools are usually not based on classes. Instead, everyone in the school is assigned to red and white teams to fight against each other. It is said that it is to maintain a good relationship between classes and avoid confrontational emotions.

However, as a catalyst for the active atmosphere, the horse-riding battle, which is ranked as the first event, is not included in the rules of the red-white competition. Instead, it adopts a free registration system, a group of four, if you want to participate, you can participate, across grades It doesn't matter if it's across classes, as long as it's students from this school, they can play together...competitions, and the winning combination can get prizes and medals.

Naturally, Akira Hequan also signed up.After he brought his three team members to the preparation office to receive the headbands as points and lives, he gathered on the playground and began to prepare for the next battle.

—Yes, battle!

Seeing that the playground of Nuo University is full of murderous intent, and the contestants who are gearing up and looking around at other opponents, no matter who they are, they must think that this will be a brutal and bloody war, right?

... Nearly [-] groups of [-] warriors are about to fight and rob each other on this land. How many wailing and parting will resound in the autumn sky?

As one of the contestants who were about to fight, he rolled up his sleeves, and He Quanming gave instructions to the team members with a solemn face, his words seemed to smell of blood and fire.

"My lords, the time of war is coming! We must be prepared so that we will not be eliminated at the very beginning! Don't be careless, go all out!"

Pushing his glasses like Tezuka Kunimitsu, Izumi looked around at the other three girls.

"Heh heh heh... of course! With the cooperation of me and the familiar, we must be the victors of this war! It's time, let these guys experience what it means to be punished by demons! Destroy Hahahahaha——!"

Laughing wildly with her hips on her hips, Satania grinned a bloodthirsty smile, her red pupils seemed to glow faintly.

"I'm fine~ For Sa-chan, I will definitely work hard!"

Putting on a serious look, Rafael clenched his fists hard to cheer himself up, but his eyes were curved into crescent moons to show a happy smile.

As the most normal of the group, Vinette twitched the corners of her mouth and raised her hand weakly.

"Oh, oh! Everyone, come on..."

Glancing at He Quanming, Wei Nette already regretted why she accepted his proposal to form a team in the first place - as long as she got involved with that stupid devil and wicked angel, she always felt that something bad would happen!

...Why didn't Xiaojia come?If she comes, although it is unlikely to win, at least there will be no accidents... Sigh!

——As for why Izumi chose these three people as his team members in the horseback riding battle, it was because Gabriel, a physical idiot, said that she would not participate in this seemingly exhausting competition if she was beaten to death. Everyone has to participate in a project. She has been sleeping at home for a long time, so how can she join such a lively activity.

Kato Megumi resolutely rejected Izumi Akira's invitation on the grounds that she was not interested in horseback riding and her athletic ability was not very good; and his remaining acquaintances such as Chang Mu Yao and Kotori Yu also had their own. Combination, in the end, only the three of them were willing to form a group with him.

But these people are not bad, especially Satania, who is flexible enough to hang on a tree, she has a certain advantage in this competition, as long as the others cooperate well, it is definitely not enough to stand out from the fifty combinations dream!

Now, facing this group of reliable team members, ignoring Vinette's long sigh, Akira Izumi began to fuse with them—yes, it's a fusion similar to Gundam!

The so-called equestrian battle is a war game in which three people form a horse, one person is a knight, and all the contestants snatch the knight's headband from each other until only one group survives.

As soon as the horse leaves the rider, it is judged dead and must leave the field as soon as possible.Cavaliers are disqualified if they fall to the ground, have their headband removed, or go out of bounds.

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