Seriously, she couldn't feel anything except frightened and speechless.

Facing her unconfident question, Rafael patted her on the shoulder lightly, with a comforting smile on his face: "That's not what you said? The reason why horseback riding requires four people instead of two A group of people naturally has its purpose!

Everyone—or every person who forms a horse must have something that he can do, and only he can do, and can contribute to this combination!So, Vinette, don’t underestimate yourself, whether it’s me or you, as long as you take part in this event with your heart, you will definitely find the fun in it and where you can help!let's work hard together! "

"Is that so... Well, no matter what, I really envy your optimistic personality..."

Although being comforted by Rafael gave her a lot of confidence, it was still difficult for her to change her view of this event.Smiling wryly, Vinette can only imitate Raphael for the time being, obediently serving as a support in the back row, so that the two in front can play freely.

As for the fun and the places that can help...Let's talk about it, anyway, this horse riding station is estimated to last for more than [-] minutes, and she still has plenty of time to find these two things.


After solving the groups attacking them all around one by one, the four of them began to slowly weave towards the center. The enemies encountered on the road relied on Satania's amazing motor nerves and Izumi's tacit cooperation to avoid any danger. They managed to deal with it, and under Izumi's strategy, they didn't fight fiercely with others. Instead, they snatched the headband by sneak attacking and head-grabbing, which saved their energy while accumulating points.

"Well, Izumi-san...wouldn't we be a bit despicable like this? After all, everyone is here to enjoy the event. If you use this trick..."

Seeing another two groups of people confronting each other and having their headbands secretly taken away by Satania, and they all glared at them like despicable people, Vinette said to Izumi a little uneasy.

He Quanming also shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, his tone was heavy.

"Oh, there's no way around it... Although enjoying the fun of the event is the most important thing, before victory, some things have to be given up no matter how important they are. You have to get used to the cruel rules of the battlefield, Wei Nai Classmate..."

Seeing that Hequan Ming was pretending to be deep again, Vinette's eyelids twitched, and just when he was about to open his mouth to complain about him, he suddenly raised an inexplicable smile, and his tone suddenly changed.

"What's more, these miscellaneous fish can't bring us any fun. The time we really want to enjoy is only now beginning..."

Looking straight ahead, He Quanming's eyes seemed to pass through the scuffle scene ahead, and stared sharply at a certain brilliant and high-spirited figure.

Vinette asked suspiciously.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"It means—as long as we meet a strong enemy, we can not only enjoy the activities happily, but also get the fruits of victory!"

The moment the voice fell, a combination with very strange personnel appeared from behind a group of fallen teams.Among them, the blond girl who was a knight proudly raised the headband she had just seized in her hand, and a small canine tooth was exposed from the corner of her grinning mouth, shining brightly in the sun.

Looking at the two horn-like hair ornaments on the girl's head with challenging eyes, Akira Kazumi turned towards her and spit out a passionate question.

"—You're telling me, right? The little bird swims the wild goose!"


Seeing the four new opponents appearing in front of him, the expressions of the two girls behind Izumi changed slightly.

"Oh, it turned out to be a vampire, Dural Khan, and Snow Maiden... No, it shouldn't be considered proper..." Covering his mouth, Rafael murmured in surprise.

"Well, they are sub-human races in the human world, different from those legendary species... But I really didn't expect to see them here..." Looking at the four people who turned to them in front of them, Vinet also said softly in astonishment. talking.

...The combination that appeared in front of Izumi and the others had a very strange staffing.

No, it might be better to say that a very strange race was mixed in.

From the appearance, these four contestants are all pure and lovely cardamom girls; as for the three "people" of the horse, there is the little bird You Fei who is looking at Izumi with helpless eyes, and the other is wrapped around A petite girl who has a cool breath, but does not make people feel alienated; and a plump and tall headless girl who is swimming with a bird on her back.

——That's right, this girl, without a head, is walking around with a person on her back very naturally!

On the empty neck, it was replaced by a blue flame that was fluttering in the wind.

——To be honest, at the moment when he saw the headless girl, Akira Kazumi was so frightened that he wanted to call Urobuchi Gen and tell him that Mami-senpai had a successor; but he calmed down and thought about it—— its not right!Mami-senpai won't move after turning her head around, so how could she still carry the little bird on her back to participate in the horseback riding battle?This is very unschooling sister!It is very unscientific to turn around!

Then, thinking of Feiyan's vampire race, Izumi Akira, who had investigated this before, immediately guessed the true identities of the two girls who met for the first time.

The weak girl who is maintaining the balance of Feiyan's body with Xiaotori Yufei, and is surrounded by a cool aura, should be one of the only three demi-human sauces in the school, whose race is Yukino-Kusakabe Koyuki.

And the girl with a small bird on her back, a plump and tall girl with a headless body that looks rather weird, is the remaining demi-human sauce, whose race is the headless horseman (Dural Khan)—— Kyoko.

Coupled with the little bird You Feiyan who is smiling with the corners of his lips curled up, all the sub-human sauces of Huiridong High School are gathered here, and they have become their opponents at the moment... I have to say, this situation is really serious interesting.

He stopped and moved forward, and the two sides confronted each other in a corner of the playing field. Although Xiaoniaoyou and him were the only ones in the group who knew each other, this did not prevent He Quanming from saying hello to them first.

"Hey! Everyone, the battlefield is always so cruel. I didn't expect to face you so soon! Please give me more advice."

Retracting the headband in his hand to his waist, which had been rewarded with victories, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan looked at He Quanming, but did not respond to his greeting, instead he let out a long sigh of feigned pity, and then sneered.

" it actually Izumi-senpai? Well, no matter who it is, it's your misfortune to meet us. If you don't want to get hurt——it's better to obediently hand over the headband?"

The little bird You Feimao behind her suddenly squinted and complained.

"...Sister, can you stop being a sophomore... You have been like this since just now, you are not afraid of losing face, I want to show face..."

Then she turned her head and nodded to He Quanming, as a response to the greeting, but that gesture seemed a little weak.

Next to her, forgiving… ahem… the green-haired Kusakabe Koyuki hid behind the tall Machi Kyoko in a panic, as if "watching the legendary old guitar guitar live in front of her and dancing in a hula skirt." Looking at Akira Izumi with a guitar dance and winking eyes at her.

"You, you, you, you, you, hello! He, Izumi-senpai!"

As for the Headless Horseman... the flames on her neck suddenly rose to the sky, unable to make a sound. This should be a greeting, right?

——But I remember that the Headless Horseman is not headless, but the head and the body are separated. Usually, the head is on the body... What about her head?

Just when Izumi was so puzzled, Satania on the back suddenly spoke.

"...Familiar, now is not the time to exchange feelings! I don't know why, but I have the urge to teach this arrogant guy in front of me a lesson!" With her teeth bared, Satania narrowed her eyes and stared Looking at the vampire girl who was similar to her in many ways, she twisted her fingers unconsciously.

"...Hoho? Are you arrogant?" Flicking her long blond hair, the little bird You Feiyan who has experienced many "fights" is too lazy to talk nonsense. Now that she is full of self-confidence, she is already fearless. Even though there were seniors who were one year older than her in front of her, she still patted Machi Kyoko under her without hesitation, "...Then let the winners and losers do the talking, seniors—the battle is on! Kyoko, let's go!"

After giving an order, Machi Kyoko reflexively rushed towards them as if she had already gotten used to this pattern, and the two people behind her hurriedly followed suit, approaching Hequanming and his party aggressively and aggressively!

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