And the lineup of Akira Izumi and his group is like this——

Knight: Satania.

Former horse: Akira Izumi.

Left horse: Vinette.

Right horse: Rafael.

The reason for forming this lineup is to consider that Satania's motor nerves are the best among them, and it is easier to snatch the enemy's headband; and Izumi, as a male, is naturally the main burden of Satania's weight , put her on his back, and let Rafael and Vinet stabilize her body from the side, preventing her from falling down.

After successfully merging, Rafael looked at the two people in front with some envy.

"That's great... Anyone wants to switch places with them... Being carried or ridden..."

Hearing this, He Quanming immediately turned his head and stared at her speechlessly.

"Don't talk nonsense about Jiebao, there will be time for you to go racing when the race starts, now restrain yourself and concentrate on fighting the enemy!"

"Okay~" He responded with a smile, and there was no change in Rafael's eyes.

Vinette said with some concern.

"Don't run too fast... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up and drag you down..."

Seeing this, Satania patted her chest, riding on Izumi Akira's back, her tone was even more high-spirited, full of confidence and disdain.

"—Don't worry, Vinette! Even if we don't run away, this group of weak people will definitely want to get rid of us who seem to be very strong first! After all, they can't compete with us for the championship except for the team to seek victory... So from now on, you just need to stand still obediently and witness with your own eyes how I took all their headbands back under the fire of thousands of armies, and enjoy the fruits of victory safely! Hahahahaha! "

Vinette immediately shouted anxiously: "Wait, Satania! You're talking too loudly! Everyone else is looking at you with terrifying eyes. Wait a minute, you will really be targeted!"

As she said, after hearing Satania's nonsense, all the surrounding groups turned their heads, glanced at them with terrifying eyes, and gradually moved their steps to surround them faintly, looking fiercely as if they were about to At the moment the game started, they were eaten alive.It made Vinette take a step back in fear.

At this time, Akira Izumi's gentle and steady voice sounded, he patted Vinette's shoulder and smiled.

"...Student Vinette, don't be afraid! As Satania said, this group of monsters cannot pose a threat to us! Trust her! If this is not enough, then please trust me who believes in her My right hand is hot and red like a fire, and it shouts to me to hold on to victory, gahahahahahahahaha!"

Then he laughed louder and louder, and mockingly scanned the other groups with his nostrils, his cheap air was unstoppable, sweeping all directions.

Feeling the murderous intent in the surrounding gazes, Vinette almost wanted to take out her trident and slap Izumi on the face!

Still laughing?Is it time to laugh? !I know you people always enjoy dying, but don't drag me into the water, please!

"...Forget it, I should have thought that you people who are fearless and fearless will definitely do such a thing... If you are targeted, you will be targeted. Anyway, I have no intention of winning..." sighed helplessly , and now there is no way to turn back, Vinette can only cheer up and prepare for the next game.

And in the next second, with the sound of the starting gun, this massive horseback riding battle officially began here!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The moment the war started, four groups of people turned around and rushed towards them at the same time.

Vinette screamed in surprise: "The enemy is coming! Satania be careful!"

He Quanming was gesturing backward at this moment, with a different calmness on his face than before.

"Back to the border! This will only face enemies from three sides, so that they can't outflank us!"

Hearing his order, the other two hurriedly took Satania back a few steps—fortunately, they were standing at the boundary of the competition range at the beginning, and there was no one behind them, so they could retreat to the boundary before being surrounded .

However, even though he escaped the encirclement, the combination of attacking from four different directions in front of him was still tricky. Even Rafael, who was usually smiling, became serious, his topaz-like eyes nervously staring at the ground with fangs and claws. The men and horses that swooped towards them.

"Get rid of that kid!"

"Kill him! Kill him even if you don't want the headband!"

"He dared to play horseback riding with three beautiful girls, let's put him on the ground and ride him as a horse!"

"That's right! How can this kind of glasses man be popular! As long as he gets rid of him, I will be the one who will be popular!"

"Hey hey... You guys step aside a little bit, wait until I press him to the ground! The back of him belongs to me! Don't grab me!"

""No one will rob you, okay! ""

Seeing these four groups of men and horses - all male creatures with crooked eyes and mouths - rushing towards him with fanaticism and jealousy, regardless of the fact that Satania on his back was about to take off their headbands When he got down, He Quanming was stunned. A sense of danger that his life and chastity were about to be threatened made him tremble all over, and he hurriedly gestured behind him.

"Everyone, don't panic! The target of these lunatics is me, now listen to my password and prepare to move! One, two..."

With his eyes fixed on the four groups of people who were rushing fast, Akira Izumi shouted numbers, and at the moment when their outstretched hands were about to touch his clothes——


Controlling the direction, He Quanming led the three of them in a big roundabout. When the other party lost the target and squeezed together because they couldn't stop the car, they stumbled and slammed their shoulders hard at the same time. This group of people was like a ball. Huddled and rolled off the border.

Facing the disgusting scene of several big men stacking arhats on top of each other, Akira Hequan didn't turn his head back, just raised his head and snorted.

"Hey, miscellaneous cultivators... want to target this king? First weigh your own weight before coming!"

Holding the four headbands that were snatched away the moment they rushed over, Satania smiled disdainfully.

"Hmph, even my familiar can't win, and you still want to win from me? Don't wishful thinking, you bastards!"

Looking back at the group of people who fell on the ground unwillingly, Vinet twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling a little bit unbearable and at the same time feeling that they really deserved it.

But after seeing the wonderful cooperation between He Quanming and Satania, while admiring her, she also felt that she seemed a bit useless.

"Hey, Lafite... I always feel that this competition can be swept away by just the two of them, we can't help at all..."

From just now, in the first battle, she only did two insignificant things, turning with Izumi and supporting Satania's body. Originally, she wanted to say that since she had participated in this event, she could If you can help, you can help. If you can't help, you can still enjoy the fun of the game, but now...

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